Java CommandLine Interface implementation

Multi tool use
Multi tool use



I wrote got a lot of mini apps. Each app has it's own InputHandler for Input from the keyboard. It's time to make a lib for that purpose - a CommandLineInterface.

Can you review my code on

  • Design

  • OOP

  • Clean Code

  • Naming (my bad englisch leads to bad naming)

Interface CommandLineInterpreter

any class that implements this interface can be use the CommandLineInterface. M is the application, which implements the CommandLineInterpreter

public interface CommandLineInterpreter<M> { 
Set<Command<M>> getCommands();
Response executeCommand(String identifier, List<String> parameter);

Class Command

the Commandis responible to map in command typed via CLI into an action (method-call) on your app. To execute the command the Class is generic on M (which is your app) so you can call these app-specific methods.

public abstract class Command<M> {

private final String identifier;

public Command(String identifier) {
this.identifier = identifier;

public abstract Response execute(M invoked, List<String> parameter);

public String getIdentifier() {
return identifier;

public boolean isIdentifier(String ident) {
return identifier.equals(ident);

public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Command command = (Command) o;
return Objects.equals(identifier, command.identifier);

public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(identifier);

Class Response

provides information if the execution of an command was successful or not.

public class Response {
private final String message;
private final String details;
private final Type type;

private Response(Type type, String message, String details) {
this.type = type;
this.message = message;
this.details = details;

public static Response fail(String message) {
return fail(message, "");

public static Response fail(String message, String details) {
return response(Type.FAILURE, message, details);

private static Response response(Type type, String message, String details) {
return new Response(type, message, details);

public static Response success() {
return success("ok", "");

public static Response success(String message) {
return success(message, "");

public static Response success(String message, String details) {
return response(Type.SUCCESS, message, details);

public boolean failed() {
return type == Type.FAILURE;

public String toString() {
return type.toString() + ":" + message + (details.isEmpty() ? "" : "
Details: " + details);

private enum Type {SUCCESS, FAILURE}

Class CommandLineInterface

this class handles the user input fromm command line. it is itself an CommandLineInterpreter and offers two basic commands: help and exit.

public class CommandLineInterface implements CommandLineInterpreter<CommandLineInterface> {

private static final String COMMAND_SEPARATOR = " ";
private final CommandLineInterpreter cli;
private final InputStream input;
private final PrintStream output;
private boolean isRunning = true;

public CommandLineInterface(CommandLineInterpreter<?> cli, InputStream input, PrintStream output) {
if (cli == null || hasPredefinedCommands(cli.getCommands())) {
throw new RuntimeException("CommandLineInterpreter interface of " + cli + " is not properly implemented");
this.cli = cli;
this.input = input;
this.output = output;

private boolean hasPredefinedCommands(Set<? extends Command<?>> commands) {
return !Collections.disjoint(commands, getCommands());

public void start() {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(input);
while (isRunning) {
String command = scanner.nextLine();
List<String> line = Arrays.asList(command.split(COMMAND_SEPARATOR));
String identifier = line.get(0);
List<String> parameters = line.subList(1, line.size());
if (isExecutableCommand(identifier)) {
Response response = executeCommand(identifier, parameters);
if (response.failed()) {
} else {

private boolean isExecutableCommand(String identifier) {
for (Command cmd : getAllCommands()) {
if (cmd.isIdentifier(identifier)) {
return true;
return false;

private void showHelp() {
Set<Command<?>> commands = getAllCommands();
output.println("help - these commands are available:");
commands.forEach(c -> output.printf(" - %sn", c.getIdentifier()));

private void showResponse(Response response) {

public Set<Command<CommandLineInterface>> getCommands() {
Set<Command<CommandLineInterface>> cliCommands = new HashSet<>();
cliCommands.add(new Command<CommandLineInterface>("exit") {
public Response execute(CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface, List<String> parameter) {
isRunning = false;
return Response.success();
cliCommands.add(new Command<CommandLineInterface>("help") {
public Response execute(CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface, List<String> parameter) {
return Response.success();
return cliCommands;

private Set<Command<?>> getAllCommands() {
Set<Command<?>> commands = mapCommands(cli.getCommands());
return commands;

private Set<Command<?>> mapCommands(Set commands) {
Set<Command<?>> mappedCommands = new HashSet<>();
for (Object o : commands) mapCommand(o).ifPresent(mappedCommands::add);
return mappedCommands;

private Optional<Command<?>> mapCommand(Object o) {
return (o instanceof Command<?>) ? Optional.of((Command<?>) o) : Optional.empty();

public Response executeCommand(String identifier, List<String> parameter) {
Optional<Command<CommandLineInterface>> cmd = getCommands().stream().filter(command -> command.isIdentifier(identifier)).findAny();
if (cmd.isPresent()) {
return cmd.get().execute(this, parameter);
} else {
return cli.executeCommand(identifier, parameter);



if you have implementet the interfaces properly you should have easy to use CLI support for your apps:

public static void main(String args) {
ExampleApplication app = new ExampleApplication();//implements CommandLineInterpreter
CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface = new CommandLineInterface(app,, System.out);


this is an example output from an example app that does not much...

help - these commands are available:
- exampleCommand
- help
- exit
help - these commands are available:
- exampleCommand
- help
- exit
$>exampleCommand p1 p2 p3
i could do some actual work now if i were not a mere example, parameter [p1, p2, p3]

Process finished with exit code 0





    I wrote got a lot of mini apps. Each app has it's own InputHandler for Input from the keyboard. It's time to make a lib for that purpose - a CommandLineInterface.

    Can you review my code on

    • Design

    • OOP

    • Clean Code

    • Naming (my bad englisch leads to bad naming)

    Interface CommandLineInterpreter

    any class that implements this interface can be use the CommandLineInterface. M is the application, which implements the CommandLineInterpreter

    public interface CommandLineInterpreter<M> { 
    Set<Command<M>> getCommands();
    Response executeCommand(String identifier, List<String> parameter);

    Class Command

    the Commandis responible to map in command typed via CLI into an action (method-call) on your app. To execute the command the Class is generic on M (which is your app) so you can call these app-specific methods.

    public abstract class Command<M> {

    private final String identifier;

    public Command(String identifier) {
    this.identifier = identifier;

    public abstract Response execute(M invoked, List<String> parameter);

    public String getIdentifier() {
    return identifier;

    public boolean isIdentifier(String ident) {
    return identifier.equals(ident);

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
    Command command = (Command) o;
    return Objects.equals(identifier, command.identifier);

    public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(identifier);

    Class Response

    provides information if the execution of an command was successful or not.

    public class Response {
    private final String message;
    private final String details;
    private final Type type;

    private Response(Type type, String message, String details) {
    this.type = type;
    this.message = message;
    this.details = details;

    public static Response fail(String message) {
    return fail(message, "");

    public static Response fail(String message, String details) {
    return response(Type.FAILURE, message, details);

    private static Response response(Type type, String message, String details) {
    return new Response(type, message, details);

    public static Response success() {
    return success("ok", "");

    public static Response success(String message) {
    return success(message, "");

    public static Response success(String message, String details) {
    return response(Type.SUCCESS, message, details);

    public boolean failed() {
    return type == Type.FAILURE;

    public String toString() {
    return type.toString() + ":" + message + (details.isEmpty() ? "" : "
    Details: " + details);

    private enum Type {SUCCESS, FAILURE}

    Class CommandLineInterface

    this class handles the user input fromm command line. it is itself an CommandLineInterpreter and offers two basic commands: help and exit.

    public class CommandLineInterface implements CommandLineInterpreter<CommandLineInterface> {

    private static final String COMMAND_SEPARATOR = " ";
    private final CommandLineInterpreter cli;
    private final InputStream input;
    private final PrintStream output;
    private boolean isRunning = true;

    public CommandLineInterface(CommandLineInterpreter<?> cli, InputStream input, PrintStream output) {
    if (cli == null || hasPredefinedCommands(cli.getCommands())) {
    throw new RuntimeException("CommandLineInterpreter interface of " + cli + " is not properly implemented");
    this.cli = cli;
    this.input = input;
    this.output = output;

    private boolean hasPredefinedCommands(Set<? extends Command<?>> commands) {
    return !Collections.disjoint(commands, getCommands());

    public void start() {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(input);
    while (isRunning) {
    String command = scanner.nextLine();
    List<String> line = Arrays.asList(command.split(COMMAND_SEPARATOR));
    String identifier = line.get(0);
    List<String> parameters = line.subList(1, line.size());
    if (isExecutableCommand(identifier)) {
    Response response = executeCommand(identifier, parameters);
    if (response.failed()) {
    } else {

    private boolean isExecutableCommand(String identifier) {
    for (Command cmd : getAllCommands()) {
    if (cmd.isIdentifier(identifier)) {
    return true;
    return false;

    private void showHelp() {
    Set<Command<?>> commands = getAllCommands();
    output.println("help - these commands are available:");
    commands.forEach(c -> output.printf(" - %sn", c.getIdentifier()));

    private void showResponse(Response response) {

    public Set<Command<CommandLineInterface>> getCommands() {
    Set<Command<CommandLineInterface>> cliCommands = new HashSet<>();
    cliCommands.add(new Command<CommandLineInterface>("exit") {
    public Response execute(CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface, List<String> parameter) {
    isRunning = false;
    return Response.success();
    cliCommands.add(new Command<CommandLineInterface>("help") {
    public Response execute(CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface, List<String> parameter) {
    return Response.success();
    return cliCommands;

    private Set<Command<?>> getAllCommands() {
    Set<Command<?>> commands = mapCommands(cli.getCommands());
    return commands;

    private Set<Command<?>> mapCommands(Set commands) {
    Set<Command<?>> mappedCommands = new HashSet<>();
    for (Object o : commands) mapCommand(o).ifPresent(mappedCommands::add);
    return mappedCommands;

    private Optional<Command<?>> mapCommand(Object o) {
    return (o instanceof Command<?>) ? Optional.of((Command<?>) o) : Optional.empty();

    public Response executeCommand(String identifier, List<String> parameter) {
    Optional<Command<CommandLineInterface>> cmd = getCommands().stream().filter(command -> command.isIdentifier(identifier)).findAny();
    if (cmd.isPresent()) {
    return cmd.get().execute(this, parameter);
    } else {
    return cli.executeCommand(identifier, parameter);



    if you have implementet the interfaces properly you should have easy to use CLI support for your apps:

    public static void main(String args) {
    ExampleApplication app = new ExampleApplication();//implements CommandLineInterpreter
    CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface = new CommandLineInterface(app,, System.out);


    this is an example output from an example app that does not much...

    help - these commands are available:
    - exampleCommand
    - help
    - exit
    help - these commands are available:
    - exampleCommand
    - help
    - exit
    $>exampleCommand p1 p2 p3
    i could do some actual work now if i were not a mere example, parameter [p1, p2, p3]

    Process finished with exit code 0







      I wrote got a lot of mini apps. Each app has it's own InputHandler for Input from the keyboard. It's time to make a lib for that purpose - a CommandLineInterface.

      Can you review my code on

      • Design

      • OOP

      • Clean Code

      • Naming (my bad englisch leads to bad naming)

      Interface CommandLineInterpreter

      any class that implements this interface can be use the CommandLineInterface. M is the application, which implements the CommandLineInterpreter

      public interface CommandLineInterpreter<M> { 
      Set<Command<M>> getCommands();
      Response executeCommand(String identifier, List<String> parameter);

      Class Command

      the Commandis responible to map in command typed via CLI into an action (method-call) on your app. To execute the command the Class is generic on M (which is your app) so you can call these app-specific methods.

      public abstract class Command<M> {

      private final String identifier;

      public Command(String identifier) {
      this.identifier = identifier;

      public abstract Response execute(M invoked, List<String> parameter);

      public String getIdentifier() {
      return identifier;

      public boolean isIdentifier(String ident) {
      return identifier.equals(ident);

      public boolean equals(Object o) {
      if (this == o) return true;
      if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
      Command command = (Command) o;
      return Objects.equals(identifier, command.identifier);

      public int hashCode() {
      return Objects.hash(identifier);

      Class Response

      provides information if the execution of an command was successful or not.

      public class Response {
      private final String message;
      private final String details;
      private final Type type;

      private Response(Type type, String message, String details) {
      this.type = type;
      this.message = message;
      this.details = details;

      public static Response fail(String message) {
      return fail(message, "");

      public static Response fail(String message, String details) {
      return response(Type.FAILURE, message, details);

      private static Response response(Type type, String message, String details) {
      return new Response(type, message, details);

      public static Response success() {
      return success("ok", "");

      public static Response success(String message) {
      return success(message, "");

      public static Response success(String message, String details) {
      return response(Type.SUCCESS, message, details);

      public boolean failed() {
      return type == Type.FAILURE;

      public String toString() {
      return type.toString() + ":" + message + (details.isEmpty() ? "" : "
      Details: " + details);

      private enum Type {SUCCESS, FAILURE}

      Class CommandLineInterface

      this class handles the user input fromm command line. it is itself an CommandLineInterpreter and offers two basic commands: help and exit.

      public class CommandLineInterface implements CommandLineInterpreter<CommandLineInterface> {

      private static final String COMMAND_SEPARATOR = " ";
      private final CommandLineInterpreter cli;
      private final InputStream input;
      private final PrintStream output;
      private boolean isRunning = true;

      public CommandLineInterface(CommandLineInterpreter<?> cli, InputStream input, PrintStream output) {
      if (cli == null || hasPredefinedCommands(cli.getCommands())) {
      throw new RuntimeException("CommandLineInterpreter interface of " + cli + " is not properly implemented");
      this.cli = cli;
      this.input = input;
      this.output = output;

      private boolean hasPredefinedCommands(Set<? extends Command<?>> commands) {
      return !Collections.disjoint(commands, getCommands());

      public void start() {
      Scanner scanner = new Scanner(input);
      while (isRunning) {
      String command = scanner.nextLine();
      List<String> line = Arrays.asList(command.split(COMMAND_SEPARATOR));
      String identifier = line.get(0);
      List<String> parameters = line.subList(1, line.size());
      if (isExecutableCommand(identifier)) {
      Response response = executeCommand(identifier, parameters);
      if (response.failed()) {
      } else {

      private boolean isExecutableCommand(String identifier) {
      for (Command cmd : getAllCommands()) {
      if (cmd.isIdentifier(identifier)) {
      return true;
      return false;

      private void showHelp() {
      Set<Command<?>> commands = getAllCommands();
      output.println("help - these commands are available:");
      commands.forEach(c -> output.printf(" - %sn", c.getIdentifier()));

      private void showResponse(Response response) {

      public Set<Command<CommandLineInterface>> getCommands() {
      Set<Command<CommandLineInterface>> cliCommands = new HashSet<>();
      cliCommands.add(new Command<CommandLineInterface>("exit") {
      public Response execute(CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface, List<String> parameter) {
      isRunning = false;
      return Response.success();
      cliCommands.add(new Command<CommandLineInterface>("help") {
      public Response execute(CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface, List<String> parameter) {
      return Response.success();
      return cliCommands;

      private Set<Command<?>> getAllCommands() {
      Set<Command<?>> commands = mapCommands(cli.getCommands());
      return commands;

      private Set<Command<?>> mapCommands(Set commands) {
      Set<Command<?>> mappedCommands = new HashSet<>();
      for (Object o : commands) mapCommand(o).ifPresent(mappedCommands::add);
      return mappedCommands;

      private Optional<Command<?>> mapCommand(Object o) {
      return (o instanceof Command<?>) ? Optional.of((Command<?>) o) : Optional.empty();

      public Response executeCommand(String identifier, List<String> parameter) {
      Optional<Command<CommandLineInterface>> cmd = getCommands().stream().filter(command -> command.isIdentifier(identifier)).findAny();
      if (cmd.isPresent()) {
      return cmd.get().execute(this, parameter);
      } else {
      return cli.executeCommand(identifier, parameter);



      if you have implementet the interfaces properly you should have easy to use CLI support for your apps:

      public static void main(String args) {
      ExampleApplication app = new ExampleApplication();//implements CommandLineInterpreter
      CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface = new CommandLineInterface(app,, System.out);


      this is an example output from an example app that does not much...

      help - these commands are available:
      - exampleCommand
      - help
      - exit
      help - these commands are available:
      - exampleCommand
      - help
      - exit
      $>exampleCommand p1 p2 p3
      i could do some actual work now if i were not a mere example, parameter [p1, p2, p3]

      Process finished with exit code 0



      I wrote got a lot of mini apps. Each app has it's own InputHandler for Input from the keyboard. It's time to make a lib for that purpose - a CommandLineInterface.

      Can you review my code on

      • Design

      • OOP

      • Clean Code

      • Naming (my bad englisch leads to bad naming)

      Interface CommandLineInterpreter

      any class that implements this interface can be use the CommandLineInterface. M is the application, which implements the CommandLineInterpreter

      public interface CommandLineInterpreter<M> { 
      Set<Command<M>> getCommands();
      Response executeCommand(String identifier, List<String> parameter);

      Class Command

      the Commandis responible to map in command typed via CLI into an action (method-call) on your app. To execute the command the Class is generic on M (which is your app) so you can call these app-specific methods.

      public abstract class Command<M> {

      private final String identifier;

      public Command(String identifier) {
      this.identifier = identifier;

      public abstract Response execute(M invoked, List<String> parameter);

      public String getIdentifier() {
      return identifier;

      public boolean isIdentifier(String ident) {
      return identifier.equals(ident);

      public boolean equals(Object o) {
      if (this == o) return true;
      if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
      Command command = (Command) o;
      return Objects.equals(identifier, command.identifier);

      public int hashCode() {
      return Objects.hash(identifier);

      Class Response

      provides information if the execution of an command was successful or not.

      public class Response {
      private final String message;
      private final String details;
      private final Type type;

      private Response(Type type, String message, String details) {
      this.type = type;
      this.message = message;
      this.details = details;

      public static Response fail(String message) {
      return fail(message, "");

      public static Response fail(String message, String details) {
      return response(Type.FAILURE, message, details);

      private static Response response(Type type, String message, String details) {
      return new Response(type, message, details);

      public static Response success() {
      return success("ok", "");

      public static Response success(String message) {
      return success(message, "");

      public static Response success(String message, String details) {
      return response(Type.SUCCESS, message, details);

      public boolean failed() {
      return type == Type.FAILURE;

      public String toString() {
      return type.toString() + ":" + message + (details.isEmpty() ? "" : "
      Details: " + details);

      private enum Type {SUCCESS, FAILURE}

      Class CommandLineInterface

      this class handles the user input fromm command line. it is itself an CommandLineInterpreter and offers two basic commands: help and exit.

      public class CommandLineInterface implements CommandLineInterpreter<CommandLineInterface> {

      private static final String COMMAND_SEPARATOR = " ";
      private final CommandLineInterpreter cli;
      private final InputStream input;
      private final PrintStream output;
      private boolean isRunning = true;

      public CommandLineInterface(CommandLineInterpreter<?> cli, InputStream input, PrintStream output) {
      if (cli == null || hasPredefinedCommands(cli.getCommands())) {
      throw new RuntimeException("CommandLineInterpreter interface of " + cli + " is not properly implemented");
      this.cli = cli;
      this.input = input;
      this.output = output;

      private boolean hasPredefinedCommands(Set<? extends Command<?>> commands) {
      return !Collections.disjoint(commands, getCommands());

      public void start() {
      Scanner scanner = new Scanner(input);
      while (isRunning) {
      String command = scanner.nextLine();
      List<String> line = Arrays.asList(command.split(COMMAND_SEPARATOR));
      String identifier = line.get(0);
      List<String> parameters = line.subList(1, line.size());
      if (isExecutableCommand(identifier)) {
      Response response = executeCommand(identifier, parameters);
      if (response.failed()) {
      } else {

      private boolean isExecutableCommand(String identifier) {
      for (Command cmd : getAllCommands()) {
      if (cmd.isIdentifier(identifier)) {
      return true;
      return false;

      private void showHelp() {
      Set<Command<?>> commands = getAllCommands();
      output.println("help - these commands are available:");
      commands.forEach(c -> output.printf(" - %sn", c.getIdentifier()));

      private void showResponse(Response response) {

      public Set<Command<CommandLineInterface>> getCommands() {
      Set<Command<CommandLineInterface>> cliCommands = new HashSet<>();
      cliCommands.add(new Command<CommandLineInterface>("exit") {
      public Response execute(CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface, List<String> parameter) {
      isRunning = false;
      return Response.success();
      cliCommands.add(new Command<CommandLineInterface>("help") {
      public Response execute(CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface, List<String> parameter) {
      return Response.success();
      return cliCommands;

      private Set<Command<?>> getAllCommands() {
      Set<Command<?>> commands = mapCommands(cli.getCommands());
      return commands;

      private Set<Command<?>> mapCommands(Set commands) {
      Set<Command<?>> mappedCommands = new HashSet<>();
      for (Object o : commands) mapCommand(o).ifPresent(mappedCommands::add);
      return mappedCommands;

      private Optional<Command<?>> mapCommand(Object o) {
      return (o instanceof Command<?>) ? Optional.of((Command<?>) o) : Optional.empty();

      public Response executeCommand(String identifier, List<String> parameter) {
      Optional<Command<CommandLineInterface>> cmd = getCommands().stream().filter(command -> command.isIdentifier(identifier)).findAny();
      if (cmd.isPresent()) {
      return cmd.get().execute(this, parameter);
      } else {
      return cli.executeCommand(identifier, parameter);



      if you have implementet the interfaces properly you should have easy to use CLI support for your apps:

      public static void main(String args) {
      ExampleApplication app = new ExampleApplication();//implements CommandLineInterpreter
      CommandLineInterface commandLineInterface = new CommandLineInterface(app,, System.out);


      this is an example output from an example app that does not much...

      help - these commands are available:
      - exampleCommand
      - help
      - exit
      help - these commands are available:
      - exampleCommand
      - help
      - exit
      $>exampleCommand p1 p2 p3
      i could do some actual work now if i were not a mere example, parameter [p1, p2, p3]

      Process finished with exit code 0

      java object-oriented





      asked 7 mins ago

      Martin FrankMartin Frank







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