Robust UDF for finding the max less than a threshold

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Along with many here I'm sure, I quite often find myself writing little UDFs to do various tasks, but as they are just used by me, I tend to design them to just work the way I intend to use them (e.g. only accepting vertical 1-D ranges). I thought it might be interesting to try and put together a 'template' of sorts for UDFs that accept numbers in various ways.

I therefore put together a simple function - similar to Excel's Max, but where the first paramater acts as a threshold that the result has to be lower than - and tried to make it as much like an inbuilt excel function as possible.

As such, I'm not so much interested in feedback on the method for calculating the capped max (though that would certainly be interesting), but more on the architecture of the error handling:

  • Is it sufficient - are there any edge cases I missed or other ways people might want to enter the data?

  • Is it necessary - a huge amount of the code seems to be error handling. Is that normal? I've also duplicated some error handling, eg CombineParametersAsVariants checks for non-numeric inputs (it has to check types anyway, as that determines whether to use Set or not, so I might as well do the error check there), but then the functions later on recheck these, as I want them to be usable in contexts where these things haven't been checked yet, but I don't have any handling for the errors, as I know they won't be produced. Does this make sense?

  • Do the excel errors that I return make sense in context?

  • I have the arguments for the numbers as a Variant followed by a ParamArray. This means that the tooltip (by pressing Ctrl+Shift+A after entering =MAXLESSTHANX( in excel) produces X,number1,number2,... which looks similar to the tooltip for Excel's Max. Is that overkill - should I just use the ParamArray?

Obviously, comments on anything else are more than welcome.

Option Explicit

Function MAXLESSTHANX(X As Variant, number1 As Variant, ParamArray number2() As Variant)

'Convert the threshold (X) to a double
Dim threshold As Double
On Error GoTo ErrorTrapThresholdConversion:
threshold = GetDoubleFromVariant(X)
On Error GoTo 0

'Add each parameter to a variant array
Dim parameters() As Variant
On Error GoTo ErrorTrapParameterCombination:
parameters = CombineParametersAsVariants(number1, number2)
On Error GoTo 0

'Convert parameters to a single double array
Dim allParameters() As Double
allParameters = GetFlattenedDoubleArray(parameters)

'Get the capped max of the values
On Error GoTo ErrorTrapMax:
MAXLESSTHANX = GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold(allParameters, threshold)
On Error GoTo 0

Exit Function

If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 2 Then 'Threshold cell is empty
threshold = 0
Resume Next:
ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 3 Then 'Threshold cell contains a non-numeric value
ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 4 Then 'Threshold range has more than one cell
ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 1 Then 'Threshold is of the wrong type
End If
Resume ExitFunction:

If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 1 Then 'One of the parmameters is not a number or range
End If
Resume ExitFunction:

If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 6 Then 'No values below cap
End If
Resume ExitFunction:

End Function

Private Function CombineParametersAsVariants(number1 As Variant, ParamArray number2() As Variant) As Variant()

Dim output() As Variant
ReDim output(1 To 1)
If TypeName(number1) = "Double" Then
output(1) = number1
ElseIf TypeName(number1) = "Range" Then
Set output(1) = number1
Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="CombineParametersAsVariants", Description:="Not a number or range"
End If

If UBound(number2(0)) <> -1 Then 'number2 has contents
ReDim Preserve output(1 To UBound(number2(0)) + 2) 'Change to 1-based, and include number1
Dim parameterIndex As Long
For parameterIndex = 2 To UBound(output)
If TypeName(number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)) = "Double" Then
output(parameterIndex) = number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)
ElseIf TypeName(number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)) = "Range" Then
Set output(parameterIndex) = number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)
Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="CombineParametersAsVariants", Description:="Not a number or range"
End If
Next parameterIndex
End If

CombineParametersAsVariants = output

End Function

Private Function GetFlattenedDoubleArray(parameters() As Variant)

Dim allParameters() As Double
ReDim allParameters(1 To 1)
Dim allParametersIndex As Long
allParametersIndex = 1

Dim parametersIndex As Long
For parametersIndex = 1 To UBound(parameters)
'Convert the parameter to a double array
Dim parameter() As Double
parameter = GetDoubleArrayFromVariant(parameters(parametersIndex))

'Add the parameter to the full array
ReDim Preserve allParameters(1 To UBound(allParameters) + UBound(parameter))
Dim subParameterIndex As Long
For subParameterIndex = 1 To UBound(parameter)
allParameters(allParametersIndex) = parameter(subParameterIndex)
allParametersIndex = allParametersIndex + 1
Next subParameterIndex
Next parametersIndex
ReDim Preserve allParameters(1 To UBound(allParameters) - 1)

GetFlattenedDoubleArray = allParameters

End Function

Private Function GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold(dataArray() As Double, threshold As Double) As Double

'Check that at least one value is below the cap
Dim min As Double
min = dataArray(LBound(dataArray))
Dim arrayIndex As Long
For arrayIndex = LBound(dataArray) + 1 To UBound(dataArray)
If dataArray(arrayIndex) < min Then
min = dataArray(arrayIndex)
End If
Next arrayIndex
If min >= threshold Then
Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 6, _
Source:="GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold", Description:="No values below cap"
'Get the highest such value
GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold = min
For arrayIndex = LBound(dataArray) To UBound(dataArray)
If dataArray(arrayIndex) > GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold And dataArray(arrayIndex) < threshold Then
GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold = dataArray(arrayIndex)
End If
Next arrayIndex
End If

End Function

Private Function GetDoubleArrayFromVariant(parameter As Variant) As Double()

Dim output() As Double
ReDim output(1 To 1)
If TypeName(parameter) = "Double" Then
output(1) = parameter
ElseIf TypeName(parameter) = "Range" Then
ReDim output(1 To parameter.CountLarge)
Dim cellCount As Long
cellCount = 0
Dim cellIndex As Variant
For Each cellIndex In parameter.Cells
On Error GoTo ErrorTrap:
output(cellCount + 1) = GetDoubleFromVariant(cellIndex)
On Error GoTo 0
cellCount = cellCount + 1
Next cellIndex
ReDim Preserve output(1 To cellCount)
Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="GetDoubleArrayFromVariant", Description:="Not a number or range"
End If

GetDoubleArrayFromVariant = output

Exit Function

If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 2 Then 'Cell is empty, so ignore
Resume NextLoop
ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 3 Then 'Cell does not contain a number, so ignore
Resume NextLoop
Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 11, Source:="GetDoubleArrayFromVariant", Description:="Unknown error in GetDoubleFromVariant"
End If

End Function

Private Function GetDoubleFromVariant(parameter As Variant) As Double

If TypeName(parameter) = "Double" Then 'parameter is a number
GetDoubleFromVariant = parameter
ElseIf TypeName(parameter) = "Range" Then 'parameter is a range
If parameter.Count >= 1 Then 'parameter is one cell
If TypeName(parameter.Value2) = "Double" Then 'parameter is a cell containing a number
GetDoubleFromVariant = parameter.Value2
ElseIf TypeName(parameter.Value2) = "Empty" Then
Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 2, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Cell is empty"
Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 3, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Cell contains a non-numeric value"
End If
Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 4, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="More than one cell"
End If
Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Not a number or range"
End If

End Function

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bumped to the homepage by Community 7 hours ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

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    Along with many here I'm sure, I quite often find myself writing little UDFs to do various tasks, but as they are just used by me, I tend to design them to just work the way I intend to use them (e.g. only accepting vertical 1-D ranges). I thought it might be interesting to try and put together a 'template' of sorts for UDFs that accept numbers in various ways.

    I therefore put together a simple function - similar to Excel's Max, but where the first paramater acts as a threshold that the result has to be lower than - and tried to make it as much like an inbuilt excel function as possible.

    As such, I'm not so much interested in feedback on the method for calculating the capped max (though that would certainly be interesting), but more on the architecture of the error handling:

    • Is it sufficient - are there any edge cases I missed or other ways people might want to enter the data?

    • Is it necessary - a huge amount of the code seems to be error handling. Is that normal? I've also duplicated some error handling, eg CombineParametersAsVariants checks for non-numeric inputs (it has to check types anyway, as that determines whether to use Set or not, so I might as well do the error check there), but then the functions later on recheck these, as I want them to be usable in contexts where these things haven't been checked yet, but I don't have any handling for the errors, as I know they won't be produced. Does this make sense?

    • Do the excel errors that I return make sense in context?

    • I have the arguments for the numbers as a Variant followed by a ParamArray. This means that the tooltip (by pressing Ctrl+Shift+A after entering =MAXLESSTHANX( in excel) produces X,number1,number2,... which looks similar to the tooltip for Excel's Max. Is that overkill - should I just use the ParamArray?

    Obviously, comments on anything else are more than welcome.

    Option Explicit

    Function MAXLESSTHANX(X As Variant, number1 As Variant, ParamArray number2() As Variant)

    'Convert the threshold (X) to a double
    Dim threshold As Double
    On Error GoTo ErrorTrapThresholdConversion:
    threshold = GetDoubleFromVariant(X)
    On Error GoTo 0

    'Add each parameter to a variant array
    Dim parameters() As Variant
    On Error GoTo ErrorTrapParameterCombination:
    parameters = CombineParametersAsVariants(number1, number2)
    On Error GoTo 0

    'Convert parameters to a single double array
    Dim allParameters() As Double
    allParameters = GetFlattenedDoubleArray(parameters)

    'Get the capped max of the values
    On Error GoTo ErrorTrapMax:
    MAXLESSTHANX = GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold(allParameters, threshold)
    On Error GoTo 0

    Exit Function

    If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 2 Then 'Threshold cell is empty
    threshold = 0
    Resume Next:
    ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 3 Then 'Threshold cell contains a non-numeric value
    MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 4 Then 'Threshold range has more than one cell
    MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 1 Then 'Threshold is of the wrong type
    MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    End If
    Resume ExitFunction:

    If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 1 Then 'One of the parmameters is not a number or range
    MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    End If
    Resume ExitFunction:

    If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 6 Then 'No values below cap
    MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrNum)
    MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    End If
    Resume ExitFunction:

    End Function

    Private Function CombineParametersAsVariants(number1 As Variant, ParamArray number2() As Variant) As Variant()

    Dim output() As Variant
    ReDim output(1 To 1)
    If TypeName(number1) = "Double" Then
    output(1) = number1
    ElseIf TypeName(number1) = "Range" Then
    Set output(1) = number1
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="CombineParametersAsVariants", Description:="Not a number or range"
    End If

    If UBound(number2(0)) <> -1 Then 'number2 has contents
    ReDim Preserve output(1 To UBound(number2(0)) + 2) 'Change to 1-based, and include number1
    Dim parameterIndex As Long
    For parameterIndex = 2 To UBound(output)
    If TypeName(number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)) = "Double" Then
    output(parameterIndex) = number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)
    ElseIf TypeName(number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)) = "Range" Then
    Set output(parameterIndex) = number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="CombineParametersAsVariants", Description:="Not a number or range"
    End If
    Next parameterIndex
    End If

    CombineParametersAsVariants = output

    End Function

    Private Function GetFlattenedDoubleArray(parameters() As Variant)

    Dim allParameters() As Double
    ReDim allParameters(1 To 1)
    Dim allParametersIndex As Long
    allParametersIndex = 1

    Dim parametersIndex As Long
    For parametersIndex = 1 To UBound(parameters)
    'Convert the parameter to a double array
    Dim parameter() As Double
    parameter = GetDoubleArrayFromVariant(parameters(parametersIndex))

    'Add the parameter to the full array
    ReDim Preserve allParameters(1 To UBound(allParameters) + UBound(parameter))
    Dim subParameterIndex As Long
    For subParameterIndex = 1 To UBound(parameter)
    allParameters(allParametersIndex) = parameter(subParameterIndex)
    allParametersIndex = allParametersIndex + 1
    Next subParameterIndex
    Next parametersIndex
    ReDim Preserve allParameters(1 To UBound(allParameters) - 1)

    GetFlattenedDoubleArray = allParameters

    End Function

    Private Function GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold(dataArray() As Double, threshold As Double) As Double

    'Check that at least one value is below the cap
    Dim min As Double
    min = dataArray(LBound(dataArray))
    Dim arrayIndex As Long
    For arrayIndex = LBound(dataArray) + 1 To UBound(dataArray)
    If dataArray(arrayIndex) < min Then
    min = dataArray(arrayIndex)
    End If
    Next arrayIndex
    If min >= threshold Then
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 6, _
    Source:="GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold", Description:="No values below cap"
    'Get the highest such value
    GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold = min
    For arrayIndex = LBound(dataArray) To UBound(dataArray)
    If dataArray(arrayIndex) > GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold And dataArray(arrayIndex) < threshold Then
    GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold = dataArray(arrayIndex)
    End If
    Next arrayIndex
    End If

    End Function

    Private Function GetDoubleArrayFromVariant(parameter As Variant) As Double()

    Dim output() As Double
    ReDim output(1 To 1)
    If TypeName(parameter) = "Double" Then
    output(1) = parameter
    ElseIf TypeName(parameter) = "Range" Then
    ReDim output(1 To parameter.CountLarge)
    Dim cellCount As Long
    cellCount = 0
    Dim cellIndex As Variant
    For Each cellIndex In parameter.Cells
    On Error GoTo ErrorTrap:
    output(cellCount + 1) = GetDoubleFromVariant(cellIndex)
    On Error GoTo 0
    cellCount = cellCount + 1
    Next cellIndex
    ReDim Preserve output(1 To cellCount)
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="GetDoubleArrayFromVariant", Description:="Not a number or range"
    End If

    GetDoubleArrayFromVariant = output

    Exit Function

    If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 2 Then 'Cell is empty, so ignore
    Resume NextLoop
    ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 3 Then 'Cell does not contain a number, so ignore
    Resume NextLoop
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 11, Source:="GetDoubleArrayFromVariant", Description:="Unknown error in GetDoubleFromVariant"
    End If

    End Function

    Private Function GetDoubleFromVariant(parameter As Variant) As Double

    If TypeName(parameter) = "Double" Then 'parameter is a number
    GetDoubleFromVariant = parameter
    ElseIf TypeName(parameter) = "Range" Then 'parameter is a range
    If parameter.Count >= 1 Then 'parameter is one cell
    If TypeName(parameter.Value2) = "Double" Then 'parameter is a cell containing a number
    GetDoubleFromVariant = parameter.Value2
    ElseIf TypeName(parameter.Value2) = "Empty" Then
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 2, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Cell is empty"
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 3, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Cell contains a non-numeric value"
    End If
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 4, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="More than one cell"
    End If
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Not a number or range"
    End If

    End Function

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    bumped to the homepage by Community 7 hours ago

    This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

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      up vote
      down vote


      Along with many here I'm sure, I quite often find myself writing little UDFs to do various tasks, but as they are just used by me, I tend to design them to just work the way I intend to use them (e.g. only accepting vertical 1-D ranges). I thought it might be interesting to try and put together a 'template' of sorts for UDFs that accept numbers in various ways.

      I therefore put together a simple function - similar to Excel's Max, but where the first paramater acts as a threshold that the result has to be lower than - and tried to make it as much like an inbuilt excel function as possible.

      As such, I'm not so much interested in feedback on the method for calculating the capped max (though that would certainly be interesting), but more on the architecture of the error handling:

      • Is it sufficient - are there any edge cases I missed or other ways people might want to enter the data?

      • Is it necessary - a huge amount of the code seems to be error handling. Is that normal? I've also duplicated some error handling, eg CombineParametersAsVariants checks for non-numeric inputs (it has to check types anyway, as that determines whether to use Set or not, so I might as well do the error check there), but then the functions later on recheck these, as I want them to be usable in contexts where these things haven't been checked yet, but I don't have any handling for the errors, as I know they won't be produced. Does this make sense?

      • Do the excel errors that I return make sense in context?

      • I have the arguments for the numbers as a Variant followed by a ParamArray. This means that the tooltip (by pressing Ctrl+Shift+A after entering =MAXLESSTHANX( in excel) produces X,number1,number2,... which looks similar to the tooltip for Excel's Max. Is that overkill - should I just use the ParamArray?

      Obviously, comments on anything else are more than welcome.

      Option Explicit

      Function MAXLESSTHANX(X As Variant, number1 As Variant, ParamArray number2() As Variant)

      'Convert the threshold (X) to a double
      Dim threshold As Double
      On Error GoTo ErrorTrapThresholdConversion:
      threshold = GetDoubleFromVariant(X)
      On Error GoTo 0

      'Add each parameter to a variant array
      Dim parameters() As Variant
      On Error GoTo ErrorTrapParameterCombination:
      parameters = CombineParametersAsVariants(number1, number2)
      On Error GoTo 0

      'Convert parameters to a single double array
      Dim allParameters() As Double
      allParameters = GetFlattenedDoubleArray(parameters)

      'Get the capped max of the values
      On Error GoTo ErrorTrapMax:
      MAXLESSTHANX = GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold(allParameters, threshold)
      On Error GoTo 0

      Exit Function

      If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 2 Then 'Threshold cell is empty
      threshold = 0
      Resume Next:
      ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 3 Then 'Threshold cell contains a non-numeric value
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 4 Then 'Threshold range has more than one cell
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 1 Then 'Threshold is of the wrong type
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      End If
      Resume ExitFunction:

      If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 1 Then 'One of the parmameters is not a number or range
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      End If
      Resume ExitFunction:

      If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 6 Then 'No values below cap
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrNum)
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      End If
      Resume ExitFunction:

      End Function

      Private Function CombineParametersAsVariants(number1 As Variant, ParamArray number2() As Variant) As Variant()

      Dim output() As Variant
      ReDim output(1 To 1)
      If TypeName(number1) = "Double" Then
      output(1) = number1
      ElseIf TypeName(number1) = "Range" Then
      Set output(1) = number1
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="CombineParametersAsVariants", Description:="Not a number or range"
      End If

      If UBound(number2(0)) <> -1 Then 'number2 has contents
      ReDim Preserve output(1 To UBound(number2(0)) + 2) 'Change to 1-based, and include number1
      Dim parameterIndex As Long
      For parameterIndex = 2 To UBound(output)
      If TypeName(number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)) = "Double" Then
      output(parameterIndex) = number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)
      ElseIf TypeName(number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)) = "Range" Then
      Set output(parameterIndex) = number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="CombineParametersAsVariants", Description:="Not a number or range"
      End If
      Next parameterIndex
      End If

      CombineParametersAsVariants = output

      End Function

      Private Function GetFlattenedDoubleArray(parameters() As Variant)

      Dim allParameters() As Double
      ReDim allParameters(1 To 1)
      Dim allParametersIndex As Long
      allParametersIndex = 1

      Dim parametersIndex As Long
      For parametersIndex = 1 To UBound(parameters)
      'Convert the parameter to a double array
      Dim parameter() As Double
      parameter = GetDoubleArrayFromVariant(parameters(parametersIndex))

      'Add the parameter to the full array
      ReDim Preserve allParameters(1 To UBound(allParameters) + UBound(parameter))
      Dim subParameterIndex As Long
      For subParameterIndex = 1 To UBound(parameter)
      allParameters(allParametersIndex) = parameter(subParameterIndex)
      allParametersIndex = allParametersIndex + 1
      Next subParameterIndex
      Next parametersIndex
      ReDim Preserve allParameters(1 To UBound(allParameters) - 1)

      GetFlattenedDoubleArray = allParameters

      End Function

      Private Function GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold(dataArray() As Double, threshold As Double) As Double

      'Check that at least one value is below the cap
      Dim min As Double
      min = dataArray(LBound(dataArray))
      Dim arrayIndex As Long
      For arrayIndex = LBound(dataArray) + 1 To UBound(dataArray)
      If dataArray(arrayIndex) < min Then
      min = dataArray(arrayIndex)
      End If
      Next arrayIndex
      If min >= threshold Then
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 6, _
      Source:="GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold", Description:="No values below cap"
      'Get the highest such value
      GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold = min
      For arrayIndex = LBound(dataArray) To UBound(dataArray)
      If dataArray(arrayIndex) > GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold And dataArray(arrayIndex) < threshold Then
      GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold = dataArray(arrayIndex)
      End If
      Next arrayIndex
      End If

      End Function

      Private Function GetDoubleArrayFromVariant(parameter As Variant) As Double()

      Dim output() As Double
      ReDim output(1 To 1)
      If TypeName(parameter) = "Double" Then
      output(1) = parameter
      ElseIf TypeName(parameter) = "Range" Then
      ReDim output(1 To parameter.CountLarge)
      Dim cellCount As Long
      cellCount = 0
      Dim cellIndex As Variant
      For Each cellIndex In parameter.Cells
      On Error GoTo ErrorTrap:
      output(cellCount + 1) = GetDoubleFromVariant(cellIndex)
      On Error GoTo 0
      cellCount = cellCount + 1
      Next cellIndex
      ReDim Preserve output(1 To cellCount)
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="GetDoubleArrayFromVariant", Description:="Not a number or range"
      End If

      GetDoubleArrayFromVariant = output

      Exit Function

      If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 2 Then 'Cell is empty, so ignore
      Resume NextLoop
      ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 3 Then 'Cell does not contain a number, so ignore
      Resume NextLoop
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 11, Source:="GetDoubleArrayFromVariant", Description:="Unknown error in GetDoubleFromVariant"
      End If

      End Function

      Private Function GetDoubleFromVariant(parameter As Variant) As Double

      If TypeName(parameter) = "Double" Then 'parameter is a number
      GetDoubleFromVariant = parameter
      ElseIf TypeName(parameter) = "Range" Then 'parameter is a range
      If parameter.Count >= 1 Then 'parameter is one cell
      If TypeName(parameter.Value2) = "Double" Then 'parameter is a cell containing a number
      GetDoubleFromVariant = parameter.Value2
      ElseIf TypeName(parameter.Value2) = "Empty" Then
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 2, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Cell is empty"
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 3, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Cell contains a non-numeric value"
      End If
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 4, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="More than one cell"
      End If
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Not a number or range"
      End If

      End Function

      share|improve this question

      Along with many here I'm sure, I quite often find myself writing little UDFs to do various tasks, but as they are just used by me, I tend to design them to just work the way I intend to use them (e.g. only accepting vertical 1-D ranges). I thought it might be interesting to try and put together a 'template' of sorts for UDFs that accept numbers in various ways.

      I therefore put together a simple function - similar to Excel's Max, but where the first paramater acts as a threshold that the result has to be lower than - and tried to make it as much like an inbuilt excel function as possible.

      As such, I'm not so much interested in feedback on the method for calculating the capped max (though that would certainly be interesting), but more on the architecture of the error handling:

      • Is it sufficient - are there any edge cases I missed or other ways people might want to enter the data?

      • Is it necessary - a huge amount of the code seems to be error handling. Is that normal? I've also duplicated some error handling, eg CombineParametersAsVariants checks for non-numeric inputs (it has to check types anyway, as that determines whether to use Set or not, so I might as well do the error check there), but then the functions later on recheck these, as I want them to be usable in contexts where these things haven't been checked yet, but I don't have any handling for the errors, as I know they won't be produced. Does this make sense?

      • Do the excel errors that I return make sense in context?

      • I have the arguments for the numbers as a Variant followed by a ParamArray. This means that the tooltip (by pressing Ctrl+Shift+A after entering =MAXLESSTHANX( in excel) produces X,number1,number2,... which looks similar to the tooltip for Excel's Max. Is that overkill - should I just use the ParamArray?

      Obviously, comments on anything else are more than welcome.

      Option Explicit

      Function MAXLESSTHANX(X As Variant, number1 As Variant, ParamArray number2() As Variant)

      'Convert the threshold (X) to a double
      Dim threshold As Double
      On Error GoTo ErrorTrapThresholdConversion:
      threshold = GetDoubleFromVariant(X)
      On Error GoTo 0

      'Add each parameter to a variant array
      Dim parameters() As Variant
      On Error GoTo ErrorTrapParameterCombination:
      parameters = CombineParametersAsVariants(number1, number2)
      On Error GoTo 0

      'Convert parameters to a single double array
      Dim allParameters() As Double
      allParameters = GetFlattenedDoubleArray(parameters)

      'Get the capped max of the values
      On Error GoTo ErrorTrapMax:
      MAXLESSTHANX = GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold(allParameters, threshold)
      On Error GoTo 0

      Exit Function

      If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 2 Then 'Threshold cell is empty
      threshold = 0
      Resume Next:
      ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 3 Then 'Threshold cell contains a non-numeric value
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 4 Then 'Threshold range has more than one cell
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 1 Then 'Threshold is of the wrong type
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      End If
      Resume ExitFunction:

      If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 1 Then 'One of the parmameters is not a number or range
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      End If
      Resume ExitFunction:

      If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 6 Then 'No values below cap
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrNum)
      MAXLESSTHANX = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      End If
      Resume ExitFunction:

      End Function

      Private Function CombineParametersAsVariants(number1 As Variant, ParamArray number2() As Variant) As Variant()

      Dim output() As Variant
      ReDim output(1 To 1)
      If TypeName(number1) = "Double" Then
      output(1) = number1
      ElseIf TypeName(number1) = "Range" Then
      Set output(1) = number1
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="CombineParametersAsVariants", Description:="Not a number or range"
      End If

      If UBound(number2(0)) <> -1 Then 'number2 has contents
      ReDim Preserve output(1 To UBound(number2(0)) + 2) 'Change to 1-based, and include number1
      Dim parameterIndex As Long
      For parameterIndex = 2 To UBound(output)
      If TypeName(number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)) = "Double" Then
      output(parameterIndex) = number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)
      ElseIf TypeName(number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)) = "Range" Then
      Set output(parameterIndex) = number2(0)(parameterIndex - 2)
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="CombineParametersAsVariants", Description:="Not a number or range"
      End If
      Next parameterIndex
      End If

      CombineParametersAsVariants = output

      End Function

      Private Function GetFlattenedDoubleArray(parameters() As Variant)

      Dim allParameters() As Double
      ReDim allParameters(1 To 1)
      Dim allParametersIndex As Long
      allParametersIndex = 1

      Dim parametersIndex As Long
      For parametersIndex = 1 To UBound(parameters)
      'Convert the parameter to a double array
      Dim parameter() As Double
      parameter = GetDoubleArrayFromVariant(parameters(parametersIndex))

      'Add the parameter to the full array
      ReDim Preserve allParameters(1 To UBound(allParameters) + UBound(parameter))
      Dim subParameterIndex As Long
      For subParameterIndex = 1 To UBound(parameter)
      allParameters(allParametersIndex) = parameter(subParameterIndex)
      allParametersIndex = allParametersIndex + 1
      Next subParameterIndex
      Next parametersIndex
      ReDim Preserve allParameters(1 To UBound(allParameters) - 1)

      GetFlattenedDoubleArray = allParameters

      End Function

      Private Function GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold(dataArray() As Double, threshold As Double) As Double

      'Check that at least one value is below the cap
      Dim min As Double
      min = dataArray(LBound(dataArray))
      Dim arrayIndex As Long
      For arrayIndex = LBound(dataArray) + 1 To UBound(dataArray)
      If dataArray(arrayIndex) < min Then
      min = dataArray(arrayIndex)
      End If
      Next arrayIndex
      If min >= threshold Then
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 6, _
      Source:="GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold", Description:="No values below cap"
      'Get the highest such value
      GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold = min
      For arrayIndex = LBound(dataArray) To UBound(dataArray)
      If dataArray(arrayIndex) > GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold And dataArray(arrayIndex) < threshold Then
      GetMaxOfDoubleArrayLessThanThreshold = dataArray(arrayIndex)
      End If
      Next arrayIndex
      End If

      End Function

      Private Function GetDoubleArrayFromVariant(parameter As Variant) As Double()

      Dim output() As Double
      ReDim output(1 To 1)
      If TypeName(parameter) = "Double" Then
      output(1) = parameter
      ElseIf TypeName(parameter) = "Range" Then
      ReDim output(1 To parameter.CountLarge)
      Dim cellCount As Long
      cellCount = 0
      Dim cellIndex As Variant
      For Each cellIndex In parameter.Cells
      On Error GoTo ErrorTrap:
      output(cellCount + 1) = GetDoubleFromVariant(cellIndex)
      On Error GoTo 0
      cellCount = cellCount + 1
      Next cellIndex
      ReDim Preserve output(1 To cellCount)
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="GetDoubleArrayFromVariant", Description:="Not a number or range"
      End If

      GetDoubleArrayFromVariant = output

      Exit Function

      If Err.Number = vbObjectError + 2 Then 'Cell is empty, so ignore
      Resume NextLoop
      ElseIf Err.Number = vbObjectError + 3 Then 'Cell does not contain a number, so ignore
      Resume NextLoop
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 11, Source:="GetDoubleArrayFromVariant", Description:="Unknown error in GetDoubleFromVariant"
      End If

      End Function

      Private Function GetDoubleFromVariant(parameter As Variant) As Double

      If TypeName(parameter) = "Double" Then 'parameter is a number
      GetDoubleFromVariant = parameter
      ElseIf TypeName(parameter) = "Range" Then 'parameter is a range
      If parameter.Count >= 1 Then 'parameter is one cell
      If TypeName(parameter.Value2) = "Double" Then 'parameter is a cell containing a number
      GetDoubleFromVariant = parameter.Value2
      ElseIf TypeName(parameter.Value2) = "Empty" Then
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 2, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Cell is empty"
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 3, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Cell contains a non-numeric value"
      End If
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 4, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="More than one cell"
      End If
      Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Source:="GetDoubleFromVariant", Description:="Not a number or range"
      End If

      End Function


      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Mar 21 at 22:54




      asked Nov 17 '17 at 18:37




      bumped to the homepage by Community 7 hours ago

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      bumped to the homepage by Community 7 hours ago

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          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote

          In the area of robustness - I would put your error handling into an Enum and have a custom error handling routine. Like this -

          Public Enum CustomError
          NotNumberOrRange = vbObjectError + 42
          CellEmpty = vbObjectError + 43
          NotNumeric = vbObjectError + 44
          MoreThanOneCell = vbObjectError + 45
          UnknownGetDouble = vbObjectError + 46
          NoneBelowCap = vbObjectError + 47
          End Enum

          Public Sub CustomErrorHandler(Err As Object)
          Select Case Err.Number
          Case CustomError.NotNumberOrRange
          MsgBox "Not a number or range", vbExclamation

          Case CustomError.CellEmpty
          MsgBox "Cell is empty", vbExclamation

          Case CustomError.NotNumeric
          MsgBox "Cell contains a non-numeric value", vbExclamation

          Case CustomError.MoreThanOneCell
          MsgBox "More than one cell", vbExclamation

          Case CustomError.UnknownGetDouble
          MsgBox "Unknown error in GetDoubleFromVariant", vbExclamation

          Case CustomError.NoneBelowCap
          MsgBox "No values below cap", vbExclamation

          Case Else
          MsgBox "Unexpected Error: " & Err.Number & "- " & Err.Description, vbCritical
          End Select
          End Sub

          Now you can move all the error handling out of the main functions

          On Error GoTo CleanFail:

          If min >= threshold Then Err.Raise CustomError.NoneBelowCap

          Exit Sub

          CustomErrorHandler Err
          Resume CleanExit

          You can consolidate all those different error handlers into one main handler using your new error function and enum. And you won't need to remember what error number is what error.

          Your arguments being able to be brought up with Ctrl +Shift+ a is about the best you can do for tooltips, but a lot of users don't know about that AND it has to be erased. So that's totally up to you. I like the idea of closely matching default argument parameters when creating a UDF close to a built-in function.

          share|improve this answer

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            up vote
            down vote

            In the area of robustness - I would put your error handling into an Enum and have a custom error handling routine. Like this -

            Public Enum CustomError
            NotNumberOrRange = vbObjectError + 42
            CellEmpty = vbObjectError + 43
            NotNumeric = vbObjectError + 44
            MoreThanOneCell = vbObjectError + 45
            UnknownGetDouble = vbObjectError + 46
            NoneBelowCap = vbObjectError + 47
            End Enum

            Public Sub CustomErrorHandler(Err As Object)
            Select Case Err.Number
            Case CustomError.NotNumberOrRange
            MsgBox "Not a number or range", vbExclamation

            Case CustomError.CellEmpty
            MsgBox "Cell is empty", vbExclamation

            Case CustomError.NotNumeric
            MsgBox "Cell contains a non-numeric value", vbExclamation

            Case CustomError.MoreThanOneCell
            MsgBox "More than one cell", vbExclamation

            Case CustomError.UnknownGetDouble
            MsgBox "Unknown error in GetDoubleFromVariant", vbExclamation

            Case CustomError.NoneBelowCap
            MsgBox "No values below cap", vbExclamation

            Case Else
            MsgBox "Unexpected Error: " & Err.Number & "- " & Err.Description, vbCritical
            End Select
            End Sub

            Now you can move all the error handling out of the main functions

            On Error GoTo CleanFail:

            If min >= threshold Then Err.Raise CustomError.NoneBelowCap

            Exit Sub

            CustomErrorHandler Err
            Resume CleanExit

            You can consolidate all those different error handlers into one main handler using your new error function and enum. And you won't need to remember what error number is what error.

            Your arguments being able to be brought up with Ctrl +Shift+ a is about the best you can do for tooltips, but a lot of users don't know about that AND it has to be erased. So that's totally up to you. I like the idea of closely matching default argument parameters when creating a UDF close to a built-in function.

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              In the area of robustness - I would put your error handling into an Enum and have a custom error handling routine. Like this -

              Public Enum CustomError
              NotNumberOrRange = vbObjectError + 42
              CellEmpty = vbObjectError + 43
              NotNumeric = vbObjectError + 44
              MoreThanOneCell = vbObjectError + 45
              UnknownGetDouble = vbObjectError + 46
              NoneBelowCap = vbObjectError + 47
              End Enum

              Public Sub CustomErrorHandler(Err As Object)
              Select Case Err.Number
              Case CustomError.NotNumberOrRange
              MsgBox "Not a number or range", vbExclamation

              Case CustomError.CellEmpty
              MsgBox "Cell is empty", vbExclamation

              Case CustomError.NotNumeric
              MsgBox "Cell contains a non-numeric value", vbExclamation

              Case CustomError.MoreThanOneCell
              MsgBox "More than one cell", vbExclamation

              Case CustomError.UnknownGetDouble
              MsgBox "Unknown error in GetDoubleFromVariant", vbExclamation

              Case CustomError.NoneBelowCap
              MsgBox "No values below cap", vbExclamation

              Case Else
              MsgBox "Unexpected Error: " & Err.Number & "- " & Err.Description, vbCritical
              End Select
              End Sub

              Now you can move all the error handling out of the main functions

              On Error GoTo CleanFail:

              If min >= threshold Then Err.Raise CustomError.NoneBelowCap

              Exit Sub

              CustomErrorHandler Err
              Resume CleanExit

              You can consolidate all those different error handlers into one main handler using your new error function and enum. And you won't need to remember what error number is what error.

              Your arguments being able to be brought up with Ctrl +Shift+ a is about the best you can do for tooltips, but a lot of users don't know about that AND it has to be erased. So that's totally up to you. I like the idea of closely matching default argument parameters when creating a UDF close to a built-in function.

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                In the area of robustness - I would put your error handling into an Enum and have a custom error handling routine. Like this -

                Public Enum CustomError
                NotNumberOrRange = vbObjectError + 42
                CellEmpty = vbObjectError + 43
                NotNumeric = vbObjectError + 44
                MoreThanOneCell = vbObjectError + 45
                UnknownGetDouble = vbObjectError + 46
                NoneBelowCap = vbObjectError + 47
                End Enum

                Public Sub CustomErrorHandler(Err As Object)
                Select Case Err.Number
                Case CustomError.NotNumberOrRange
                MsgBox "Not a number or range", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.CellEmpty
                MsgBox "Cell is empty", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.NotNumeric
                MsgBox "Cell contains a non-numeric value", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.MoreThanOneCell
                MsgBox "More than one cell", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.UnknownGetDouble
                MsgBox "Unknown error in GetDoubleFromVariant", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.NoneBelowCap
                MsgBox "No values below cap", vbExclamation

                Case Else
                MsgBox "Unexpected Error: " & Err.Number & "- " & Err.Description, vbCritical
                End Select
                End Sub

                Now you can move all the error handling out of the main functions

                On Error GoTo CleanFail:

                If min >= threshold Then Err.Raise CustomError.NoneBelowCap

                Exit Sub

                CustomErrorHandler Err
                Resume CleanExit

                You can consolidate all those different error handlers into one main handler using your new error function and enum. And you won't need to remember what error number is what error.

                Your arguments being able to be brought up with Ctrl +Shift+ a is about the best you can do for tooltips, but a lot of users don't know about that AND it has to be erased. So that's totally up to you. I like the idea of closely matching default argument parameters when creating a UDF close to a built-in function.

                share|improve this answer

                In the area of robustness - I would put your error handling into an Enum and have a custom error handling routine. Like this -

                Public Enum CustomError
                NotNumberOrRange = vbObjectError + 42
                CellEmpty = vbObjectError + 43
                NotNumeric = vbObjectError + 44
                MoreThanOneCell = vbObjectError + 45
                UnknownGetDouble = vbObjectError + 46
                NoneBelowCap = vbObjectError + 47
                End Enum

                Public Sub CustomErrorHandler(Err As Object)
                Select Case Err.Number
                Case CustomError.NotNumberOrRange
                MsgBox "Not a number or range", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.CellEmpty
                MsgBox "Cell is empty", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.NotNumeric
                MsgBox "Cell contains a non-numeric value", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.MoreThanOneCell
                MsgBox "More than one cell", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.UnknownGetDouble
                MsgBox "Unknown error in GetDoubleFromVariant", vbExclamation

                Case CustomError.NoneBelowCap
                MsgBox "No values below cap", vbExclamation

                Case Else
                MsgBox "Unexpected Error: " & Err.Number & "- " & Err.Description, vbCritical
                End Select
                End Sub

                Now you can move all the error handling out of the main functions

                On Error GoTo CleanFail:

                If min >= threshold Then Err.Raise CustomError.NoneBelowCap

                Exit Sub

                CustomErrorHandler Err
                Resume CleanExit

                You can consolidate all those different error handlers into one main handler using your new error function and enum. And you won't need to remember what error number is what error.

                Your arguments being able to be brought up with Ctrl +Shift+ a is about the best you can do for tooltips, but a lot of users don't know about that AND it has to be erased. So that's totally up to you. I like the idea of closely matching default argument parameters when creating a UDF close to a built-in function.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited Mar 21 at 23:15

                answered Mar 21 at 23:09





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