BitLocker takes days on an empty external disk / Is “Encrypt used disk space only” available on Windows...
I have Windows 7 x64 and a brand new USB external 2 TB hard drive. I formatted it and I confirm it's empty. I enabled BitLocker, and two things happen: It is about to take at least 10 hours or even days: The disk was initially empty (1.81 TB free / 1.81 TB total), but just after enabling BitLocker, it's like the disk is immediately full (5.99 GB free out of 1.81 TB): No files are present when I open F: though. Why does BitLocker take hours on a brand new empty disk? Note: I've found this screenshot for Windows 10 here. Is the option "Encrypt used disk space only" available in Windows 7 for removable devices ("BitLocker To Go")?
windows-7 hard-drive external-hard-drive encryption bitlocker