How to create a VM scale set from a Snapshot
I want to create a VM Scale set and use a snapshot as base for my windows VMs. As the Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile only accepts images my first try was to convert the snapshot to an image by use:
$rgName = #...
$location = #...
$snapshotName = "mySnapshot"
$imageName = "myImage"
$snapshot = Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rgName -SnapshotName $snapshotName
$imageConfig = New-AzureRmImageConfig -Location $location
$imageConfig = Set-AzureRmImageOsDisk -Image $imageConfig -OsState Generalized -OsType Windows -SnapshotId $snapshot.Id
New-AzureRmImage -ImageName $imageName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Image $imageConfig
But in this case the image that is created has no Source Blob URI:
what gives me the error:
New-AzureRmVmss : The URI Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Automation.Models.PSImage does not look to be correct blob URI.
On my deploy commands for azure:
$vmss = New-AzureRmVmssConfig -Location $loc -SkuCapacity 2 -SkuName "Standard_DS1_v2" -UpgradePolicyMode "manual" -ErrorAction Stop
Add-AzureRmVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Name "vmssNetwork" -Primary $true -IPConfiguration $ipConfig
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" `
-Image $ImgRef -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
Set-AzureRmVmssOSProfile -ComputerNamePrefix $vmNamePrefix -AdminUsername $adminUsername -AdminPassword $adminPassword -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
New-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName $currentrg -Name $vmssName -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop;
Is there a other way to create the image or set a source blob uri?
Or is it possible to use a snapshot for creating an VM Scale Set?
-- Edit 1 --
Afer the hint from Charles Xu I changhed the image creation to first create a dik, but I still get the same error. New Code is:
$rgName = #...
$location = #...
$snapshotName = "mySnapshot"
$imageName = "myImage"
$storageType = 'Standard_LRS'
$diskName = "myDisk"
$snapshot = Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rgName -SnapshotName $snapshotName
$diskConfig = New-AzureRmDiskConfig -AccountType $storageType -Location $location -CreateOption Copy -SourceResourceId $snapshot.Id
$disk = New-AzureRmDisk -Disk $diskConfig -ResourceGroupName $rgName -DiskName $diskName
$imageConfig = New-AzureRmImageConfig -Location $location
$imageConfig = Set-AzureRmImageOsDisk -Image $imageConfig -OsState Generalized -OsType Windows -ManagedDiskId $disk.Id
New-AzureRmImage -ImageName $imageName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Image $imageConfig
azure azure-devops azure-powershell azure-vm-scale-set
add a comment |
I want to create a VM Scale set and use a snapshot as base for my windows VMs. As the Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile only accepts images my first try was to convert the snapshot to an image by use:
$rgName = #...
$location = #...
$snapshotName = "mySnapshot"
$imageName = "myImage"
$snapshot = Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rgName -SnapshotName $snapshotName
$imageConfig = New-AzureRmImageConfig -Location $location
$imageConfig = Set-AzureRmImageOsDisk -Image $imageConfig -OsState Generalized -OsType Windows -SnapshotId $snapshot.Id
New-AzureRmImage -ImageName $imageName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Image $imageConfig
But in this case the image that is created has no Source Blob URI:
what gives me the error:
New-AzureRmVmss : The URI Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Automation.Models.PSImage does not look to be correct blob URI.
On my deploy commands for azure:
$vmss = New-AzureRmVmssConfig -Location $loc -SkuCapacity 2 -SkuName "Standard_DS1_v2" -UpgradePolicyMode "manual" -ErrorAction Stop
Add-AzureRmVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Name "vmssNetwork" -Primary $true -IPConfiguration $ipConfig
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" `
-Image $ImgRef -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
Set-AzureRmVmssOSProfile -ComputerNamePrefix $vmNamePrefix -AdminUsername $adminUsername -AdminPassword $adminPassword -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
New-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName $currentrg -Name $vmssName -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop;
Is there a other way to create the image or set a source blob uri?
Or is it possible to use a snapshot for creating an VM Scale Set?
-- Edit 1 --
Afer the hint from Charles Xu I changhed the image creation to first create a dik, but I still get the same error. New Code is:
$rgName = #...
$location = #...
$snapshotName = "mySnapshot"
$imageName = "myImage"
$storageType = 'Standard_LRS'
$diskName = "myDisk"
$snapshot = Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rgName -SnapshotName $snapshotName
$diskConfig = New-AzureRmDiskConfig -AccountType $storageType -Location $location -CreateOption Copy -SourceResourceId $snapshot.Id
$disk = New-AzureRmDisk -Disk $diskConfig -ResourceGroupName $rgName -DiskName $diskName
$imageConfig = New-AzureRmImageConfig -Location $location
$imageConfig = Set-AzureRmImageOsDisk -Image $imageConfig -OsState Generalized -OsType Windows -ManagedDiskId $disk.Id
New-AzureRmImage -ImageName $imageName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Image $imageConfig
azure azure-devops azure-powershell azure-vm-scale-set
add a comment |
I want to create a VM Scale set and use a snapshot as base for my windows VMs. As the Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile only accepts images my first try was to convert the snapshot to an image by use:
$rgName = #...
$location = #...
$snapshotName = "mySnapshot"
$imageName = "myImage"
$snapshot = Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rgName -SnapshotName $snapshotName
$imageConfig = New-AzureRmImageConfig -Location $location
$imageConfig = Set-AzureRmImageOsDisk -Image $imageConfig -OsState Generalized -OsType Windows -SnapshotId $snapshot.Id
New-AzureRmImage -ImageName $imageName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Image $imageConfig
But in this case the image that is created has no Source Blob URI:
what gives me the error:
New-AzureRmVmss : The URI Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Automation.Models.PSImage does not look to be correct blob URI.
On my deploy commands for azure:
$vmss = New-AzureRmVmssConfig -Location $loc -SkuCapacity 2 -SkuName "Standard_DS1_v2" -UpgradePolicyMode "manual" -ErrorAction Stop
Add-AzureRmVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Name "vmssNetwork" -Primary $true -IPConfiguration $ipConfig
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" `
-Image $ImgRef -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
Set-AzureRmVmssOSProfile -ComputerNamePrefix $vmNamePrefix -AdminUsername $adminUsername -AdminPassword $adminPassword -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
New-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName $currentrg -Name $vmssName -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop;
Is there a other way to create the image or set a source blob uri?
Or is it possible to use a snapshot for creating an VM Scale Set?
-- Edit 1 --
Afer the hint from Charles Xu I changhed the image creation to first create a dik, but I still get the same error. New Code is:
$rgName = #...
$location = #...
$snapshotName = "mySnapshot"
$imageName = "myImage"
$storageType = 'Standard_LRS'
$diskName = "myDisk"
$snapshot = Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rgName -SnapshotName $snapshotName
$diskConfig = New-AzureRmDiskConfig -AccountType $storageType -Location $location -CreateOption Copy -SourceResourceId $snapshot.Id
$disk = New-AzureRmDisk -Disk $diskConfig -ResourceGroupName $rgName -DiskName $diskName
$imageConfig = New-AzureRmImageConfig -Location $location
$imageConfig = Set-AzureRmImageOsDisk -Image $imageConfig -OsState Generalized -OsType Windows -ManagedDiskId $disk.Id
New-AzureRmImage -ImageName $imageName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Image $imageConfig
azure azure-devops azure-powershell azure-vm-scale-set
I want to create a VM Scale set and use a snapshot as base for my windows VMs. As the Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile only accepts images my first try was to convert the snapshot to an image by use:
$rgName = #...
$location = #...
$snapshotName = "mySnapshot"
$imageName = "myImage"
$snapshot = Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rgName -SnapshotName $snapshotName
$imageConfig = New-AzureRmImageConfig -Location $location
$imageConfig = Set-AzureRmImageOsDisk -Image $imageConfig -OsState Generalized -OsType Windows -SnapshotId $snapshot.Id
New-AzureRmImage -ImageName $imageName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Image $imageConfig
But in this case the image that is created has no Source Blob URI:
what gives me the error:
New-AzureRmVmss : The URI Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Automation.Models.PSImage does not look to be correct blob URI.
On my deploy commands for azure:
$vmss = New-AzureRmVmssConfig -Location $loc -SkuCapacity 2 -SkuName "Standard_DS1_v2" -UpgradePolicyMode "manual" -ErrorAction Stop
Add-AzureRmVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Name "vmssNetwork" -Primary $true -IPConfiguration $ipConfig
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" `
-Image $ImgRef -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
Set-AzureRmVmssOSProfile -ComputerNamePrefix $vmNamePrefix -AdminUsername $adminUsername -AdminPassword $adminPassword -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
New-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName $currentrg -Name $vmssName -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop;
Is there a other way to create the image or set a source blob uri?
Or is it possible to use a snapshot for creating an VM Scale Set?
-- Edit 1 --
Afer the hint from Charles Xu I changhed the image creation to first create a dik, but I still get the same error. New Code is:
$rgName = #...
$location = #...
$snapshotName = "mySnapshot"
$imageName = "myImage"
$storageType = 'Standard_LRS'
$diskName = "myDisk"
$snapshot = Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rgName -SnapshotName $snapshotName
$diskConfig = New-AzureRmDiskConfig -AccountType $storageType -Location $location -CreateOption Copy -SourceResourceId $snapshot.Id
$disk = New-AzureRmDisk -Disk $diskConfig -ResourceGroupName $rgName -DiskName $diskName
$imageConfig = New-AzureRmImageConfig -Location $location
$imageConfig = Set-AzureRmImageOsDisk -Image $imageConfig -OsState Generalized -OsType Windows -ManagedDiskId $disk.Id
New-AzureRmImage -ImageName $imageName -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Image $imageConfig
azure azure-devops azure-powershell azure-vm-scale-set
azure azure-devops azure-powershell azure-vm-scale-set
edited Nov 26 '18 at 8:30
Daniel W.
asked Nov 26 '18 at 7:42
Daniel W.Daniel W.
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2 Answers
You can create an image from an Azure VM. For example, you can create a windows image from the windows VM through PowerShell, see Create and use a custom image for virtual machine scale sets with Azure PowerShell. When the image is OK, Just create the VMSS like this:
New-AzureRmVmss `
-ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-Location "EastUS" `
-VMScaleSetName "myScaleSet" `
-VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" `
-SubnetName "mySubnet" `
-PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIPAddress" `
-LoadBalancerName "myLoadBalancer" `
-UpgradePolicyMode "Automatic" `
-ImageName "yourImage"
Also, the snapshot is OK, but you should create the image from the snapshot first. And then create the VMSS from the image. With the command New-AzureRmImage
, the image should be a managed image, so you cannot see the URI. Just use the managed image Id in the command like this:
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
And just talk about how to create images, I would suggest you the Packer and there is an example here.
I assume that your custom image is prepared. And the PowerShell script like this:
#Get the custom image
$image = Get-AzureRmImage -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -ImageName myPackerImage
# Get the existing Vnet
$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name pakcerVnet
#IP configuration
$ipName = "ipConfig"
#create the IP configuration
$ipConfig = New-AzureRmVmssIpConfig -Name $ipName -LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsId $null -SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[0].Id
#create vmss configuration
$vmss = New-AzureRmVmssConfig -Location "East US" -SkuCapacity 2 -SkuName "Standard_DS1_v2" -UpgradePolicyMode "manual" -ErrorAction Stop
##Add the network interface configuration to the scale set configuration
Add-AzureRmVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Name "vmssNetwork" -Primary $true -IPConfiguration $ipConfig
# set the stroage profile
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId $image.Id -OsDiskOsType Linux
#set the os profile
Set-AzureRmVmssOSProfile -ComputerNamePrefix "Test" -AdminUsername "azureuser" -AdminPassword "azureuser@2018" -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
#create the vmss
New-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name TestVmss -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
Use a Image direkt from AzureVm is not a real option for me. First create Disk does not work, see edit in the post.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 8:32
The disk I said in the answer means a managed image. It's impossible if you want to create VMSS from a snapshot directly. You must create an image from a snapshot through the commandNew-AzureRmImage
. Then use the commandNew-AzureRmVmss
with the parameterImageName
to use the image. You could take a look at the link about custom image.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 8:41
Ok sad but like my sample code shows, I try create the image from the snapshot. But I can not use New-AzureRmVmss with ImageName because I need to go by use of New-AzureRmVmssConfig because I need to use a existing Network. And in the Parameter Set I can not use ImageName if I set VirtualMachineScaleSet parameter. So I have to use Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 9:40
Maybe you can try the commandSet-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile
with the parameter-ImageReferenceId
, without other image parameters.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:45
For example,Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:49
show 10 more comments
folks. So what about create a "Virtual Machine in Scale Set" from a customized snapshot. Is this possible or one scale set could only have one base image and all vms under this scale set could only reimaged to the same baseline ?
I only know the workaround with first creating an image from the snapshot, I would also find it nice to have a direct way.
– Daniel W.
Dec 18 '18 at 7:48
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2 Answers
2 Answers
You can create an image from an Azure VM. For example, you can create a windows image from the windows VM through PowerShell, see Create and use a custom image for virtual machine scale sets with Azure PowerShell. When the image is OK, Just create the VMSS like this:
New-AzureRmVmss `
-ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-Location "EastUS" `
-VMScaleSetName "myScaleSet" `
-VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" `
-SubnetName "mySubnet" `
-PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIPAddress" `
-LoadBalancerName "myLoadBalancer" `
-UpgradePolicyMode "Automatic" `
-ImageName "yourImage"
Also, the snapshot is OK, but you should create the image from the snapshot first. And then create the VMSS from the image. With the command New-AzureRmImage
, the image should be a managed image, so you cannot see the URI. Just use the managed image Id in the command like this:
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
And just talk about how to create images, I would suggest you the Packer and there is an example here.
I assume that your custom image is prepared. And the PowerShell script like this:
#Get the custom image
$image = Get-AzureRmImage -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -ImageName myPackerImage
# Get the existing Vnet
$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name pakcerVnet
#IP configuration
$ipName = "ipConfig"
#create the IP configuration
$ipConfig = New-AzureRmVmssIpConfig -Name $ipName -LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsId $null -SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[0].Id
#create vmss configuration
$vmss = New-AzureRmVmssConfig -Location "East US" -SkuCapacity 2 -SkuName "Standard_DS1_v2" -UpgradePolicyMode "manual" -ErrorAction Stop
##Add the network interface configuration to the scale set configuration
Add-AzureRmVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Name "vmssNetwork" -Primary $true -IPConfiguration $ipConfig
# set the stroage profile
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId $image.Id -OsDiskOsType Linux
#set the os profile
Set-AzureRmVmssOSProfile -ComputerNamePrefix "Test" -AdminUsername "azureuser" -AdminPassword "azureuser@2018" -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
#create the vmss
New-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name TestVmss -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
Use a Image direkt from AzureVm is not a real option for me. First create Disk does not work, see edit in the post.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 8:32
The disk I said in the answer means a managed image. It's impossible if you want to create VMSS from a snapshot directly. You must create an image from a snapshot through the commandNew-AzureRmImage
. Then use the commandNew-AzureRmVmss
with the parameterImageName
to use the image. You could take a look at the link about custom image.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 8:41
Ok sad but like my sample code shows, I try create the image from the snapshot. But I can not use New-AzureRmVmss with ImageName because I need to go by use of New-AzureRmVmssConfig because I need to use a existing Network. And in the Parameter Set I can not use ImageName if I set VirtualMachineScaleSet parameter. So I have to use Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 9:40
Maybe you can try the commandSet-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile
with the parameter-ImageReferenceId
, without other image parameters.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:45
For example,Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:49
show 10 more comments
You can create an image from an Azure VM. For example, you can create a windows image from the windows VM through PowerShell, see Create and use a custom image for virtual machine scale sets with Azure PowerShell. When the image is OK, Just create the VMSS like this:
New-AzureRmVmss `
-ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-Location "EastUS" `
-VMScaleSetName "myScaleSet" `
-VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" `
-SubnetName "mySubnet" `
-PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIPAddress" `
-LoadBalancerName "myLoadBalancer" `
-UpgradePolicyMode "Automatic" `
-ImageName "yourImage"
Also, the snapshot is OK, but you should create the image from the snapshot first. And then create the VMSS from the image. With the command New-AzureRmImage
, the image should be a managed image, so you cannot see the URI. Just use the managed image Id in the command like this:
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
And just talk about how to create images, I would suggest you the Packer and there is an example here.
I assume that your custom image is prepared. And the PowerShell script like this:
#Get the custom image
$image = Get-AzureRmImage -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -ImageName myPackerImage
# Get the existing Vnet
$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name pakcerVnet
#IP configuration
$ipName = "ipConfig"
#create the IP configuration
$ipConfig = New-AzureRmVmssIpConfig -Name $ipName -LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsId $null -SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[0].Id
#create vmss configuration
$vmss = New-AzureRmVmssConfig -Location "East US" -SkuCapacity 2 -SkuName "Standard_DS1_v2" -UpgradePolicyMode "manual" -ErrorAction Stop
##Add the network interface configuration to the scale set configuration
Add-AzureRmVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Name "vmssNetwork" -Primary $true -IPConfiguration $ipConfig
# set the stroage profile
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId $image.Id -OsDiskOsType Linux
#set the os profile
Set-AzureRmVmssOSProfile -ComputerNamePrefix "Test" -AdminUsername "azureuser" -AdminPassword "azureuser@2018" -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
#create the vmss
New-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name TestVmss -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
Use a Image direkt from AzureVm is not a real option for me. First create Disk does not work, see edit in the post.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 8:32
The disk I said in the answer means a managed image. It's impossible if you want to create VMSS from a snapshot directly. You must create an image from a snapshot through the commandNew-AzureRmImage
. Then use the commandNew-AzureRmVmss
with the parameterImageName
to use the image. You could take a look at the link about custom image.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 8:41
Ok sad but like my sample code shows, I try create the image from the snapshot. But I can not use New-AzureRmVmss with ImageName because I need to go by use of New-AzureRmVmssConfig because I need to use a existing Network. And in the Parameter Set I can not use ImageName if I set VirtualMachineScaleSet parameter. So I have to use Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 9:40
Maybe you can try the commandSet-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile
with the parameter-ImageReferenceId
, without other image parameters.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:45
For example,Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:49
show 10 more comments
You can create an image from an Azure VM. For example, you can create a windows image from the windows VM through PowerShell, see Create and use a custom image for virtual machine scale sets with Azure PowerShell. When the image is OK, Just create the VMSS like this:
New-AzureRmVmss `
-ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-Location "EastUS" `
-VMScaleSetName "myScaleSet" `
-VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" `
-SubnetName "mySubnet" `
-PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIPAddress" `
-LoadBalancerName "myLoadBalancer" `
-UpgradePolicyMode "Automatic" `
-ImageName "yourImage"
Also, the snapshot is OK, but you should create the image from the snapshot first. And then create the VMSS from the image. With the command New-AzureRmImage
, the image should be a managed image, so you cannot see the URI. Just use the managed image Id in the command like this:
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
And just talk about how to create images, I would suggest you the Packer and there is an example here.
I assume that your custom image is prepared. And the PowerShell script like this:
#Get the custom image
$image = Get-AzureRmImage -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -ImageName myPackerImage
# Get the existing Vnet
$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name pakcerVnet
#IP configuration
$ipName = "ipConfig"
#create the IP configuration
$ipConfig = New-AzureRmVmssIpConfig -Name $ipName -LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsId $null -SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[0].Id
#create vmss configuration
$vmss = New-AzureRmVmssConfig -Location "East US" -SkuCapacity 2 -SkuName "Standard_DS1_v2" -UpgradePolicyMode "manual" -ErrorAction Stop
##Add the network interface configuration to the scale set configuration
Add-AzureRmVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Name "vmssNetwork" -Primary $true -IPConfiguration $ipConfig
# set the stroage profile
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId $image.Id -OsDiskOsType Linux
#set the os profile
Set-AzureRmVmssOSProfile -ComputerNamePrefix "Test" -AdminUsername "azureuser" -AdminPassword "azureuser@2018" -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
#create the vmss
New-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name TestVmss -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
You can create an image from an Azure VM. For example, you can create a windows image from the windows VM through PowerShell, see Create and use a custom image for virtual machine scale sets with Azure PowerShell. When the image is OK, Just create the VMSS like this:
New-AzureRmVmss `
-ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-Location "EastUS" `
-VMScaleSetName "myScaleSet" `
-VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" `
-SubnetName "mySubnet" `
-PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIPAddress" `
-LoadBalancerName "myLoadBalancer" `
-UpgradePolicyMode "Automatic" `
-ImageName "yourImage"
Also, the snapshot is OK, but you should create the image from the snapshot first. And then create the VMSS from the image. With the command New-AzureRmImage
, the image should be a managed image, so you cannot see the URI. Just use the managed image Id in the command like this:
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
And just talk about how to create images, I would suggest you the Packer and there is an example here.
I assume that your custom image is prepared. And the PowerShell script like this:
#Get the custom image
$image = Get-AzureRmImage -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -ImageName myPackerImage
# Get the existing Vnet
$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name pakcerVnet
#IP configuration
$ipName = "ipConfig"
#create the IP configuration
$ipConfig = New-AzureRmVmssIpConfig -Name $ipName -LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsId $null -SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[0].Id
#create vmss configuration
$vmss = New-AzureRmVmssConfig -Location "East US" -SkuCapacity 2 -SkuName "Standard_DS1_v2" -UpgradePolicyMode "manual" -ErrorAction Stop
##Add the network interface configuration to the scale set configuration
Add-AzureRmVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -Name "vmssNetwork" -Primary $true -IPConfiguration $ipConfig
# set the stroage profile
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId $image.Id -OsDiskOsType Linux
#set the os profile
Set-AzureRmVmssOSProfile -ComputerNamePrefix "Test" -AdminUsername "azureuser" -AdminPassword "azureuser@2018" -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
#create the vmss
New-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName charlesTerraform -Name TestVmss -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss
edited Nov 28 '18 at 8:50
answered Nov 26 '18 at 7:52
Charles XuCharles Xu
Use a Image direkt from AzureVm is not a real option for me. First create Disk does not work, see edit in the post.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 8:32
The disk I said in the answer means a managed image. It's impossible if you want to create VMSS from a snapshot directly. You must create an image from a snapshot through the commandNew-AzureRmImage
. Then use the commandNew-AzureRmVmss
with the parameterImageName
to use the image. You could take a look at the link about custom image.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 8:41
Ok sad but like my sample code shows, I try create the image from the snapshot. But I can not use New-AzureRmVmss with ImageName because I need to go by use of New-AzureRmVmssConfig because I need to use a existing Network. And in the Parameter Set I can not use ImageName if I set VirtualMachineScaleSet parameter. So I have to use Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 9:40
Maybe you can try the commandSet-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile
with the parameter-ImageReferenceId
, without other image parameters.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:45
For example,Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:49
show 10 more comments
Use a Image direkt from AzureVm is not a real option for me. First create Disk does not work, see edit in the post.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 8:32
The disk I said in the answer means a managed image. It's impossible if you want to create VMSS from a snapshot directly. You must create an image from a snapshot through the commandNew-AzureRmImage
. Then use the commandNew-AzureRmVmss
with the parameterImageName
to use the image. You could take a look at the link about custom image.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 8:41
Ok sad but like my sample code shows, I try create the image from the snapshot. But I can not use New-AzureRmVmss with ImageName because I need to go by use of New-AzureRmVmssConfig because I need to use a existing Network. And in the Parameter Set I can not use ImageName if I set VirtualMachineScaleSet parameter. So I have to use Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 9:40
Maybe you can try the commandSet-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile
with the parameter-ImageReferenceId
, without other image parameters.
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:45
For example,Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:49
Use a Image direkt from AzureVm is not a real option for me. First create Disk does not work, see edit in the post.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 8:32
Use a Image direkt from AzureVm is not a real option for me. First create Disk does not work, see edit in the post.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 8:32
The disk I said in the answer means a managed image. It's impossible if you want to create VMSS from a snapshot directly. You must create an image from a snapshot through the command
. Then use the command New-AzureRmVmss
with the parameter ImageName
to use the image. You could take a look at the link about custom image.– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 8:41
The disk I said in the answer means a managed image. It's impossible if you want to create VMSS from a snapshot directly. You must create an image from a snapshot through the command
. Then use the command New-AzureRmVmss
with the parameter ImageName
to use the image. You could take a look at the link about custom image.– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 8:41
Ok sad but like my sample code shows, I try create the image from the snapshot. But I can not use New-AzureRmVmss with ImageName because I need to go by use of New-AzureRmVmssConfig because I need to use a existing Network. And in the Parameter Set I can not use ImageName if I set VirtualMachineScaleSet parameter. So I have to use Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 9:40
Ok sad but like my sample code shows, I try create the image from the snapshot. But I can not use New-AzureRmVmss with ImageName because I need to go by use of New-AzureRmVmssConfig because I need to use a existing Network. And in the Parameter Set I can not use ImageName if I set VirtualMachineScaleSet parameter. So I have to use Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile.
– Daniel W.
Nov 26 '18 at 9:40
Maybe you can try the command
with the parameter -ImageReferenceId
, without other image parameters.– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:45
Maybe you can try the command
with the parameter -ImageReferenceId
, without other image parameters.– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:45
For example,
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
.– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:49
For example,
Set-AzureRmVmssStorageProfile -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss -OsDiskCreateOption "FromImage" -OsDiskCaching "None" -ImageReferenceId yourImageId -OsDiskOsType Windows -OsDiskName "C"
.– Charles Xu
Nov 26 '18 at 9:49
show 10 more comments
folks. So what about create a "Virtual Machine in Scale Set" from a customized snapshot. Is this possible or one scale set could only have one base image and all vms under this scale set could only reimaged to the same baseline ?
I only know the workaround with first creating an image from the snapshot, I would also find it nice to have a direct way.
– Daniel W.
Dec 18 '18 at 7:48
add a comment |
folks. So what about create a "Virtual Machine in Scale Set" from a customized snapshot. Is this possible or one scale set could only have one base image and all vms under this scale set could only reimaged to the same baseline ?
I only know the workaround with first creating an image from the snapshot, I would also find it nice to have a direct way.
– Daniel W.
Dec 18 '18 at 7:48
add a comment |
folks. So what about create a "Virtual Machine in Scale Set" from a customized snapshot. Is this possible or one scale set could only have one base image and all vms under this scale set could only reimaged to the same baseline ?
folks. So what about create a "Virtual Machine in Scale Set" from a customized snapshot. Is this possible or one scale set could only have one base image and all vms under this scale set could only reimaged to the same baseline ?
answered Dec 8 '18 at 6:42
dave zhoudave zhou
I only know the workaround with first creating an image from the snapshot, I would also find it nice to have a direct way.
– Daniel W.
Dec 18 '18 at 7:48
add a comment |
I only know the workaround with first creating an image from the snapshot, I would also find it nice to have a direct way.
– Daniel W.
Dec 18 '18 at 7:48
I only know the workaround with first creating an image from the snapshot, I would also find it nice to have a direct way.
– Daniel W.
Dec 18 '18 at 7:48
I only know the workaround with first creating an image from the snapshot, I would also find it nice to have a direct way.
– Daniel W.
Dec 18 '18 at 7:48
add a comment |
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