
Showing posts from December 11, 2018

On click automatically draw rectangle on the SVG Map

up vote -1 down vote favorite I tried an example of drawing circle in SVG map but i want to draw rectangle and i am unable to do it. My task is to select one of the rectangle of particular shape from left panel and goto map and then click wherever i want. On cursor click rectangle should be created. There are different size of rectangle on left panel of my website like 3x3, 3x6, 6x6 etc. below is the example var svg = document.getElementById('mysvg'), NS = svg.getAttribute('xmlns'), local = svg.getElementById('local'), coords = document.getElementById('coords'); // add a circle to the SVG svg.addEventListener('click', function(e) { var t =, x = e.clientX, y = e.clientY, target = (t == svg ? svg : t.parentNode), svgP = svgPoint(ta...

Is there anything called anonymous or private bitcoins?

up vote 2 down vote favorite Are there different types of bitcoins? Is there anything called private or anonymous bitcoin which can not be traced? This question may sound stupid but I am facing this question right now. I have a client who wants to pay in bitcoins. However the kind of bitcoins he is talking about I have never heard of. For verification he opened a separate wallet for me from a website called (I never heard of it). Then he transferred a bitcoin and 0.001 in that wallet. Then I transferred that bitcoin back to his wallet for testing. However the confusing part is that I checked these wallets on, it does show the wallets but doesn't show any transaction history which I assume means no record on the ledger. I am posting the image of that wallet. I know very little about b...