Extension “With” for immutable types
(My code is basically a rewrite of https://github.com/ababik/Remute so much of the credit goes there)
The idea is to use lambda expression to provide a general With
method for immutable objects.
With With
you can do:
using With;
public class Employee {
public string EmployeeFirstName { get; }
public string EmployeeLastName { get; }
public Employee(string employeeFirstName, string employeeLastName) {
EmployeeFirstName = employeeFirstName;
EmployeeLastName = employeeLastName;
public class Department {
public string DepartmentTitle { get; }
public Employee Manager { get; }
public Department() { /* .. */ }
public Department(int manager, string title) { /* .. */ }
public Department(string departmentTitle, Employee manager) {
DepartmentTitle = departmentTitle;
Manager = manager;
public class Organization {
public string OrganizationName { get; }
public Department DevelopmentDepartment { get; }
public Organization(string organizationName, Department developmentDepartment) {
OrganizationName = organizationName;
DevelopmentDepartment = developmentDepartment;
var expected = new Organization("Organization", new Department("Development Department", new Employee("John", "Doe")));
var actual = expected.With(x => x.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName, "Foo");
Console.WriteLine(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName); // "Doe"
Console.WriteLine(actual.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName); // "Foo"
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected, actual)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment, actual.DevelopmentDepartment)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager, actual.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.OrganizationName, actual.OrganizationName)); // true
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.DepartmentTitle, expected.DevelopmentDepartment.DepartmentTitle)); // true
var actual1 = expected.With(x => x.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName, "Foo");
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(actual, actual1)); // false
expects any classes in the modified 'path' to have a constructor accepting all properties (with a case insensitive match on property name) and will use that constructor only when necessary to create new objects. There is a lot of caching going on to try an give maximum performance.
The code is quite dense but I still hope to get some inputs on improving it or bug reports !
namespace With {
using ParameterResolver = ValueTuple<PropertyInfo, Func<object, object>>;
internal class WithInternal {
delegate object Activator(params object args);
delegate object ResolveInstanceDelegate<T>(T source);
ImmutableDictionary<string, (Activator activator, ParameterResolver parameterResolvers)> ActivationContextCache;
ImmutableDictionary<string, Delegate> ResolveInstanceExpressionCache;
WithInternal() {
ActivationContextCache = ImmutableDictionary<string, (Activator Activator, ParameterResolver ParameterResolvers)>.Empty;
ResolveInstanceExpressionCache = ImmutableDictionary<string, Delegate>.Empty;
public readonly static WithInternal Default = new WithInternal();
// Constructs immutable object from any other object.
public TInstance With<TInstance>(object source) {
if (source is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
return (TInstance)ResolveActivator(source.GetType(), typeof(TInstance), null, source, null);
// Contructs immutable object from existing one with changed property specified by lambda expression.
public TInstance With<TInstance, TValue>(TInstance source, Expression<Func<TInstance, TValue>> expression, object target) {
if (source is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
if (expression is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));
var sourceParameterExpression = expression.Parameters.Single();
var instanceExpression = expression.Body;
while (instanceExpression != sourceParameterExpression) {
if (!(instanceExpression is MemberExpression memberExpression) || !(memberExpression.Member is PropertyInfo property))
throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to process expression. Expression: '{instanceExpression}'.");
instanceExpression = memberExpression.Expression;
// create unique cache key, calc same key for x=>x.p and y=>y.p
string key;
try {
var exprStr = instanceExpression.ToString();
key = typeof(TInstance).FullName + '|' + exprStr.Remove(0, exprStr.IndexOf(Type.Delimiter) + 1);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception($"Unable to parse expression '{instanceExpression}'.", ex);
ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance> compiledExpression;
if (ResolveInstanceExpressionCache.TryGetValue(key, out var resolveInstanceDelegate)) {
compiledExpression = (ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance>)resolveInstanceDelegate;
} else {
var instanceConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(instanceExpression, typeof(object));
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance>>(instanceConvertExpression, sourceParameterExpression);
compiledExpression = lambdaExpression.Compile();
ResolveInstanceExpressionCache = ResolveInstanceExpressionCache.SetItem(key, compiledExpression);
var type = property.DeclaringType;
var instance = compiledExpression.Invoke(source);
target = ResolveActivator(type, type, property, instance, target);
return (TInstance)target;
object ResolveActivator(Type sourceType, Type valueType, PropertyInfo property, object instance, object target) {
var (activator, parameterResolvers) = GetActivator(sourceType, valueType);
// resolve activator arguments
var arguments = new object[parameterResolvers.Length];
var match = false;
for (var i = 0; i < parameterResolvers.Length; i++) {
var (resolverProperty, resolver) = parameterResolvers[i];
arguments[i] = resolverProperty == property ? target : resolver.Invoke(instance);
if (resolverProperty == property) match = true;
if (!match) throw new Exception($"Unable to construct object of type '{property.DeclaringType.Name}'. There is no constructor parameter matching property '{property.Name}'.");
return activator.Invoke(arguments);
(Activator activator, ParameterResolver parameterResolvers) GetActivator(Type sourceType, Type valueType) {
var key = sourceType.FullName + '|' + valueType.FullName;
if (ActivationContextCache.TryGetValue(key, out var res)) return res;
foreach (var constructor in valueType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors) {
var parameters = constructor.GetParameters();
// Get ParameterResolvers
var parameterResolvers = new ParameterResolver[parameters.Length];
var properties = sourceType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties.ToArray();
if (parameters.Length != properties.Length) continue;
var i=0;
foreach (var parameter in parameters) {
var property = properties.Where(x => string.Equals(x.Name, parameter.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault();
if (property is null || property.PropertyType != parameter.ParameterType) break;
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var parameterConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(parameterExpression, sourceType);
var propertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameterConvertExpression, property);
var propertyConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(propertyExpression, typeof(object));
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(propertyConvertExpression, parameterExpression);
var compiledExpression = lambdaExpression.Compile();
parameterResolvers[i++] = (property, compiledExpression);
if (i < parameters.Length) continue; // this ctor is no good
// get target activator
Activator activator;
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var argumentExpressions = new Expression[parameters.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) {
var arrayExpression = Expression.ArrayIndex(parameterExpression, Expression.Constant(i));
var arrayConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(arrayExpression, parameters[i].ParameterType);
argumentExpressions[i] = arrayConvertExpression;
var constructorExpression = Expression.New(constructor, argumentExpressions);
var constructorConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(constructorExpression, typeof(object));
var activatorLambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Activator>(constructorConvertExpression, parameterExpression);
activator = activatorLambdaExpression.Compile();
res = (activator, parameterResolvers);
ActivationContextCache = ActivationContextCache.SetItem(key, res);
return res;
throw new Exception($"Unable to find appropriate Constructor. Type '{sourceType.Name}'.");
// -------------------- ExtensionMethods.cs
public static class ExtensionMethods {
/// <summary>
/// Contructs immutable object from existing one with changed property specified by lambda expression.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TInstance">Immutable object type.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TValue">Value to set type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="instance">Original immutable object.</param>
/// <param name="expression">Navigation property specifying what to change.</param>
/// <param name="value">Value to set in the resulting object.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static TInstance With<TInstance, TValue>(this TInstance instance, Expression<Func<TInstance, TValue>> expression, TValue value) =>
WithInternal.Default.With(instance, expression, value);
/// <summary>
/// Constructs immutable object from any other object.
/// Helpful cloning immutable object or converting POCO, DTO, anonymous type, dynamic ect.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TInstance">Immutable object type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="source">Original object.</param>
/// <returns>Configuration to use. Default if not specified.</returns>
public static TInstance With<TInstance>(this object source) =>
c# extension-methods immutability expression-trees
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(My code is basically a rewrite of https://github.com/ababik/Remute so much of the credit goes there)
The idea is to use lambda expression to provide a general With
method for immutable objects.
With With
you can do:
using With;
public class Employee {
public string EmployeeFirstName { get; }
public string EmployeeLastName { get; }
public Employee(string employeeFirstName, string employeeLastName) {
EmployeeFirstName = employeeFirstName;
EmployeeLastName = employeeLastName;
public class Department {
public string DepartmentTitle { get; }
public Employee Manager { get; }
public Department() { /* .. */ }
public Department(int manager, string title) { /* .. */ }
public Department(string departmentTitle, Employee manager) {
DepartmentTitle = departmentTitle;
Manager = manager;
public class Organization {
public string OrganizationName { get; }
public Department DevelopmentDepartment { get; }
public Organization(string organizationName, Department developmentDepartment) {
OrganizationName = organizationName;
DevelopmentDepartment = developmentDepartment;
var expected = new Organization("Organization", new Department("Development Department", new Employee("John", "Doe")));
var actual = expected.With(x => x.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName, "Foo");
Console.WriteLine(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName); // "Doe"
Console.WriteLine(actual.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName); // "Foo"
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected, actual)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment, actual.DevelopmentDepartment)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager, actual.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.OrganizationName, actual.OrganizationName)); // true
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.DepartmentTitle, expected.DevelopmentDepartment.DepartmentTitle)); // true
var actual1 = expected.With(x => x.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName, "Foo");
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(actual, actual1)); // false
expects any classes in the modified 'path' to have a constructor accepting all properties (with a case insensitive match on property name) and will use that constructor only when necessary to create new objects. There is a lot of caching going on to try an give maximum performance.
The code is quite dense but I still hope to get some inputs on improving it or bug reports !
namespace With {
using ParameterResolver = ValueTuple<PropertyInfo, Func<object, object>>;
internal class WithInternal {
delegate object Activator(params object args);
delegate object ResolveInstanceDelegate<T>(T source);
ImmutableDictionary<string, (Activator activator, ParameterResolver parameterResolvers)> ActivationContextCache;
ImmutableDictionary<string, Delegate> ResolveInstanceExpressionCache;
WithInternal() {
ActivationContextCache = ImmutableDictionary<string, (Activator Activator, ParameterResolver ParameterResolvers)>.Empty;
ResolveInstanceExpressionCache = ImmutableDictionary<string, Delegate>.Empty;
public readonly static WithInternal Default = new WithInternal();
// Constructs immutable object from any other object.
public TInstance With<TInstance>(object source) {
if (source is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
return (TInstance)ResolveActivator(source.GetType(), typeof(TInstance), null, source, null);
// Contructs immutable object from existing one with changed property specified by lambda expression.
public TInstance With<TInstance, TValue>(TInstance source, Expression<Func<TInstance, TValue>> expression, object target) {
if (source is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
if (expression is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));
var sourceParameterExpression = expression.Parameters.Single();
var instanceExpression = expression.Body;
while (instanceExpression != sourceParameterExpression) {
if (!(instanceExpression is MemberExpression memberExpression) || !(memberExpression.Member is PropertyInfo property))
throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to process expression. Expression: '{instanceExpression}'.");
instanceExpression = memberExpression.Expression;
// create unique cache key, calc same key for x=>x.p and y=>y.p
string key;
try {
var exprStr = instanceExpression.ToString();
key = typeof(TInstance).FullName + '|' + exprStr.Remove(0, exprStr.IndexOf(Type.Delimiter) + 1);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception($"Unable to parse expression '{instanceExpression}'.", ex);
ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance> compiledExpression;
if (ResolveInstanceExpressionCache.TryGetValue(key, out var resolveInstanceDelegate)) {
compiledExpression = (ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance>)resolveInstanceDelegate;
} else {
var instanceConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(instanceExpression, typeof(object));
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance>>(instanceConvertExpression, sourceParameterExpression);
compiledExpression = lambdaExpression.Compile();
ResolveInstanceExpressionCache = ResolveInstanceExpressionCache.SetItem(key, compiledExpression);
var type = property.DeclaringType;
var instance = compiledExpression.Invoke(source);
target = ResolveActivator(type, type, property, instance, target);
return (TInstance)target;
object ResolveActivator(Type sourceType, Type valueType, PropertyInfo property, object instance, object target) {
var (activator, parameterResolvers) = GetActivator(sourceType, valueType);
// resolve activator arguments
var arguments = new object[parameterResolvers.Length];
var match = false;
for (var i = 0; i < parameterResolvers.Length; i++) {
var (resolverProperty, resolver) = parameterResolvers[i];
arguments[i] = resolverProperty == property ? target : resolver.Invoke(instance);
if (resolverProperty == property) match = true;
if (!match) throw new Exception($"Unable to construct object of type '{property.DeclaringType.Name}'. There is no constructor parameter matching property '{property.Name}'.");
return activator.Invoke(arguments);
(Activator activator, ParameterResolver parameterResolvers) GetActivator(Type sourceType, Type valueType) {
var key = sourceType.FullName + '|' + valueType.FullName;
if (ActivationContextCache.TryGetValue(key, out var res)) return res;
foreach (var constructor in valueType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors) {
var parameters = constructor.GetParameters();
// Get ParameterResolvers
var parameterResolvers = new ParameterResolver[parameters.Length];
var properties = sourceType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties.ToArray();
if (parameters.Length != properties.Length) continue;
var i=0;
foreach (var parameter in parameters) {
var property = properties.Where(x => string.Equals(x.Name, parameter.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault();
if (property is null || property.PropertyType != parameter.ParameterType) break;
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var parameterConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(parameterExpression, sourceType);
var propertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameterConvertExpression, property);
var propertyConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(propertyExpression, typeof(object));
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(propertyConvertExpression, parameterExpression);
var compiledExpression = lambdaExpression.Compile();
parameterResolvers[i++] = (property, compiledExpression);
if (i < parameters.Length) continue; // this ctor is no good
// get target activator
Activator activator;
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var argumentExpressions = new Expression[parameters.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) {
var arrayExpression = Expression.ArrayIndex(parameterExpression, Expression.Constant(i));
var arrayConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(arrayExpression, parameters[i].ParameterType);
argumentExpressions[i] = arrayConvertExpression;
var constructorExpression = Expression.New(constructor, argumentExpressions);
var constructorConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(constructorExpression, typeof(object));
var activatorLambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Activator>(constructorConvertExpression, parameterExpression);
activator = activatorLambdaExpression.Compile();
res = (activator, parameterResolvers);
ActivationContextCache = ActivationContextCache.SetItem(key, res);
return res;
throw new Exception($"Unable to find appropriate Constructor. Type '{sourceType.Name}'.");
// -------------------- ExtensionMethods.cs
public static class ExtensionMethods {
/// <summary>
/// Contructs immutable object from existing one with changed property specified by lambda expression.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TInstance">Immutable object type.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TValue">Value to set type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="instance">Original immutable object.</param>
/// <param name="expression">Navigation property specifying what to change.</param>
/// <param name="value">Value to set in the resulting object.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static TInstance With<TInstance, TValue>(this TInstance instance, Expression<Func<TInstance, TValue>> expression, TValue value) =>
WithInternal.Default.With(instance, expression, value);
/// <summary>
/// Constructs immutable object from any other object.
/// Helpful cloning immutable object or converting POCO, DTO, anonymous type, dynamic ect.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TInstance">Immutable object type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="source">Original object.</param>
/// <returns>Configuration to use. Default if not specified.</returns>
public static TInstance With<TInstance>(this object source) =>
c# extension-methods immutability expression-trees
add a comment |
(My code is basically a rewrite of https://github.com/ababik/Remute so much of the credit goes there)
The idea is to use lambda expression to provide a general With
method for immutable objects.
With With
you can do:
using With;
public class Employee {
public string EmployeeFirstName { get; }
public string EmployeeLastName { get; }
public Employee(string employeeFirstName, string employeeLastName) {
EmployeeFirstName = employeeFirstName;
EmployeeLastName = employeeLastName;
public class Department {
public string DepartmentTitle { get; }
public Employee Manager { get; }
public Department() { /* .. */ }
public Department(int manager, string title) { /* .. */ }
public Department(string departmentTitle, Employee manager) {
DepartmentTitle = departmentTitle;
Manager = manager;
public class Organization {
public string OrganizationName { get; }
public Department DevelopmentDepartment { get; }
public Organization(string organizationName, Department developmentDepartment) {
OrganizationName = organizationName;
DevelopmentDepartment = developmentDepartment;
var expected = new Organization("Organization", new Department("Development Department", new Employee("John", "Doe")));
var actual = expected.With(x => x.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName, "Foo");
Console.WriteLine(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName); // "Doe"
Console.WriteLine(actual.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName); // "Foo"
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected, actual)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment, actual.DevelopmentDepartment)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager, actual.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.OrganizationName, actual.OrganizationName)); // true
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.DepartmentTitle, expected.DevelopmentDepartment.DepartmentTitle)); // true
var actual1 = expected.With(x => x.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName, "Foo");
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(actual, actual1)); // false
expects any classes in the modified 'path' to have a constructor accepting all properties (with a case insensitive match on property name) and will use that constructor only when necessary to create new objects. There is a lot of caching going on to try an give maximum performance.
The code is quite dense but I still hope to get some inputs on improving it or bug reports !
namespace With {
using ParameterResolver = ValueTuple<PropertyInfo, Func<object, object>>;
internal class WithInternal {
delegate object Activator(params object args);
delegate object ResolveInstanceDelegate<T>(T source);
ImmutableDictionary<string, (Activator activator, ParameterResolver parameterResolvers)> ActivationContextCache;
ImmutableDictionary<string, Delegate> ResolveInstanceExpressionCache;
WithInternal() {
ActivationContextCache = ImmutableDictionary<string, (Activator Activator, ParameterResolver ParameterResolvers)>.Empty;
ResolveInstanceExpressionCache = ImmutableDictionary<string, Delegate>.Empty;
public readonly static WithInternal Default = new WithInternal();
// Constructs immutable object from any other object.
public TInstance With<TInstance>(object source) {
if (source is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
return (TInstance)ResolveActivator(source.GetType(), typeof(TInstance), null, source, null);
// Contructs immutable object from existing one with changed property specified by lambda expression.
public TInstance With<TInstance, TValue>(TInstance source, Expression<Func<TInstance, TValue>> expression, object target) {
if (source is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
if (expression is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));
var sourceParameterExpression = expression.Parameters.Single();
var instanceExpression = expression.Body;
while (instanceExpression != sourceParameterExpression) {
if (!(instanceExpression is MemberExpression memberExpression) || !(memberExpression.Member is PropertyInfo property))
throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to process expression. Expression: '{instanceExpression}'.");
instanceExpression = memberExpression.Expression;
// create unique cache key, calc same key for x=>x.p and y=>y.p
string key;
try {
var exprStr = instanceExpression.ToString();
key = typeof(TInstance).FullName + '|' + exprStr.Remove(0, exprStr.IndexOf(Type.Delimiter) + 1);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception($"Unable to parse expression '{instanceExpression}'.", ex);
ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance> compiledExpression;
if (ResolveInstanceExpressionCache.TryGetValue(key, out var resolveInstanceDelegate)) {
compiledExpression = (ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance>)resolveInstanceDelegate;
} else {
var instanceConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(instanceExpression, typeof(object));
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance>>(instanceConvertExpression, sourceParameterExpression);
compiledExpression = lambdaExpression.Compile();
ResolveInstanceExpressionCache = ResolveInstanceExpressionCache.SetItem(key, compiledExpression);
var type = property.DeclaringType;
var instance = compiledExpression.Invoke(source);
target = ResolveActivator(type, type, property, instance, target);
return (TInstance)target;
object ResolveActivator(Type sourceType, Type valueType, PropertyInfo property, object instance, object target) {
var (activator, parameterResolvers) = GetActivator(sourceType, valueType);
// resolve activator arguments
var arguments = new object[parameterResolvers.Length];
var match = false;
for (var i = 0; i < parameterResolvers.Length; i++) {
var (resolverProperty, resolver) = parameterResolvers[i];
arguments[i] = resolverProperty == property ? target : resolver.Invoke(instance);
if (resolverProperty == property) match = true;
if (!match) throw new Exception($"Unable to construct object of type '{property.DeclaringType.Name}'. There is no constructor parameter matching property '{property.Name}'.");
return activator.Invoke(arguments);
(Activator activator, ParameterResolver parameterResolvers) GetActivator(Type sourceType, Type valueType) {
var key = sourceType.FullName + '|' + valueType.FullName;
if (ActivationContextCache.TryGetValue(key, out var res)) return res;
foreach (var constructor in valueType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors) {
var parameters = constructor.GetParameters();
// Get ParameterResolvers
var parameterResolvers = new ParameterResolver[parameters.Length];
var properties = sourceType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties.ToArray();
if (parameters.Length != properties.Length) continue;
var i=0;
foreach (var parameter in parameters) {
var property = properties.Where(x => string.Equals(x.Name, parameter.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault();
if (property is null || property.PropertyType != parameter.ParameterType) break;
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var parameterConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(parameterExpression, sourceType);
var propertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameterConvertExpression, property);
var propertyConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(propertyExpression, typeof(object));
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(propertyConvertExpression, parameterExpression);
var compiledExpression = lambdaExpression.Compile();
parameterResolvers[i++] = (property, compiledExpression);
if (i < parameters.Length) continue; // this ctor is no good
// get target activator
Activator activator;
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var argumentExpressions = new Expression[parameters.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) {
var arrayExpression = Expression.ArrayIndex(parameterExpression, Expression.Constant(i));
var arrayConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(arrayExpression, parameters[i].ParameterType);
argumentExpressions[i] = arrayConvertExpression;
var constructorExpression = Expression.New(constructor, argumentExpressions);
var constructorConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(constructorExpression, typeof(object));
var activatorLambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Activator>(constructorConvertExpression, parameterExpression);
activator = activatorLambdaExpression.Compile();
res = (activator, parameterResolvers);
ActivationContextCache = ActivationContextCache.SetItem(key, res);
return res;
throw new Exception($"Unable to find appropriate Constructor. Type '{sourceType.Name}'.");
// -------------------- ExtensionMethods.cs
public static class ExtensionMethods {
/// <summary>
/// Contructs immutable object from existing one with changed property specified by lambda expression.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TInstance">Immutable object type.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TValue">Value to set type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="instance">Original immutable object.</param>
/// <param name="expression">Navigation property specifying what to change.</param>
/// <param name="value">Value to set in the resulting object.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static TInstance With<TInstance, TValue>(this TInstance instance, Expression<Func<TInstance, TValue>> expression, TValue value) =>
WithInternal.Default.With(instance, expression, value);
/// <summary>
/// Constructs immutable object from any other object.
/// Helpful cloning immutable object or converting POCO, DTO, anonymous type, dynamic ect.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TInstance">Immutable object type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="source">Original object.</param>
/// <returns>Configuration to use. Default if not specified.</returns>
public static TInstance With<TInstance>(this object source) =>
c# extension-methods immutability expression-trees
(My code is basically a rewrite of https://github.com/ababik/Remute so much of the credit goes there)
The idea is to use lambda expression to provide a general With
method for immutable objects.
With With
you can do:
using With;
public class Employee {
public string EmployeeFirstName { get; }
public string EmployeeLastName { get; }
public Employee(string employeeFirstName, string employeeLastName) {
EmployeeFirstName = employeeFirstName;
EmployeeLastName = employeeLastName;
public class Department {
public string DepartmentTitle { get; }
public Employee Manager { get; }
public Department() { /* .. */ }
public Department(int manager, string title) { /* .. */ }
public Department(string departmentTitle, Employee manager) {
DepartmentTitle = departmentTitle;
Manager = manager;
public class Organization {
public string OrganizationName { get; }
public Department DevelopmentDepartment { get; }
public Organization(string organizationName, Department developmentDepartment) {
OrganizationName = organizationName;
DevelopmentDepartment = developmentDepartment;
var expected = new Organization("Organization", new Department("Development Department", new Employee("John", "Doe")));
var actual = expected.With(x => x.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName, "Foo");
Console.WriteLine(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName); // "Doe"
Console.WriteLine(actual.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName); // "Foo"
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected, actual)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment, actual.DevelopmentDepartment)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager, actual.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager)); // false
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.OrganizationName, actual.OrganizationName)); // true
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(expected.DevelopmentDepartment.DepartmentTitle, expected.DevelopmentDepartment.DepartmentTitle)); // true
var actual1 = expected.With(x => x.DevelopmentDepartment.Manager.EmployeeFirstName, "Foo");
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(actual, actual1)); // false
expects any classes in the modified 'path' to have a constructor accepting all properties (with a case insensitive match on property name) and will use that constructor only when necessary to create new objects. There is a lot of caching going on to try an give maximum performance.
The code is quite dense but I still hope to get some inputs on improving it or bug reports !
namespace With {
using ParameterResolver = ValueTuple<PropertyInfo, Func<object, object>>;
internal class WithInternal {
delegate object Activator(params object args);
delegate object ResolveInstanceDelegate<T>(T source);
ImmutableDictionary<string, (Activator activator, ParameterResolver parameterResolvers)> ActivationContextCache;
ImmutableDictionary<string, Delegate> ResolveInstanceExpressionCache;
WithInternal() {
ActivationContextCache = ImmutableDictionary<string, (Activator Activator, ParameterResolver ParameterResolvers)>.Empty;
ResolveInstanceExpressionCache = ImmutableDictionary<string, Delegate>.Empty;
public readonly static WithInternal Default = new WithInternal();
// Constructs immutable object from any other object.
public TInstance With<TInstance>(object source) {
if (source is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
return (TInstance)ResolveActivator(source.GetType(), typeof(TInstance), null, source, null);
// Contructs immutable object from existing one with changed property specified by lambda expression.
public TInstance With<TInstance, TValue>(TInstance source, Expression<Func<TInstance, TValue>> expression, object target) {
if (source is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
if (expression is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));
var sourceParameterExpression = expression.Parameters.Single();
var instanceExpression = expression.Body;
while (instanceExpression != sourceParameterExpression) {
if (!(instanceExpression is MemberExpression memberExpression) || !(memberExpression.Member is PropertyInfo property))
throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to process expression. Expression: '{instanceExpression}'.");
instanceExpression = memberExpression.Expression;
// create unique cache key, calc same key for x=>x.p and y=>y.p
string key;
try {
var exprStr = instanceExpression.ToString();
key = typeof(TInstance).FullName + '|' + exprStr.Remove(0, exprStr.IndexOf(Type.Delimiter) + 1);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception($"Unable to parse expression '{instanceExpression}'.", ex);
ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance> compiledExpression;
if (ResolveInstanceExpressionCache.TryGetValue(key, out var resolveInstanceDelegate)) {
compiledExpression = (ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance>)resolveInstanceDelegate;
} else {
var instanceConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(instanceExpression, typeof(object));
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<ResolveInstanceDelegate<TInstance>>(instanceConvertExpression, sourceParameterExpression);
compiledExpression = lambdaExpression.Compile();
ResolveInstanceExpressionCache = ResolveInstanceExpressionCache.SetItem(key, compiledExpression);
var type = property.DeclaringType;
var instance = compiledExpression.Invoke(source);
target = ResolveActivator(type, type, property, instance, target);
return (TInstance)target;
object ResolveActivator(Type sourceType, Type valueType, PropertyInfo property, object instance, object target) {
var (activator, parameterResolvers) = GetActivator(sourceType, valueType);
// resolve activator arguments
var arguments = new object[parameterResolvers.Length];
var match = false;
for (var i = 0; i < parameterResolvers.Length; i++) {
var (resolverProperty, resolver) = parameterResolvers[i];
arguments[i] = resolverProperty == property ? target : resolver.Invoke(instance);
if (resolverProperty == property) match = true;
if (!match) throw new Exception($"Unable to construct object of type '{property.DeclaringType.Name}'. There is no constructor parameter matching property '{property.Name}'.");
return activator.Invoke(arguments);
(Activator activator, ParameterResolver parameterResolvers) GetActivator(Type sourceType, Type valueType) {
var key = sourceType.FullName + '|' + valueType.FullName;
if (ActivationContextCache.TryGetValue(key, out var res)) return res;
foreach (var constructor in valueType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors) {
var parameters = constructor.GetParameters();
// Get ParameterResolvers
var parameterResolvers = new ParameterResolver[parameters.Length];
var properties = sourceType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties.ToArray();
if (parameters.Length != properties.Length) continue;
var i=0;
foreach (var parameter in parameters) {
var property = properties.Where(x => string.Equals(x.Name, parameter.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault();
if (property is null || property.PropertyType != parameter.ParameterType) break;
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var parameterConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(parameterExpression, sourceType);
var propertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameterConvertExpression, property);
var propertyConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(propertyExpression, typeof(object));
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(propertyConvertExpression, parameterExpression);
var compiledExpression = lambdaExpression.Compile();
parameterResolvers[i++] = (property, compiledExpression);
if (i < parameters.Length) continue; // this ctor is no good
// get target activator
Activator activator;
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var argumentExpressions = new Expression[parameters.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) {
var arrayExpression = Expression.ArrayIndex(parameterExpression, Expression.Constant(i));
var arrayConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(arrayExpression, parameters[i].ParameterType);
argumentExpressions[i] = arrayConvertExpression;
var constructorExpression = Expression.New(constructor, argumentExpressions);
var constructorConvertExpression = Expression.Convert(constructorExpression, typeof(object));
var activatorLambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Activator>(constructorConvertExpression, parameterExpression);
activator = activatorLambdaExpression.Compile();
res = (activator, parameterResolvers);
ActivationContextCache = ActivationContextCache.SetItem(key, res);
return res;
throw new Exception($"Unable to find appropriate Constructor. Type '{sourceType.Name}'.");
// -------------------- ExtensionMethods.cs
public static class ExtensionMethods {
/// <summary>
/// Contructs immutable object from existing one with changed property specified by lambda expression.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TInstance">Immutable object type.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TValue">Value to set type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="instance">Original immutable object.</param>
/// <param name="expression">Navigation property specifying what to change.</param>
/// <param name="value">Value to set in the resulting object.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static TInstance With<TInstance, TValue>(this TInstance instance, Expression<Func<TInstance, TValue>> expression, TValue value) =>
WithInternal.Default.With(instance, expression, value);
/// <summary>
/// Constructs immutable object from any other object.
/// Helpful cloning immutable object or converting POCO, DTO, anonymous type, dynamic ect.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TInstance">Immutable object type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="source">Original object.</param>
/// <returns>Configuration to use. Default if not specified.</returns>
public static TInstance With<TInstance>(this object source) =>
c# extension-methods immutability expression-trees
c# extension-methods immutability expression-trees
edited 12 mins ago
asked 7 hours ago
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