MS-Access union query syntax error within VBA code


I have made a SQL statement that calculates the sum of the chosen fields I've gathered. I have the queries working within MS Access, but when I translate it to VBA coding within my database it spits out a compile error 3319: Syntax error. Below I have attached my working query as well as my query with the syntax.

Query within MS Access is below that works properly:

SELECT 1,'Passed - Depot' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=[StartDate] And [PreStressStackDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=5 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741829) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=[StartDate] And [StackCompressionDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=21 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741845) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741845),1,0)) AS [Stack Compression], Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=[StartDate] And [TestingDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>85 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741909) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741909),1,0)) AS Testing, Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=[StartDate] And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=341 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073742165) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=[StartDate] And [TransformerInstallDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=1365 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073743189)),1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]
FROM TR343DrySide
WHERE (([TransducerSN] Not Like "CR*"));

UNION SELECT 2, 'Failed - Depot' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=[StartDate] And [PreStressStackDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829,1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=[StartDate] And [StackCompressionDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741845,1,0)) AS [Stack Compression], Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=[StartDate] And [TestingDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741909,1,0)) AS [Testing], Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=[StartDate] And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165,1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=[StartDate] And [TransformerInstallDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073743189,1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]
FROM TR343DrySide
WHERE (([TransducerSN] Not Like "CR*"));

When this query is run, it tallies up the sum of the fields between the chosen dates.

Below I have attached my VBA code that comes up with a syntax compile error 3319:

Private Sub cmdDrySideRunReport_Click()

Dim strDrySQL_New, strDrySQL_Depot As String
Dim DryStartDate As Date
Dim DryEndDate As Date

If IsNull(Me.txtDryStartDate) Or Me.txtDryStartDate = "" Or IsNull(Me.txtDryEndDate) Or Me.txtDryEndDate = "" Then
If IsNull(Me.txtDryStartDate) Or Me.txtDryStartDate = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Start Date"
End If
If IsNull(Me.txtDryEndDate) Or Me.txtDryEndDate = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the End Date"
End If
DryStartDate = Me.txtDryStartDate
DryEndDate = Me.txtDryEndDate + 1


strDrySQL_New = "Select 1, 'Passed - New' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [PreStressStackDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=5 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741829) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [StackCompressionDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=21" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741845) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741845),1,0)) AS [Stack Compression]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TestingDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=85" & _
vbCrLf & " And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741909) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741909),1,0)) AS [Testing]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=341" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073742165) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TransformerInstallDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=1365 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073743189)),1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]" & _
" FROM TR343DrySide" & _
" WHERE (([TransducerSN] Like ""CR*""))" & _
vbCrLf & " UNION SELECT 2, 'Failed - New' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [PreStressStackDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "#" & _
" And [StackCompressionDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741845,1,0)) AS [Stack Compression]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TestingDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741909,1,0)) AS [Testing]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And ([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165 Or" & _
" [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TransformerInstallDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073743189,1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]" & _
" FROM TR343Dryside" & _
" WHERE (([TransducerSN] Like ""CR*""));"

Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Form.RecordSource = strDrySQL_New
Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Visible = True

End If
End Sub

The result when the query is activated is: Run-time error '3319':
Syntax error within union query.

The problem is raised within the line of:
Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Form.RecordSource = strDrySQL_New

share|improve this question

  • Did you ask this yesterday?

    – Nathan_Sav
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:12

  • yes, this was asked yesterday but made some changes to my question and code for more clarification.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:15

  • And what is the error message and which line raises it? And include the resulting strDrySQL_New, please.

    – Gustav
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

  • @Gustav I have added more information on the error message and where it questions the line, thanks.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:24

  • Possibly the vbCrLf in your SQL? SQL doesn't need carriage returns - it's just one long string. We only split it into multiple lines to make it easier to read.

    – Darren Bartrup-Cook
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:34


I have made a SQL statement that calculates the sum of the chosen fields I've gathered. I have the queries working within MS Access, but when I translate it to VBA coding within my database it spits out a compile error 3319: Syntax error. Below I have attached my working query as well as my query with the syntax.

Query within MS Access is below that works properly:

SELECT 1,'Passed - Depot' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=[StartDate] And [PreStressStackDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=5 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741829) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=[StartDate] And [StackCompressionDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=21 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741845) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741845),1,0)) AS [Stack Compression], Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=[StartDate] And [TestingDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>85 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741909) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741909),1,0)) AS Testing, Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=[StartDate] And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=341 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073742165) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=[StartDate] And [TransformerInstallDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=1365 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073743189)),1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]
FROM TR343DrySide
WHERE (([TransducerSN] Not Like "CR*"));

UNION SELECT 2, 'Failed - Depot' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=[StartDate] And [PreStressStackDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829,1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=[StartDate] And [StackCompressionDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741845,1,0)) AS [Stack Compression], Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=[StartDate] And [TestingDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741909,1,0)) AS [Testing], Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=[StartDate] And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165,1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=[StartDate] And [TransformerInstallDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073743189,1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]
FROM TR343DrySide
WHERE (([TransducerSN] Not Like "CR*"));

When this query is run, it tallies up the sum of the fields between the chosen dates.

Below I have attached my VBA code that comes up with a syntax compile error 3319:

Private Sub cmdDrySideRunReport_Click()

Dim strDrySQL_New, strDrySQL_Depot As String
Dim DryStartDate As Date
Dim DryEndDate As Date

If IsNull(Me.txtDryStartDate) Or Me.txtDryStartDate = "" Or IsNull(Me.txtDryEndDate) Or Me.txtDryEndDate = "" Then
If IsNull(Me.txtDryStartDate) Or Me.txtDryStartDate = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Start Date"
End If
If IsNull(Me.txtDryEndDate) Or Me.txtDryEndDate = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the End Date"
End If
DryStartDate = Me.txtDryStartDate
DryEndDate = Me.txtDryEndDate + 1


strDrySQL_New = "Select 1, 'Passed - New' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [PreStressStackDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=5 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741829) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [StackCompressionDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=21" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741845) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741845),1,0)) AS [Stack Compression]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TestingDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=85" & _
vbCrLf & " And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741909) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741909),1,0)) AS [Testing]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=341" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073742165) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TransformerInstallDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=1365 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073743189)),1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]" & _
" FROM TR343DrySide" & _
" WHERE (([TransducerSN] Like ""CR*""))" & _
vbCrLf & " UNION SELECT 2, 'Failed - New' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [PreStressStackDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "#" & _
" And [StackCompressionDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741845,1,0)) AS [Stack Compression]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TestingDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741909,1,0)) AS [Testing]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And ([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165 Or" & _
" [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TransformerInstallDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073743189,1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]" & _
" FROM TR343Dryside" & _
" WHERE (([TransducerSN] Like ""CR*""));"

Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Form.RecordSource = strDrySQL_New
Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Visible = True

End If
End Sub

The result when the query is activated is: Run-time error '3319':
Syntax error within union query.

The problem is raised within the line of:
Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Form.RecordSource = strDrySQL_New

share|improve this question

  • Did you ask this yesterday?

    – Nathan_Sav
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:12

  • yes, this was asked yesterday but made some changes to my question and code for more clarification.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:15

  • And what is the error message and which line raises it? And include the resulting strDrySQL_New, please.

    – Gustav
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

  • @Gustav I have added more information on the error message and where it questions the line, thanks.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:24

  • Possibly the vbCrLf in your SQL? SQL doesn't need carriage returns - it's just one long string. We only split it into multiple lines to make it easier to read.

    – Darren Bartrup-Cook
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:34




I have made a SQL statement that calculates the sum of the chosen fields I've gathered. I have the queries working within MS Access, but when I translate it to VBA coding within my database it spits out a compile error 3319: Syntax error. Below I have attached my working query as well as my query with the syntax.

Query within MS Access is below that works properly:

SELECT 1,'Passed - Depot' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=[StartDate] And [PreStressStackDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=5 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741829) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=[StartDate] And [StackCompressionDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=21 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741845) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741845),1,0)) AS [Stack Compression], Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=[StartDate] And [TestingDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>85 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741909) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741909),1,0)) AS Testing, Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=[StartDate] And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=341 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073742165) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=[StartDate] And [TransformerInstallDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=1365 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073743189)),1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]
FROM TR343DrySide
WHERE (([TransducerSN] Not Like "CR*"));

UNION SELECT 2, 'Failed - Depot' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=[StartDate] And [PreStressStackDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829,1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=[StartDate] And [StackCompressionDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741845,1,0)) AS [Stack Compression], Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=[StartDate] And [TestingDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741909,1,0)) AS [Testing], Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=[StartDate] And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165,1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=[StartDate] And [TransformerInstallDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073743189,1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]
FROM TR343DrySide
WHERE (([TransducerSN] Not Like "CR*"));

When this query is run, it tallies up the sum of the fields between the chosen dates.

Below I have attached my VBA code that comes up with a syntax compile error 3319:

Private Sub cmdDrySideRunReport_Click()

Dim strDrySQL_New, strDrySQL_Depot As String
Dim DryStartDate As Date
Dim DryEndDate As Date

If IsNull(Me.txtDryStartDate) Or Me.txtDryStartDate = "" Or IsNull(Me.txtDryEndDate) Or Me.txtDryEndDate = "" Then
If IsNull(Me.txtDryStartDate) Or Me.txtDryStartDate = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Start Date"
End If
If IsNull(Me.txtDryEndDate) Or Me.txtDryEndDate = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the End Date"
End If
DryStartDate = Me.txtDryStartDate
DryEndDate = Me.txtDryEndDate + 1


strDrySQL_New = "Select 1, 'Passed - New' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [PreStressStackDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=5 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741829) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [StackCompressionDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=21" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741845) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741845),1,0)) AS [Stack Compression]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TestingDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=85" & _
vbCrLf & " And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741909) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741909),1,0)) AS [Testing]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=341" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073742165) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TransformerInstallDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=1365 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073743189)),1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]" & _
" FROM TR343DrySide" & _
" WHERE (([TransducerSN] Like ""CR*""))" & _
vbCrLf & " UNION SELECT 2, 'Failed - New' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [PreStressStackDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "#" & _
" And [StackCompressionDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741845,1,0)) AS [Stack Compression]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TestingDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741909,1,0)) AS [Testing]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And ([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165 Or" & _
" [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TransformerInstallDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073743189,1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]" & _
" FROM TR343Dryside" & _
" WHERE (([TransducerSN] Like ""CR*""));"

Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Form.RecordSource = strDrySQL_New
Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Visible = True

End If
End Sub

The result when the query is activated is: Run-time error '3319':
Syntax error within union query.

The problem is raised within the line of:
Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Form.RecordSource = strDrySQL_New

share|improve this question

I have made a SQL statement that calculates the sum of the chosen fields I've gathered. I have the queries working within MS Access, but when I translate it to VBA coding within my database it spits out a compile error 3319: Syntax error. Below I have attached my working query as well as my query with the syntax.

Query within MS Access is below that works properly:

SELECT 1,'Passed - Depot' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=[StartDate] And [PreStressStackDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=5 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741829) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=[StartDate] And [StackCompressionDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=21 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741845) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741845),1,0)) AS [Stack Compression], Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=[StartDate] And [TestingDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>85 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741909) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741909),1,0)) AS Testing, Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=[StartDate] And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=341 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073742165) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=[StartDate] And [TransformerInstallDate]<=[EndDate]) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=1365 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073743189)),1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]
FROM TR343DrySide
WHERE (([TransducerSN] Not Like "CR*"));

UNION SELECT 2, 'Failed - Depot' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=[StartDate] And [PreStressStackDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829,1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=[StartDate] And [StackCompressionDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741845,1,0)) AS [Stack Compression], Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=[StartDate] And [TestingDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741909,1,0)) AS [Testing], Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=[StartDate] And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165,1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=[StartDate] And [TransformerInstallDate]<=[EndDate]) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073743189,1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]
FROM TR343DrySide
WHERE (([TransducerSN] Not Like "CR*"));

When this query is run, it tallies up the sum of the fields between the chosen dates.

Below I have attached my VBA code that comes up with a syntax compile error 3319:

Private Sub cmdDrySideRunReport_Click()

Dim strDrySQL_New, strDrySQL_Depot As String
Dim DryStartDate As Date
Dim DryEndDate As Date

If IsNull(Me.txtDryStartDate) Or Me.txtDryStartDate = "" Or IsNull(Me.txtDryEndDate) Or Me.txtDryEndDate = "" Then
If IsNull(Me.txtDryStartDate) Or Me.txtDryStartDate = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Start Date"
End If
If IsNull(Me.txtDryEndDate) Or Me.txtDryEndDate = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the End Date"
End If
DryStartDate = Me.txtDryStartDate
DryEndDate = Me.txtDryEndDate + 1


strDrySQL_New = "Select 1, 'Passed - New' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [PreStressStackDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=5 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741829) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [StackCompressionDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=21" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741845) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741845),1,0)) AS [Stack Compression]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TestingDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=85" & _
vbCrLf & " And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073741909) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073741909),1,0)) AS [Testing]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=341" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073742165) Or [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TransformerInstallDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And (([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]>=1365 And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]<1073743189)),1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]" & _
" FROM TR343DrySide" & _
" WHERE (([TransducerSN] Like ""CR*""))" & _
vbCrLf & " UNION SELECT 2, 'Failed - New' AS QRY, Sum(IIf(([PreStressStackDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [PreStressStackDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829),1,0)) AS [PreStress Stackup], Sum(IIf(([StackCompressionDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "#" & _
" And [StackCompressionDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741845,1,0)) AS [Stack Compression]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([TestingDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TestingDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741909,1,0)) AS [Testing]," & _
" Sum(IIf(([ShroudAssemblyDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [ShroudAssemblyDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#) And ([CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165 Or" & _
" [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073742165),1,0)) AS [Shroud Assembly], Sum(IIf(([TransformerInstallDate]>=#" & DryStartDate & "# And [TransformerInstallDate]<=#" & DryEndDate & "#)" & _
" And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073743189,1,0)) AS [Transformer Installation]" & _
" FROM TR343Dryside" & _
" WHERE (([TransducerSN] Like ""CR*""));"

Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Form.RecordSource = strDrySQL_New
Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Visible = True

End If
End Sub

The result when the query is activated is: Run-time error '3319':
Syntax error within union query.

The problem is raised within the line of:
Me.sfrmCraneDrySidePassFailDateRange_New.Form.RecordSource = strDrySQL_New

sql vba ms-access

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edited Nov 21 '18 at 13:21

nick irvin

asked Nov 21 '18 at 13:10

nick irvinnick irvin



  • Did you ask this yesterday?

    – Nathan_Sav
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:12

  • yes, this was asked yesterday but made some changes to my question and code for more clarification.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:15

  • And what is the error message and which line raises it? And include the resulting strDrySQL_New, please.

    – Gustav
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

  • @Gustav I have added more information on the error message and where it questions the line, thanks.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:24

  • Possibly the vbCrLf in your SQL? SQL doesn't need carriage returns - it's just one long string. We only split it into multiple lines to make it easier to read.

    – Darren Bartrup-Cook
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:34

  • Did you ask this yesterday?

    – Nathan_Sav
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:12

  • yes, this was asked yesterday but made some changes to my question and code for more clarification.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:15

  • And what is the error message and which line raises it? And include the resulting strDrySQL_New, please.

    – Gustav
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

  • @Gustav I have added more information on the error message and where it questions the line, thanks.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:24

  • Possibly the vbCrLf in your SQL? SQL doesn't need carriage returns - it's just one long string. We only split it into multiple lines to make it easier to read.

    – Darren Bartrup-Cook
    Nov 21 '18 at 13:34

Did you ask this yesterday?

– Nathan_Sav
Nov 21 '18 at 13:12

Did you ask this yesterday?

– Nathan_Sav
Nov 21 '18 at 13:12

yes, this was asked yesterday but made some changes to my question and code for more clarification.

– nick irvin
Nov 21 '18 at 13:15

yes, this was asked yesterday but made some changes to my question and code for more clarification.

– nick irvin
Nov 21 '18 at 13:15

And what is the error message and which line raises it? And include the resulting strDrySQL_New, please.

– Gustav
Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

And what is the error message and which line raises it? And include the resulting strDrySQL_New, please.

– Gustav
Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

@Gustav I have added more information on the error message and where it questions the line, thanks.

– nick irvin
Nov 21 '18 at 13:24

@Gustav I have added more information on the error message and where it questions the line, thanks.

– nick irvin
Nov 21 '18 at 13:24

Possibly the vbCrLf in your SQL? SQL doesn't need carriage returns - it's just one long string. We only split it into multiple lines to make it easier to read.

– Darren Bartrup-Cook
Nov 21 '18 at 13:34

Possibly the vbCrLf in your SQL? SQL doesn't need carriage returns - it's just one long string. We only split it into multiple lines to make it easier to read.

– Darren Bartrup-Cook
Nov 21 '18 at 13:34

1 Answer





At least here, you have an extra closing parenthesis:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829),1,0)) 

Should be:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829,1,0)) 

Insert a line:

Debug.Print strDrySQL_New

and study the print.

share|improve this answer

  • many thanks, mate. Will try this out.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:08

  • great solution, Gustav. works like a charm now. Thank you

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:12

  • Fine! Then please mark as answered.

    – Gustav
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:33

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1 Answer




1 Answer











At least here, you have an extra closing parenthesis:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829),1,0)) 

Should be:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829,1,0)) 

Insert a line:

Debug.Print strDrySQL_New

and study the print.

share|improve this answer

  • many thanks, mate. Will try this out.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:08

  • great solution, Gustav. works like a charm now. Thank you

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:12

  • Fine! Then please mark as answered.

    – Gustav
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:33


At least here, you have an extra closing parenthesis:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829),1,0)) 

Should be:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829,1,0)) 

Insert a line:

Debug.Print strDrySQL_New

and study the print.

share|improve this answer

  • many thanks, mate. Will try this out.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:08

  • great solution, Gustav. works like a charm now. Thank you

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:12

  • Fine! Then please mark as answered.

    – Gustav
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:33




At least here, you have an extra closing parenthesis:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829),1,0)) 

Should be:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829,1,0)) 

Insert a line:

Debug.Print strDrySQL_New

and study the print.

share|improve this answer

At least here, you have an extra closing parenthesis:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829),1,0)) 

Should be:

.. And [CurrentLevelOfCompletion]=1073741829,1,0)) 

Insert a line:

Debug.Print strDrySQL_New

and study the print.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Nov 21 '18 at 13:48




  • many thanks, mate. Will try this out.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:08

  • great solution, Gustav. works like a charm now. Thank you

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:12

  • Fine! Then please mark as answered.

    – Gustav
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:33

  • many thanks, mate. Will try this out.

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:08

  • great solution, Gustav. works like a charm now. Thank you

    – nick irvin
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:12

  • Fine! Then please mark as answered.

    – Gustav
    Nov 21 '18 at 16:33

many thanks, mate. Will try this out.

– nick irvin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:08

many thanks, mate. Will try this out.

– nick irvin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:08

great solution, Gustav. works like a charm now. Thank you

– nick irvin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:12

great solution, Gustav. works like a charm now. Thank you

– nick irvin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:12

Fine! Then please mark as answered.

– Gustav
Nov 21 '18 at 16:33

Fine! Then please mark as answered.

– Gustav
Nov 21 '18 at 16:33

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