Change Field index to not_analyzed through hive external table
I am indexing data to ES through hive by using the query : CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE json2 ( time_id_1 STRING, acnt_nm) STORED BY 'org.elasticsearch.hadoop.hive.EsStorageHandler' TBLPROPERTIES('es.resource' = 'es_testing/test', 'es.nodes' = 'xxx'); insert overwrite table json2 select time_id_1 , acnt_nm from table_x; I want my string column acnt_nm to be "not analyzed". I found out there is a way of doing this through Mapping API by setting the "index": "not_analyzed" I know this can be done through explicit mapping. But that is very cumbersome as i will have to do that every time before indexing any new data. But can i do the same through the hive external table creation command ? Or maybe just edit the index to "not_analyzed...