
Showing posts from December 30, 2018

Why am I getting a NOENT using Node core module 'fs'

0 This a repeat question (not yet answered) but I have revised and tightened up the code. And, I have included the specific example. I am sorry to keep beating this drum, but I need help. This is a Node API. I need to read and write JSON data. I am using the Node core module 'fs', not the npm package by the same name (or fs-extra). I have extracted the particular area of concern onto a standalone module that is shown here: 'use strict'; /*================================================== This service GETs the list of ids to the json data files to be processed, from a json file with the id 'ids.json'. It returns and exports idsList (an array holding the ids of the json data files) It also calls putIdsCleared to clear the 'ids.json' file for the next batch of proce...