
Showing posts from December 12, 2018

Cookie Clicker in Java

up vote 1 down vote favorite This is my first graphical application I have made in my life (except HTML and Javascript-Applications, if that counts). It's a simple implementation of Cookie Clicker, the famous browser game. Unfortunately the size of the buttons equals the size of columns. That does not look good. I have seen a solution that uses two layouts. A GridLayout, and an additional FlotLayout. But the code looks that ugly, that I don't want use this way of programming. I would be very thankful if you have tips for me how to improve the code quality! Programming a graphical application is much more harder and complex than writing textual applications. import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class CookieClicker extends JFrame { // non graphical variable...