Using Powershell to automate creating company directory and renaming cover letter and resume
I'm in the middle of job searching and while doing so, I have to create a folder for the company and position, then move my base cover letter and resume to that folder and begin customizing the document.
I've decided to automate the task with Powershell v4.
Job Application Preparation
The script asks the user for the company name and job then proceeds
to create the company folder, move, and rename the base cover letter and resume.
Version: 1.5
# Resume Storage Location
$workBase = [string]::Empty
$resumeCoverletterBase = [string]::Empty
$settings = "$PSScriptRootsettings.txt"
function verifyifparameterisempty
{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Determines if a string is null or contians whitespace.
If it does, it will throw and display what was missing using the $parameterType
string: $parametertoverify - the string we're going to test
string: $parameterType - what the string represents
throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "$parameterType"
function determineIfFileorDirectoryExists
{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Determine if a File or Directory Exists. If the file or directory doesn't exists,
it will throw an exception.
[string] $fileordirectory - the variable that contains the file or directory
we're going to Test.
$fileordirectoryExists = Test-Path $fileordirectory
if($fileordirectoryExists -eq $false){
throw [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException] "Not Found: $fileordirectory"
function promptUserwithQuestion
{ Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Prompts the user with a question accepts, trims and returns the answer
[string]$question - the variable that holds the question
[string]$answer: the variable that holds the user provided answer.
[string]$answer = Read-Host $question
return $answer.Trim()
# Determine if the settings file exists
$doesSettingsFileExist = Test-Path $settings
# If the settings file doesn't exist, create one for the user, and store in the script location
if($doesSettingsFileExist -eq $false){
$userProvidedPath = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Full Path to Resume"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $userProvidedPath -parameterType "Resume Path"
Add-Content -Path $settings -Value $userProvidedPath.Trim()
$pathToResume = Get-Content $settings
$workBase = Split-Path -Parent $pathToResume
$resumeCoverletterBase = Split-Path -Leaf $pathToResume
$extention = $resumeCoverletterBase.Split(".")[1]
Call the promptUserwithQuestion function and ask for the company name and job position.
Afterward, verify that the user provided answers aren't blank
$companyName = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Enter Company Name"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $companyName -parameterType "Company Name"
$position = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Enter Job Position"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $position -parameterType "Position"
# Combine the work base and company name for the folder name.
$companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectory = Join-Path -Path $workBase -ChildPath $companyName
$positionLoweredwithUnderscore = $position.ToLower().trim().replace(" ","_")
$companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition = Join-Path -Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectory -ChildPath $positionLoweredwithUnderscore
$doesComanyDirectorywithPositionExists = Test-Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
if($doesComanyDirectorywithPositionExists -eq $false){
md $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
Write-Output ([string]::Format("Copying {0} to {1}",$pathToResume, $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition))
Copy-Item -Path $pathToResume -Destination $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
$completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition = Join-Path -Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition -ChildPath $resumeCoverletterBase
# Create a new name for our resume that includes the position name and extension.
$resumeCoverletterwithPosition = [string]::Format("cover_letter_resume_{0}.{1}",$positionLoweredwithUnderscore,$extention)
# Construct a path to the renamed cover letter and resume with extension.
$renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition = Join-Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition -ChildPath $resumeCoverletterwithPosition
# Rename the base cover letter and resume.
Write-Output([string]::Format("Renaming {0} to {1}",$completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition, $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition))
Rename-Item -Path $completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition -NewName $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition
# Open the resume and cover letter in LibreOffice
Invoke-Item $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition
catch [System.ArgumentNullException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.ArgumentException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.IO.IOException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.Exception]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
When the user starts the script, it does the following:
Checks for the
file. If one isn't present, it creates one to store the location of the base resume and cover letter. When the user runs the script again, as long assettings.txt
is present, it won't prompt for base location again. For example,R:Workcover_letter_resume_base.odt
The user is prompted for the company name and position, and the scripts lowers,trims,and strips the position and creates the directories. For example, if the company name was
and the position wasSofware Eng
, the directory isR:WorkMicrosoftsoftware_eng
. Usingsplit-path
it takes the location of thecover_letter_resume_base.odt
in this caseR:Work
and creates the directories.Finally it renames the document according to the user input, so
and opens it.
New contributor
add a comment |
I'm in the middle of job searching and while doing so, I have to create a folder for the company and position, then move my base cover letter and resume to that folder and begin customizing the document.
I've decided to automate the task with Powershell v4.
Job Application Preparation
The script asks the user for the company name and job then proceeds
to create the company folder, move, and rename the base cover letter and resume.
Version: 1.5
# Resume Storage Location
$workBase = [string]::Empty
$resumeCoverletterBase = [string]::Empty
$settings = "$PSScriptRootsettings.txt"
function verifyifparameterisempty
{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Determines if a string is null or contians whitespace.
If it does, it will throw and display what was missing using the $parameterType
string: $parametertoverify - the string we're going to test
string: $parameterType - what the string represents
throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "$parameterType"
function determineIfFileorDirectoryExists
{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Determine if a File or Directory Exists. If the file or directory doesn't exists,
it will throw an exception.
[string] $fileordirectory - the variable that contains the file or directory
we're going to Test.
$fileordirectoryExists = Test-Path $fileordirectory
if($fileordirectoryExists -eq $false){
throw [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException] "Not Found: $fileordirectory"
function promptUserwithQuestion
{ Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Prompts the user with a question accepts, trims and returns the answer
[string]$question - the variable that holds the question
[string]$answer: the variable that holds the user provided answer.
[string]$answer = Read-Host $question
return $answer.Trim()
# Determine if the settings file exists
$doesSettingsFileExist = Test-Path $settings
# If the settings file doesn't exist, create one for the user, and store in the script location
if($doesSettingsFileExist -eq $false){
$userProvidedPath = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Full Path to Resume"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $userProvidedPath -parameterType "Resume Path"
Add-Content -Path $settings -Value $userProvidedPath.Trim()
$pathToResume = Get-Content $settings
$workBase = Split-Path -Parent $pathToResume
$resumeCoverletterBase = Split-Path -Leaf $pathToResume
$extention = $resumeCoverletterBase.Split(".")[1]
Call the promptUserwithQuestion function and ask for the company name and job position.
Afterward, verify that the user provided answers aren't blank
$companyName = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Enter Company Name"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $companyName -parameterType "Company Name"
$position = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Enter Job Position"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $position -parameterType "Position"
# Combine the work base and company name for the folder name.
$companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectory = Join-Path -Path $workBase -ChildPath $companyName
$positionLoweredwithUnderscore = $position.ToLower().trim().replace(" ","_")
$companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition = Join-Path -Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectory -ChildPath $positionLoweredwithUnderscore
$doesComanyDirectorywithPositionExists = Test-Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
if($doesComanyDirectorywithPositionExists -eq $false){
md $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
Write-Output ([string]::Format("Copying {0} to {1}",$pathToResume, $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition))
Copy-Item -Path $pathToResume -Destination $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
$completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition = Join-Path -Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition -ChildPath $resumeCoverletterBase
# Create a new name for our resume that includes the position name and extension.
$resumeCoverletterwithPosition = [string]::Format("cover_letter_resume_{0}.{1}",$positionLoweredwithUnderscore,$extention)
# Construct a path to the renamed cover letter and resume with extension.
$renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition = Join-Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition -ChildPath $resumeCoverletterwithPosition
# Rename the base cover letter and resume.
Write-Output([string]::Format("Renaming {0} to {1}",$completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition, $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition))
Rename-Item -Path $completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition -NewName $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition
# Open the resume and cover letter in LibreOffice
Invoke-Item $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition
catch [System.ArgumentNullException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.ArgumentException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.IO.IOException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.Exception]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
When the user starts the script, it does the following:
Checks for the
file. If one isn't present, it creates one to store the location of the base resume and cover letter. When the user runs the script again, as long assettings.txt
is present, it won't prompt for base location again. For example,R:Workcover_letter_resume_base.odt
The user is prompted for the company name and position, and the scripts lowers,trims,and strips the position and creates the directories. For example, if the company name was
and the position wasSofware Eng
, the directory isR:WorkMicrosoftsoftware_eng
. Usingsplit-path
it takes the location of thecover_letter_resume_base.odt
in this caseR:Work
and creates the directories.Finally it renames the document according to the user input, so
and opens it.
New contributor
add a comment |
I'm in the middle of job searching and while doing so, I have to create a folder for the company and position, then move my base cover letter and resume to that folder and begin customizing the document.
I've decided to automate the task with Powershell v4.
Job Application Preparation
The script asks the user for the company name and job then proceeds
to create the company folder, move, and rename the base cover letter and resume.
Version: 1.5
# Resume Storage Location
$workBase = [string]::Empty
$resumeCoverletterBase = [string]::Empty
$settings = "$PSScriptRootsettings.txt"
function verifyifparameterisempty
{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Determines if a string is null or contians whitespace.
If it does, it will throw and display what was missing using the $parameterType
string: $parametertoverify - the string we're going to test
string: $parameterType - what the string represents
throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "$parameterType"
function determineIfFileorDirectoryExists
{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Determine if a File or Directory Exists. If the file or directory doesn't exists,
it will throw an exception.
[string] $fileordirectory - the variable that contains the file or directory
we're going to Test.
$fileordirectoryExists = Test-Path $fileordirectory
if($fileordirectoryExists -eq $false){
throw [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException] "Not Found: $fileordirectory"
function promptUserwithQuestion
{ Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Prompts the user with a question accepts, trims and returns the answer
[string]$question - the variable that holds the question
[string]$answer: the variable that holds the user provided answer.
[string]$answer = Read-Host $question
return $answer.Trim()
# Determine if the settings file exists
$doesSettingsFileExist = Test-Path $settings
# If the settings file doesn't exist, create one for the user, and store in the script location
if($doesSettingsFileExist -eq $false){
$userProvidedPath = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Full Path to Resume"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $userProvidedPath -parameterType "Resume Path"
Add-Content -Path $settings -Value $userProvidedPath.Trim()
$pathToResume = Get-Content $settings
$workBase = Split-Path -Parent $pathToResume
$resumeCoverletterBase = Split-Path -Leaf $pathToResume
$extention = $resumeCoverletterBase.Split(".")[1]
Call the promptUserwithQuestion function and ask for the company name and job position.
Afterward, verify that the user provided answers aren't blank
$companyName = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Enter Company Name"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $companyName -parameterType "Company Name"
$position = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Enter Job Position"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $position -parameterType "Position"
# Combine the work base and company name for the folder name.
$companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectory = Join-Path -Path $workBase -ChildPath $companyName
$positionLoweredwithUnderscore = $position.ToLower().trim().replace(" ","_")
$companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition = Join-Path -Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectory -ChildPath $positionLoweredwithUnderscore
$doesComanyDirectorywithPositionExists = Test-Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
if($doesComanyDirectorywithPositionExists -eq $false){
md $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
Write-Output ([string]::Format("Copying {0} to {1}",$pathToResume, $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition))
Copy-Item -Path $pathToResume -Destination $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
$completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition = Join-Path -Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition -ChildPath $resumeCoverletterBase
# Create a new name for our resume that includes the position name and extension.
$resumeCoverletterwithPosition = [string]::Format("cover_letter_resume_{0}.{1}",$positionLoweredwithUnderscore,$extention)
# Construct a path to the renamed cover letter and resume with extension.
$renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition = Join-Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition -ChildPath $resumeCoverletterwithPosition
# Rename the base cover letter and resume.
Write-Output([string]::Format("Renaming {0} to {1}",$completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition, $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition))
Rename-Item -Path $completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition -NewName $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition
# Open the resume and cover letter in LibreOffice
Invoke-Item $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition
catch [System.ArgumentNullException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.ArgumentException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.IO.IOException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.Exception]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
When the user starts the script, it does the following:
Checks for the
file. If one isn't present, it creates one to store the location of the base resume and cover letter. When the user runs the script again, as long assettings.txt
is present, it won't prompt for base location again. For example,R:Workcover_letter_resume_base.odt
The user is prompted for the company name and position, and the scripts lowers,trims,and strips the position and creates the directories. For example, if the company name was
and the position wasSofware Eng
, the directory isR:WorkMicrosoftsoftware_eng
. Usingsplit-path
it takes the location of thecover_letter_resume_base.odt
in this caseR:Work
and creates the directories.Finally it renames the document according to the user input, so
and opens it.
New contributor
I'm in the middle of job searching and while doing so, I have to create a folder for the company and position, then move my base cover letter and resume to that folder and begin customizing the document.
I've decided to automate the task with Powershell v4.
Job Application Preparation
The script asks the user for the company name and job then proceeds
to create the company folder, move, and rename the base cover letter and resume.
Version: 1.5
# Resume Storage Location
$workBase = [string]::Empty
$resumeCoverletterBase = [string]::Empty
$settings = "$PSScriptRootsettings.txt"
function verifyifparameterisempty
{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Determines if a string is null or contians whitespace.
If it does, it will throw and display what was missing using the $parameterType
string: $parametertoverify - the string we're going to test
string: $parameterType - what the string represents
throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "$parameterType"
function determineIfFileorDirectoryExists
{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Determine if a File or Directory Exists. If the file or directory doesn't exists,
it will throw an exception.
[string] $fileordirectory - the variable that contains the file or directory
we're going to Test.
$fileordirectoryExists = Test-Path $fileordirectory
if($fileordirectoryExists -eq $false){
throw [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException] "Not Found: $fileordirectory"
function promptUserwithQuestion
{ Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
Prompts the user with a question accepts, trims and returns the answer
[string]$question - the variable that holds the question
[string]$answer: the variable that holds the user provided answer.
[string]$answer = Read-Host $question
return $answer.Trim()
# Determine if the settings file exists
$doesSettingsFileExist = Test-Path $settings
# If the settings file doesn't exist, create one for the user, and store in the script location
if($doesSettingsFileExist -eq $false){
$userProvidedPath = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Full Path to Resume"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $userProvidedPath -parameterType "Resume Path"
Add-Content -Path $settings -Value $userProvidedPath.Trim()
$pathToResume = Get-Content $settings
$workBase = Split-Path -Parent $pathToResume
$resumeCoverletterBase = Split-Path -Leaf $pathToResume
$extention = $resumeCoverletterBase.Split(".")[1]
Call the promptUserwithQuestion function and ask for the company name and job position.
Afterward, verify that the user provided answers aren't blank
$companyName = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Enter Company Name"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $companyName -parameterType "Company Name"
$position = promptUserwithQuestion -question "Enter Job Position"
verifyifparameterisempty -parametertoverify $position -parameterType "Position"
# Combine the work base and company name for the folder name.
$companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectory = Join-Path -Path $workBase -ChildPath $companyName
$positionLoweredwithUnderscore = $position.ToLower().trim().replace(" ","_")
$companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition = Join-Path -Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectory -ChildPath $positionLoweredwithUnderscore
$doesComanyDirectorywithPositionExists = Test-Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
if($doesComanyDirectorywithPositionExists -eq $false){
md $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
Write-Output ([string]::Format("Copying {0} to {1}",$pathToResume, $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition))
Copy-Item -Path $pathToResume -Destination $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition
$completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition = Join-Path -Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition -ChildPath $resumeCoverletterBase
# Create a new name for our resume that includes the position name and extension.
$resumeCoverletterwithPosition = [string]::Format("cover_letter_resume_{0}.{1}",$positionLoweredwithUnderscore,$extention)
# Construct a path to the renamed cover letter and resume with extension.
$renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition = Join-Path $companyResumeandCoverLetterDirectorywithPosition -ChildPath $resumeCoverletterwithPosition
# Rename the base cover letter and resume.
Write-Output([string]::Format("Renaming {0} to {1}",$completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition, $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition))
Rename-Item -Path $completePathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition -NewName $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition
# Open the resume and cover letter in LibreOffice
Invoke-Item $renamedPathToresumeCoverletterwithPosition
catch [System.ArgumentNullException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.ArgumentException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.IO.IOException]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
catch [System.Exception]{
Write-Output $PSItem.Exception.Message
When the user starts the script, it does the following:
Checks for the
file. If one isn't present, it creates one to store the location of the base resume and cover letter. When the user runs the script again, as long assettings.txt
is present, it won't prompt for base location again. For example,R:Workcover_letter_resume_base.odt
The user is prompted for the company name and position, and the scripts lowers,trims,and strips the position and creates the directories. For example, if the company name was
and the position wasSofware Eng
, the directory isR:WorkMicrosoftsoftware_eng
. Usingsplit-path
it takes the location of thecover_letter_resume_base.odt
in this caseR:Work
and creates the directories.Finally it renames the document according to the user input, so
and opens it.
New contributor
New contributor
New contributor
asked 6 mins ago
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New contributor
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