Loading data via Excel to SQL
I am loading data from a excel file to sql, I added comments to the code to further clarify what each lines purpose is.
private void Events_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//open dialog for file select of event file
string filePath = OpenFileDialogParameters.FileDialog("", "", "", 2);
//if file select is not null
if (filePath != null)
//catch errors in this block
//begin a transaction
using (var transaction = Context.Database.BeginTransaction())
//parse file into dataset
Events_DataSet = ReadExcel.OpenExcel(filePath);
int Drivecode = 0;
DBEVENT Events = //get all rows in table 0
(from x in Events_DataSet.Tables[0].Select()
//last row must be drivecode, test to ensure it is not empty string
where x.ItemArray[x.ItemArray.Length - 1].ToString() != string.Empty
let dc = Drivecode = int.Parse(x.ItemArray[x.ItemArray.Length - 1].ToString())
//join Session Drive status on drivecode
join sds in Context.SDS on dc.ToString() equals sds.DriveCode into hasSD
//ensure there is a drive loaded for this file and that the file hasnt already been processed
where hasSD.Count() == 1 & hasSD.First().Events == false
//select all items that fit these parameters to a array
select new DBEVENT(x)).ToArray();
//if duplicates found fail with error message
if (Context.DBEVENTS.Where(x => x.קוד_נסיעה == Drivecode).Count() != 0)
StatusBox.Text += "קובץ אירועי נסיעה כבר נטען למסד הנתונים עבור " + Environment.NewLine + "נסיעה " + Events[0].קוד_נסיעה + Environment.NewLine;
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
//ensure there are events to add
if (Events.Count() > 0)
//add each event to the table
foreach (var Event in Events)
//start inner try catch to handle saving
//Save Data
//After Save add Completion to SessionDriveTable
var sdcompletion = (from sda in Context.SDS
where Drivecode.ToString() == sda.DriveCode
where sda != null
select sda).First().Events = true;
//save completion
button2s.Fill = Brushes.LawnGreen;
catch (Exception ex)
//rollback changes
//throw this error to the outer exception handler
//to ensure the entities are removed from the change tracker
throw ex;
//no events created could be drive doesn't exist or events already added
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
DataRow dr = Events_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[1];
var DriveCode = dr[dr.ItemArray.Count() - 1].ToString();
StatusBox.Text += "מספר הנסיעה " + DriveCode + " לא קיים במסד הנתונים." + Environment.NewLine + "אנא השלם פרטי נסיעה טרם טעינת קובץ." + Environment.NewLine;
//main exception handler
//rolls back any tracked changes in entity framework
//unwraps exceptions to the most relevant inner exception
catch (Exception ex)
while (ex.InnerException != null)
ex = ex.InnerException;
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
StatusBox.Text += ex.Message + Environment.NewLine;
Exception roll back simply removes any items added modified deleted using entity framework change tracker.
public void ExceptionRollback()
if (Context.ChangeTracker.HasChanges())
foreach (var entry in Context.ChangeTracker.Entries()
.Where(entry => entry.State == EntityState.Added ||
entry.State == EntityState.Modified ||
entry.State == EntityState.Deleted))
entry.State = EntityState.Detached;
Really looking for ideas on how to abstract the functionality away from the UI code...
c# entity-framework
add a comment |
I am loading data from a excel file to sql, I added comments to the code to further clarify what each lines purpose is.
private void Events_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//open dialog for file select of event file
string filePath = OpenFileDialogParameters.FileDialog("", "", "", 2);
//if file select is not null
if (filePath != null)
//catch errors in this block
//begin a transaction
using (var transaction = Context.Database.BeginTransaction())
//parse file into dataset
Events_DataSet = ReadExcel.OpenExcel(filePath);
int Drivecode = 0;
DBEVENT Events = //get all rows in table 0
(from x in Events_DataSet.Tables[0].Select()
//last row must be drivecode, test to ensure it is not empty string
where x.ItemArray[x.ItemArray.Length - 1].ToString() != string.Empty
let dc = Drivecode = int.Parse(x.ItemArray[x.ItemArray.Length - 1].ToString())
//join Session Drive status on drivecode
join sds in Context.SDS on dc.ToString() equals sds.DriveCode into hasSD
//ensure there is a drive loaded for this file and that the file hasnt already been processed
where hasSD.Count() == 1 & hasSD.First().Events == false
//select all items that fit these parameters to a array
select new DBEVENT(x)).ToArray();
//if duplicates found fail with error message
if (Context.DBEVENTS.Where(x => x.קוד_נסיעה == Drivecode).Count() != 0)
StatusBox.Text += "קובץ אירועי נסיעה כבר נטען למסד הנתונים עבור " + Environment.NewLine + "נסיעה " + Events[0].קוד_נסיעה + Environment.NewLine;
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
//ensure there are events to add
if (Events.Count() > 0)
//add each event to the table
foreach (var Event in Events)
//start inner try catch to handle saving
//Save Data
//After Save add Completion to SessionDriveTable
var sdcompletion = (from sda in Context.SDS
where Drivecode.ToString() == sda.DriveCode
where sda != null
select sda).First().Events = true;
//save completion
button2s.Fill = Brushes.LawnGreen;
catch (Exception ex)
//rollback changes
//throw this error to the outer exception handler
//to ensure the entities are removed from the change tracker
throw ex;
//no events created could be drive doesn't exist or events already added
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
DataRow dr = Events_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[1];
var DriveCode = dr[dr.ItemArray.Count() - 1].ToString();
StatusBox.Text += "מספר הנסיעה " + DriveCode + " לא קיים במסד הנתונים." + Environment.NewLine + "אנא השלם פרטי נסיעה טרם טעינת קובץ." + Environment.NewLine;
//main exception handler
//rolls back any tracked changes in entity framework
//unwraps exceptions to the most relevant inner exception
catch (Exception ex)
while (ex.InnerException != null)
ex = ex.InnerException;
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
StatusBox.Text += ex.Message + Environment.NewLine;
Exception roll back simply removes any items added modified deleted using entity framework change tracker.
public void ExceptionRollback()
if (Context.ChangeTracker.HasChanges())
foreach (var entry in Context.ChangeTracker.Entries()
.Where(entry => entry.State == EntityState.Added ||
entry.State == EntityState.Modified ||
entry.State == EntityState.Deleted))
entry.State = EntityState.Detached;
Really looking for ideas on how to abstract the functionality away from the UI code...
c# entity-framework
add a comment |
I am loading data from a excel file to sql, I added comments to the code to further clarify what each lines purpose is.
private void Events_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//open dialog for file select of event file
string filePath = OpenFileDialogParameters.FileDialog("", "", "", 2);
//if file select is not null
if (filePath != null)
//catch errors in this block
//begin a transaction
using (var transaction = Context.Database.BeginTransaction())
//parse file into dataset
Events_DataSet = ReadExcel.OpenExcel(filePath);
int Drivecode = 0;
DBEVENT Events = //get all rows in table 0
(from x in Events_DataSet.Tables[0].Select()
//last row must be drivecode, test to ensure it is not empty string
where x.ItemArray[x.ItemArray.Length - 1].ToString() != string.Empty
let dc = Drivecode = int.Parse(x.ItemArray[x.ItemArray.Length - 1].ToString())
//join Session Drive status on drivecode
join sds in Context.SDS on dc.ToString() equals sds.DriveCode into hasSD
//ensure there is a drive loaded for this file and that the file hasnt already been processed
where hasSD.Count() == 1 & hasSD.First().Events == false
//select all items that fit these parameters to a array
select new DBEVENT(x)).ToArray();
//if duplicates found fail with error message
if (Context.DBEVENTS.Where(x => x.קוד_נסיעה == Drivecode).Count() != 0)
StatusBox.Text += "קובץ אירועי נסיעה כבר נטען למסד הנתונים עבור " + Environment.NewLine + "נסיעה " + Events[0].קוד_נסיעה + Environment.NewLine;
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
//ensure there are events to add
if (Events.Count() > 0)
//add each event to the table
foreach (var Event in Events)
//start inner try catch to handle saving
//Save Data
//After Save add Completion to SessionDriveTable
var sdcompletion = (from sda in Context.SDS
where Drivecode.ToString() == sda.DriveCode
where sda != null
select sda).First().Events = true;
//save completion
button2s.Fill = Brushes.LawnGreen;
catch (Exception ex)
//rollback changes
//throw this error to the outer exception handler
//to ensure the entities are removed from the change tracker
throw ex;
//no events created could be drive doesn't exist or events already added
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
DataRow dr = Events_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[1];
var DriveCode = dr[dr.ItemArray.Count() - 1].ToString();
StatusBox.Text += "מספר הנסיעה " + DriveCode + " לא קיים במסד הנתונים." + Environment.NewLine + "אנא השלם פרטי נסיעה טרם טעינת קובץ." + Environment.NewLine;
//main exception handler
//rolls back any tracked changes in entity framework
//unwraps exceptions to the most relevant inner exception
catch (Exception ex)
while (ex.InnerException != null)
ex = ex.InnerException;
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
StatusBox.Text += ex.Message + Environment.NewLine;
Exception roll back simply removes any items added modified deleted using entity framework change tracker.
public void ExceptionRollback()
if (Context.ChangeTracker.HasChanges())
foreach (var entry in Context.ChangeTracker.Entries()
.Where(entry => entry.State == EntityState.Added ||
entry.State == EntityState.Modified ||
entry.State == EntityState.Deleted))
entry.State = EntityState.Detached;
Really looking for ideas on how to abstract the functionality away from the UI code...
c# entity-framework
I am loading data from a excel file to sql, I added comments to the code to further clarify what each lines purpose is.
private void Events_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//open dialog for file select of event file
string filePath = OpenFileDialogParameters.FileDialog("", "", "", 2);
//if file select is not null
if (filePath != null)
//catch errors in this block
//begin a transaction
using (var transaction = Context.Database.BeginTransaction())
//parse file into dataset
Events_DataSet = ReadExcel.OpenExcel(filePath);
int Drivecode = 0;
DBEVENT Events = //get all rows in table 0
(from x in Events_DataSet.Tables[0].Select()
//last row must be drivecode, test to ensure it is not empty string
where x.ItemArray[x.ItemArray.Length - 1].ToString() != string.Empty
let dc = Drivecode = int.Parse(x.ItemArray[x.ItemArray.Length - 1].ToString())
//join Session Drive status on drivecode
join sds in Context.SDS on dc.ToString() equals sds.DriveCode into hasSD
//ensure there is a drive loaded for this file and that the file hasnt already been processed
where hasSD.Count() == 1 & hasSD.First().Events == false
//select all items that fit these parameters to a array
select new DBEVENT(x)).ToArray();
//if duplicates found fail with error message
if (Context.DBEVENTS.Where(x => x.קוד_נסיעה == Drivecode).Count() != 0)
StatusBox.Text += "קובץ אירועי נסיעה כבר נטען למסד הנתונים עבור " + Environment.NewLine + "נסיעה " + Events[0].קוד_נסיעה + Environment.NewLine;
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
//ensure there are events to add
if (Events.Count() > 0)
//add each event to the table
foreach (var Event in Events)
//start inner try catch to handle saving
//Save Data
//After Save add Completion to SessionDriveTable
var sdcompletion = (from sda in Context.SDS
where Drivecode.ToString() == sda.DriveCode
where sda != null
select sda).First().Events = true;
//save completion
button2s.Fill = Brushes.LawnGreen;
catch (Exception ex)
//rollback changes
//throw this error to the outer exception handler
//to ensure the entities are removed from the change tracker
throw ex;
//no events created could be drive doesn't exist or events already added
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
DataRow dr = Events_DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[1];
var DriveCode = dr[dr.ItemArray.Count() - 1].ToString();
StatusBox.Text += "מספר הנסיעה " + DriveCode + " לא קיים במסד הנתונים." + Environment.NewLine + "אנא השלם פרטי נסיעה טרם טעינת קובץ." + Environment.NewLine;
//main exception handler
//rolls back any tracked changes in entity framework
//unwraps exceptions to the most relevant inner exception
catch (Exception ex)
while (ex.InnerException != null)
ex = ex.InnerException;
button2s.Fill = Brushes.IndianRed;
StatusBox.Text += ex.Message + Environment.NewLine;
Exception roll back simply removes any items added modified deleted using entity framework change tracker.
public void ExceptionRollback()
if (Context.ChangeTracker.HasChanges())
foreach (var entry in Context.ChangeTracker.Entries()
.Where(entry => entry.State == EntityState.Added ||
entry.State == EntityState.Modified ||
entry.State == EntityState.Deleted))
entry.State = EntityState.Detached;
Really looking for ideas on how to abstract the functionality away from the UI code...
c# entity-framework
c# entity-framework
asked 14 mins ago
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