Modelling Immerman–Szelepcsényi in Haskell
I am trying to model the proof of Immerman–Szelepcsényi Theorem with Haskell since it heavily uses non-determinism. An explanation of what the point of this is can be found here.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
type NonDet a = [a]
type NonDetState s a = StateT s a
type Vertex = Int
-- represent the graph as an adjacency list
-- or equivalently, a nondeterministic computation
-- that returns the next vertex given the current
getNextVertex :: Vertex -> NonDet Vertex
getNextVertex = undefined
-- is there a path from `source` to `target` in `bound` steps
guessPath :: Int -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDetState Vertex ()
guessPath bound source target = do
put source
nonDeterministicWalk bound
nonDeterministicWalk bound = do
guard (bound >= 0)
v <- get
if v == target
then return ()
else do
w <- lift $ getNextVertex v
put w
nonDeterministicWalk (bound - 1)
-- if you knew the number of vertices reachable from the source
-- use that to certify that target is not reachable
certifyUnreachAux :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDetState Int ()
certifyUnreachAux vertices c source target = do
put 0
forM_ vertices $ v -> do
-- guess whether the vertex v is reachable or not
guess <- lift [True, False]
if (not guess || v == target)
-- if the vertex v is not reachable or is the target
-- then just move on to the next one
then return ()
else do
-- otherwise verify that the vertex is indeed reachable
guessPath (length vertices) source v
counter <- get
put (counter + 1)
counter <- get
guard (counter == c)
return ()
-- figure out the number of vertices reachable from source
-- in `steps` steps
countReachable :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Vertex -> NonDet Int
countReachable vertices steps source = do
if steps <= 0
then return 1
else do
previouslyReachable <- countReachable vertices (steps - 1) source
evalStateT (countReachableInduct vertices previouslyReachable steps source) (0, 0, False)
-- figuring out how many vertices are reachable in (i+1) steps
-- given the number of vertices reachable in i steps
countReachableInduct :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Int -> Vertex -> NonDetState (Int, Int, Bool) Int
countReachableInduct vertices previouslyReachable steps source = do
-- initialize the counters to 0
put (0, 0, False)
forM_ vertices $ v -> do
-- set the first counter to 0
-- and unset the flag that says you have
-- checked that v is a neighbor of u or u itself
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
put (0, currentCount, False)
forM_ vertices $ u -> do
-- guess if u reachable from the source in (steps - 1) steps
guess <- lift [True, False]
if not guess
-- if not, then we can move ahead to the next u
then return ()
else do
-- since we guessed that u is reachable,
-- we should verify it
lift $ evalStateT (guessPath (steps - 1) source u) 0
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
put ((previousCount + 1), currentCount, b)
if (u == v)
then do
(previousCount, currentCount, _) <- get
put (previousCount, currentCount, True)
else do
neighbor <- lift $ getNextVertex u
if (u == neighbor)
then do
(previousCount, currentCount, _) <- get
put (previousCount, currentCount, True)
-- if v is neither u nor a neighbor of u,
-- we just move to the second iteration
return ()
guard (previousCount == previouslyReachable)
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
-- if v was at most distance 1 from u, which
-- we verfied to be a vertex reachable in
-- (steps - 1) steps, then v is reachable
-- in steps steps
put (previousCount, (currentCount + if b then 1 else 0), b)
(_, currentCount, _) <- get
return currentCount
-- finally put all the methods together and show that
-- target is unreachable from source
certifyUnreach :: [Vertex] -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDet ()
certifyUnreach vertices source target = do
c <- countReachable vertices (length vertices) source
evalStateT (certifyUnreachAux vertices c source target) 0
I'd like general comments on how I could improve coding style. One particular thing is the awkward use of get
and put
to get the three counters but update one of them. I would like to know how this can be done more elegantly with lenses.
algorithm haskell complexity
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I am trying to model the proof of Immerman–Szelepcsényi Theorem with Haskell since it heavily uses non-determinism. An explanation of what the point of this is can be found here.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
type NonDet a = [a]
type NonDetState s a = StateT s a
type Vertex = Int
-- represent the graph as an adjacency list
-- or equivalently, a nondeterministic computation
-- that returns the next vertex given the current
getNextVertex :: Vertex -> NonDet Vertex
getNextVertex = undefined
-- is there a path from `source` to `target` in `bound` steps
guessPath :: Int -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDetState Vertex ()
guessPath bound source target = do
put source
nonDeterministicWalk bound
nonDeterministicWalk bound = do
guard (bound >= 0)
v <- get
if v == target
then return ()
else do
w <- lift $ getNextVertex v
put w
nonDeterministicWalk (bound - 1)
-- if you knew the number of vertices reachable from the source
-- use that to certify that target is not reachable
certifyUnreachAux :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDetState Int ()
certifyUnreachAux vertices c source target = do
put 0
forM_ vertices $ v -> do
-- guess whether the vertex v is reachable or not
guess <- lift [True, False]
if (not guess || v == target)
-- if the vertex v is not reachable or is the target
-- then just move on to the next one
then return ()
else do
-- otherwise verify that the vertex is indeed reachable
guessPath (length vertices) source v
counter <- get
put (counter + 1)
counter <- get
guard (counter == c)
return ()
-- figure out the number of vertices reachable from source
-- in `steps` steps
countReachable :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Vertex -> NonDet Int
countReachable vertices steps source = do
if steps <= 0
then return 1
else do
previouslyReachable <- countReachable vertices (steps - 1) source
evalStateT (countReachableInduct vertices previouslyReachable steps source) (0, 0, False)
-- figuring out how many vertices are reachable in (i+1) steps
-- given the number of vertices reachable in i steps
countReachableInduct :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Int -> Vertex -> NonDetState (Int, Int, Bool) Int
countReachableInduct vertices previouslyReachable steps source = do
-- initialize the counters to 0
put (0, 0, False)
forM_ vertices $ v -> do
-- set the first counter to 0
-- and unset the flag that says you have
-- checked that v is a neighbor of u or u itself
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
put (0, currentCount, False)
forM_ vertices $ u -> do
-- guess if u reachable from the source in (steps - 1) steps
guess <- lift [True, False]
if not guess
-- if not, then we can move ahead to the next u
then return ()
else do
-- since we guessed that u is reachable,
-- we should verify it
lift $ evalStateT (guessPath (steps - 1) source u) 0
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
put ((previousCount + 1), currentCount, b)
if (u == v)
then do
(previousCount, currentCount, _) <- get
put (previousCount, currentCount, True)
else do
neighbor <- lift $ getNextVertex u
if (u == neighbor)
then do
(previousCount, currentCount, _) <- get
put (previousCount, currentCount, True)
-- if v is neither u nor a neighbor of u,
-- we just move to the second iteration
return ()
guard (previousCount == previouslyReachable)
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
-- if v was at most distance 1 from u, which
-- we verfied to be a vertex reachable in
-- (steps - 1) steps, then v is reachable
-- in steps steps
put (previousCount, (currentCount + if b then 1 else 0), b)
(_, currentCount, _) <- get
return currentCount
-- finally put all the methods together and show that
-- target is unreachable from source
certifyUnreach :: [Vertex] -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDet ()
certifyUnreach vertices source target = do
c <- countReachable vertices (length vertices) source
evalStateT (certifyUnreachAux vertices c source target) 0
I'd like general comments on how I could improve coding style. One particular thing is the awkward use of get
and put
to get the three counters but update one of them. I would like to know how this can be done more elegantly with lenses.
algorithm haskell complexity
add a comment |
I am trying to model the proof of Immerman–Szelepcsényi Theorem with Haskell since it heavily uses non-determinism. An explanation of what the point of this is can be found here.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
type NonDet a = [a]
type NonDetState s a = StateT s a
type Vertex = Int
-- represent the graph as an adjacency list
-- or equivalently, a nondeterministic computation
-- that returns the next vertex given the current
getNextVertex :: Vertex -> NonDet Vertex
getNextVertex = undefined
-- is there a path from `source` to `target` in `bound` steps
guessPath :: Int -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDetState Vertex ()
guessPath bound source target = do
put source
nonDeterministicWalk bound
nonDeterministicWalk bound = do
guard (bound >= 0)
v <- get
if v == target
then return ()
else do
w <- lift $ getNextVertex v
put w
nonDeterministicWalk (bound - 1)
-- if you knew the number of vertices reachable from the source
-- use that to certify that target is not reachable
certifyUnreachAux :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDetState Int ()
certifyUnreachAux vertices c source target = do
put 0
forM_ vertices $ v -> do
-- guess whether the vertex v is reachable or not
guess <- lift [True, False]
if (not guess || v == target)
-- if the vertex v is not reachable or is the target
-- then just move on to the next one
then return ()
else do
-- otherwise verify that the vertex is indeed reachable
guessPath (length vertices) source v
counter <- get
put (counter + 1)
counter <- get
guard (counter == c)
return ()
-- figure out the number of vertices reachable from source
-- in `steps` steps
countReachable :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Vertex -> NonDet Int
countReachable vertices steps source = do
if steps <= 0
then return 1
else do
previouslyReachable <- countReachable vertices (steps - 1) source
evalStateT (countReachableInduct vertices previouslyReachable steps source) (0, 0, False)
-- figuring out how many vertices are reachable in (i+1) steps
-- given the number of vertices reachable in i steps
countReachableInduct :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Int -> Vertex -> NonDetState (Int, Int, Bool) Int
countReachableInduct vertices previouslyReachable steps source = do
-- initialize the counters to 0
put (0, 0, False)
forM_ vertices $ v -> do
-- set the first counter to 0
-- and unset the flag that says you have
-- checked that v is a neighbor of u or u itself
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
put (0, currentCount, False)
forM_ vertices $ u -> do
-- guess if u reachable from the source in (steps - 1) steps
guess <- lift [True, False]
if not guess
-- if not, then we can move ahead to the next u
then return ()
else do
-- since we guessed that u is reachable,
-- we should verify it
lift $ evalStateT (guessPath (steps - 1) source u) 0
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
put ((previousCount + 1), currentCount, b)
if (u == v)
then do
(previousCount, currentCount, _) <- get
put (previousCount, currentCount, True)
else do
neighbor <- lift $ getNextVertex u
if (u == neighbor)
then do
(previousCount, currentCount, _) <- get
put (previousCount, currentCount, True)
-- if v is neither u nor a neighbor of u,
-- we just move to the second iteration
return ()
guard (previousCount == previouslyReachable)
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
-- if v was at most distance 1 from u, which
-- we verfied to be a vertex reachable in
-- (steps - 1) steps, then v is reachable
-- in steps steps
put (previousCount, (currentCount + if b then 1 else 0), b)
(_, currentCount, _) <- get
return currentCount
-- finally put all the methods together and show that
-- target is unreachable from source
certifyUnreach :: [Vertex] -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDet ()
certifyUnreach vertices source target = do
c <- countReachable vertices (length vertices) source
evalStateT (certifyUnreachAux vertices c source target) 0
I'd like general comments on how I could improve coding style. One particular thing is the awkward use of get
and put
to get the three counters but update one of them. I would like to know how this can be done more elegantly with lenses.
algorithm haskell complexity
I am trying to model the proof of Immerman–Szelepcsényi Theorem with Haskell since it heavily uses non-determinism. An explanation of what the point of this is can be found here.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
type NonDet a = [a]
type NonDetState s a = StateT s a
type Vertex = Int
-- represent the graph as an adjacency list
-- or equivalently, a nondeterministic computation
-- that returns the next vertex given the current
getNextVertex :: Vertex -> NonDet Vertex
getNextVertex = undefined
-- is there a path from `source` to `target` in `bound` steps
guessPath :: Int -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDetState Vertex ()
guessPath bound source target = do
put source
nonDeterministicWalk bound
nonDeterministicWalk bound = do
guard (bound >= 0)
v <- get
if v == target
then return ()
else do
w <- lift $ getNextVertex v
put w
nonDeterministicWalk (bound - 1)
-- if you knew the number of vertices reachable from the source
-- use that to certify that target is not reachable
certifyUnreachAux :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDetState Int ()
certifyUnreachAux vertices c source target = do
put 0
forM_ vertices $ v -> do
-- guess whether the vertex v is reachable or not
guess <- lift [True, False]
if (not guess || v == target)
-- if the vertex v is not reachable or is the target
-- then just move on to the next one
then return ()
else do
-- otherwise verify that the vertex is indeed reachable
guessPath (length vertices) source v
counter <- get
put (counter + 1)
counter <- get
guard (counter == c)
return ()
-- figure out the number of vertices reachable from source
-- in `steps` steps
countReachable :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Vertex -> NonDet Int
countReachable vertices steps source = do
if steps <= 0
then return 1
else do
previouslyReachable <- countReachable vertices (steps - 1) source
evalStateT (countReachableInduct vertices previouslyReachable steps source) (0, 0, False)
-- figuring out how many vertices are reachable in (i+1) steps
-- given the number of vertices reachable in i steps
countReachableInduct :: [Vertex] -> Int -> Int -> Vertex -> NonDetState (Int, Int, Bool) Int
countReachableInduct vertices previouslyReachable steps source = do
-- initialize the counters to 0
put (0, 0, False)
forM_ vertices $ v -> do
-- set the first counter to 0
-- and unset the flag that says you have
-- checked that v is a neighbor of u or u itself
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
put (0, currentCount, False)
forM_ vertices $ u -> do
-- guess if u reachable from the source in (steps - 1) steps
guess <- lift [True, False]
if not guess
-- if not, then we can move ahead to the next u
then return ()
else do
-- since we guessed that u is reachable,
-- we should verify it
lift $ evalStateT (guessPath (steps - 1) source u) 0
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
put ((previousCount + 1), currentCount, b)
if (u == v)
then do
(previousCount, currentCount, _) <- get
put (previousCount, currentCount, True)
else do
neighbor <- lift $ getNextVertex u
if (u == neighbor)
then do
(previousCount, currentCount, _) <- get
put (previousCount, currentCount, True)
-- if v is neither u nor a neighbor of u,
-- we just move to the second iteration
return ()
guard (previousCount == previouslyReachable)
(previousCount, currentCount, b) <- get
-- if v was at most distance 1 from u, which
-- we verfied to be a vertex reachable in
-- (steps - 1) steps, then v is reachable
-- in steps steps
put (previousCount, (currentCount + if b then 1 else 0), b)
(_, currentCount, _) <- get
return currentCount
-- finally put all the methods together and show that
-- target is unreachable from source
certifyUnreach :: [Vertex] -> Vertex -> Vertex -> NonDet ()
certifyUnreach vertices source target = do
c <- countReachable vertices (length vertices) source
evalStateT (certifyUnreachAux vertices c source target) 0
I'd like general comments on how I could improve coding style. One particular thing is the awkward use of get
and put
to get the three counters but update one of them. I would like to know how this can be done more elegantly with lenses.
algorithm haskell complexity
algorithm haskell complexity
asked 3 mins ago
Agnishom ChattopadhyayAgnishom Chattopadhyay
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