
Showing posts from December 25, 2018

Issue in comparing token contract address and address(0) in Solidity 0.5.0

1 I am trying to compare the token contract address with the address(0). This was working fine in older version of truffle and solidity compiler (0.4.24). When I upgraded truffle and started using the latest truffle and compiler version (0.5.0) I am unable to compare the token contract address and address(0). Could you please assist me to resolve this ? solidity truffle remix open-zeppelin share | improve this question edited 1 hour ago asked 2 hours ago iappmaker ...

Why is “xcodebuild: command not found” in this build script?

0 Hi I have the following in the root of my xcode project: #!/bin/bash xcodebuild -scheme target1 clean; xcodebuild -scheme target1 archive; xcodebuild -scheme target2 clean; xcodebuild -scheme target2 archive; However, this only executes the first line xcodebuild -scheme target1 clean; and then yields ... ** CLEAN SUCCEEDED ** xcodebuild: command not found xcodebuild: command not found xcodebuild: command not found Disclaimer: I'm an absolute Mac OS X / Unix greenhorn. Edit : Following kranteg's suggestion I added pwd to the script: #!/bin/bash pwd; xcodebuild -scheme target1 clean; pwd; xcodebuild -scheme target1 archive; pwd; xcodebuild -scheme target2 clean; pwd; xcodebuild -scheme target2 archive; pwd; The output: /Users/CKU/Programme/uraClient === CLEAN TARGET uraClien...