How to initialise UIView in xcode project
I'm trying to achieve an animation very similar to the android's native circle spinning in my xcode project
I found a class that achieves something very similar to this
import UIKit
class SpinnerView : UIView {
override var layer: CAShapeLayer {
get {
return super.layer as! CAShapeLayer
override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
return CAShapeLayer.self
override func layoutSubviews() {
layer.fillColor = nil
layer.strokeColor =
layer.lineWidth = 3
override func didMoveToWindow() {
private func setPath() {
layer.path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: bounds.insetBy(dx: layer.lineWidth / 2, dy: layer.lineWidth / 2)).cgPath
struct Pose {
let secondsSincePriorPose: CFTimeInterval
let start: CGFloat
let length: CGFloat
init(_ secondsSincePriorPose: CFTimeInterval, _ start: CGFloat, _ length: CGFloat) {
self.secondsSincePriorPose = secondsSincePriorPose
self.start = start
self.length = length
class var poses: [Pose] {
get {
return [
Pose(0.0, 0.000, 0.7),
Pose(0.6, 0.500, 0.5),
Pose(0.6, 1.000, 0.3),
Pose(0.6, 1.500, 0.1),
Pose(0.2, 1.875, 0.1),
Pose(0.2, 2.250, 0.3),
Pose(0.2, 2.625, 0.5),
Pose(0.2, 3.000, 0.7),
func animate() {
var time: CFTimeInterval = 0
var times = [CFTimeInterval]()
var start: CGFloat = 0
var rotations = [CGFloat]()
var strokeEnds = [CGFloat]()
let poses = type(of: self).poses
let totalSeconds = poses.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.secondsSincePriorPose }
for pose in poses {
time += pose.secondsSincePriorPose
times.append(time / totalSeconds)
start = pose.start
rotations.append(start * 2 * .pi)
animateKeyPath(keyPath: "strokeEnd", duration: totalSeconds, times: times, values: strokeEnds)
animateKeyPath(keyPath: "transform.rotation", duration: totalSeconds, times: times, values: rotations)
animateStrokeHueWithDuration(duration: totalSeconds * 5)
func animateKeyPath(keyPath: String, duration: CFTimeInterval, times: [CFTimeInterval], values: [CGFloat]) {
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: keyPath)
animation.keyTimes = times as [NSNumber]?
animation.values = values
// animation.calculationMode = .linear
animation.duration = duration
animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
layer.add(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
func animateStrokeHueWithDuration(duration: CFTimeInterval) {
let count = 36
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "strokeColor")
animation.keyTimes = (0 ... count).map { NSNumber(value: CFTimeInterval($0) / CFTimeInterval(count)) }
animation.values = (0 ... count).map {
UIColor(hue: CGFloat($0) / CGFloat(count), saturation: 1, brightness: 1, alpha: 1).cgColor
animation.duration = duration
// animation.calculationMode = .linear
animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
layer.add(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
My question is how do i actually use that animation to show it in the view controller ?
Maybe even direct me to somewhere to research
ios swift
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I'm trying to achieve an animation very similar to the android's native circle spinning in my xcode project
I found a class that achieves something very similar to this
import UIKit
class SpinnerView : UIView {
override var layer: CAShapeLayer {
get {
return super.layer as! CAShapeLayer
override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
return CAShapeLayer.self
override func layoutSubviews() {
layer.fillColor = nil
layer.strokeColor =
layer.lineWidth = 3
override func didMoveToWindow() {
private func setPath() {
layer.path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: bounds.insetBy(dx: layer.lineWidth / 2, dy: layer.lineWidth / 2)).cgPath
struct Pose {
let secondsSincePriorPose: CFTimeInterval
let start: CGFloat
let length: CGFloat
init(_ secondsSincePriorPose: CFTimeInterval, _ start: CGFloat, _ length: CGFloat) {
self.secondsSincePriorPose = secondsSincePriorPose
self.start = start
self.length = length
class var poses: [Pose] {
get {
return [
Pose(0.0, 0.000, 0.7),
Pose(0.6, 0.500, 0.5),
Pose(0.6, 1.000, 0.3),
Pose(0.6, 1.500, 0.1),
Pose(0.2, 1.875, 0.1),
Pose(0.2, 2.250, 0.3),
Pose(0.2, 2.625, 0.5),
Pose(0.2, 3.000, 0.7),
func animate() {
var time: CFTimeInterval = 0
var times = [CFTimeInterval]()
var start: CGFloat = 0
var rotations = [CGFloat]()
var strokeEnds = [CGFloat]()
let poses = type(of: self).poses
let totalSeconds = poses.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.secondsSincePriorPose }
for pose in poses {
time += pose.secondsSincePriorPose
times.append(time / totalSeconds)
start = pose.start
rotations.append(start * 2 * .pi)
animateKeyPath(keyPath: "strokeEnd", duration: totalSeconds, times: times, values: strokeEnds)
animateKeyPath(keyPath: "transform.rotation", duration: totalSeconds, times: times, values: rotations)
animateStrokeHueWithDuration(duration: totalSeconds * 5)
func animateKeyPath(keyPath: String, duration: CFTimeInterval, times: [CFTimeInterval], values: [CGFloat]) {
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: keyPath)
animation.keyTimes = times as [NSNumber]?
animation.values = values
// animation.calculationMode = .linear
animation.duration = duration
animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
layer.add(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
func animateStrokeHueWithDuration(duration: CFTimeInterval) {
let count = 36
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "strokeColor")
animation.keyTimes = (0 ... count).map { NSNumber(value: CFTimeInterval($0) / CFTimeInterval(count)) }
animation.values = (0 ... count).map {
UIColor(hue: CGFloat($0) / CGFloat(count), saturation: 1, brightness: 1, alpha: 1).cgColor
animation.duration = duration
// animation.calculationMode = .linear
animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
layer.add(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
My question is how do i actually use that animation to show it in the view controller ?
Maybe even direct me to somewhere to research
ios swift try this link
– wings
Nov 20 at 14:30
Edit: removed xcode tag. It's not relevant to the question
– Scriptable
Nov 20 at 15:19
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I'm trying to achieve an animation very similar to the android's native circle spinning in my xcode project
I found a class that achieves something very similar to this
import UIKit
class SpinnerView : UIView {
override var layer: CAShapeLayer {
get {
return super.layer as! CAShapeLayer
override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
return CAShapeLayer.self
override func layoutSubviews() {
layer.fillColor = nil
layer.strokeColor =
layer.lineWidth = 3
override func didMoveToWindow() {
private func setPath() {
layer.path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: bounds.insetBy(dx: layer.lineWidth / 2, dy: layer.lineWidth / 2)).cgPath
struct Pose {
let secondsSincePriorPose: CFTimeInterval
let start: CGFloat
let length: CGFloat
init(_ secondsSincePriorPose: CFTimeInterval, _ start: CGFloat, _ length: CGFloat) {
self.secondsSincePriorPose = secondsSincePriorPose
self.start = start
self.length = length
class var poses: [Pose] {
get {
return [
Pose(0.0, 0.000, 0.7),
Pose(0.6, 0.500, 0.5),
Pose(0.6, 1.000, 0.3),
Pose(0.6, 1.500, 0.1),
Pose(0.2, 1.875, 0.1),
Pose(0.2, 2.250, 0.3),
Pose(0.2, 2.625, 0.5),
Pose(0.2, 3.000, 0.7),
func animate() {
var time: CFTimeInterval = 0
var times = [CFTimeInterval]()
var start: CGFloat = 0
var rotations = [CGFloat]()
var strokeEnds = [CGFloat]()
let poses = type(of: self).poses
let totalSeconds = poses.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.secondsSincePriorPose }
for pose in poses {
time += pose.secondsSincePriorPose
times.append(time / totalSeconds)
start = pose.start
rotations.append(start * 2 * .pi)
animateKeyPath(keyPath: "strokeEnd", duration: totalSeconds, times: times, values: strokeEnds)
animateKeyPath(keyPath: "transform.rotation", duration: totalSeconds, times: times, values: rotations)
animateStrokeHueWithDuration(duration: totalSeconds * 5)
func animateKeyPath(keyPath: String, duration: CFTimeInterval, times: [CFTimeInterval], values: [CGFloat]) {
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: keyPath)
animation.keyTimes = times as [NSNumber]?
animation.values = values
// animation.calculationMode = .linear
animation.duration = duration
animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
layer.add(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
func animateStrokeHueWithDuration(duration: CFTimeInterval) {
let count = 36
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "strokeColor")
animation.keyTimes = (0 ... count).map { NSNumber(value: CFTimeInterval($0) / CFTimeInterval(count)) }
animation.values = (0 ... count).map {
UIColor(hue: CGFloat($0) / CGFloat(count), saturation: 1, brightness: 1, alpha: 1).cgColor
animation.duration = duration
// animation.calculationMode = .linear
animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
layer.add(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
My question is how do i actually use that animation to show it in the view controller ?
Maybe even direct me to somewhere to research
ios swift
I'm trying to achieve an animation very similar to the android's native circle spinning in my xcode project
I found a class that achieves something very similar to this
import UIKit
class SpinnerView : UIView {
override var layer: CAShapeLayer {
get {
return super.layer as! CAShapeLayer
override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
return CAShapeLayer.self
override func layoutSubviews() {
layer.fillColor = nil
layer.strokeColor =
layer.lineWidth = 3
override func didMoveToWindow() {
private func setPath() {
layer.path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: bounds.insetBy(dx: layer.lineWidth / 2, dy: layer.lineWidth / 2)).cgPath
struct Pose {
let secondsSincePriorPose: CFTimeInterval
let start: CGFloat
let length: CGFloat
init(_ secondsSincePriorPose: CFTimeInterval, _ start: CGFloat, _ length: CGFloat) {
self.secondsSincePriorPose = secondsSincePriorPose
self.start = start
self.length = length
class var poses: [Pose] {
get {
return [
Pose(0.0, 0.000, 0.7),
Pose(0.6, 0.500, 0.5),
Pose(0.6, 1.000, 0.3),
Pose(0.6, 1.500, 0.1),
Pose(0.2, 1.875, 0.1),
Pose(0.2, 2.250, 0.3),
Pose(0.2, 2.625, 0.5),
Pose(0.2, 3.000, 0.7),
func animate() {
var time: CFTimeInterval = 0
var times = [CFTimeInterval]()
var start: CGFloat = 0
var rotations = [CGFloat]()
var strokeEnds = [CGFloat]()
let poses = type(of: self).poses
let totalSeconds = poses.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.secondsSincePriorPose }
for pose in poses {
time += pose.secondsSincePriorPose
times.append(time / totalSeconds)
start = pose.start
rotations.append(start * 2 * .pi)
animateKeyPath(keyPath: "strokeEnd", duration: totalSeconds, times: times, values: strokeEnds)
animateKeyPath(keyPath: "transform.rotation", duration: totalSeconds, times: times, values: rotations)
animateStrokeHueWithDuration(duration: totalSeconds * 5)
func animateKeyPath(keyPath: String, duration: CFTimeInterval, times: [CFTimeInterval], values: [CGFloat]) {
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: keyPath)
animation.keyTimes = times as [NSNumber]?
animation.values = values
// animation.calculationMode = .linear
animation.duration = duration
animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
layer.add(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
func animateStrokeHueWithDuration(duration: CFTimeInterval) {
let count = 36
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "strokeColor")
animation.keyTimes = (0 ... count).map { NSNumber(value: CFTimeInterval($0) / CFTimeInterval(count)) }
animation.values = (0 ... count).map {
UIColor(hue: CGFloat($0) / CGFloat(count), saturation: 1, brightness: 1, alpha: 1).cgColor
animation.duration = duration
// animation.calculationMode = .linear
animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
layer.add(animation, forKey: animation.keyPath)
My question is how do i actually use that animation to show it in the view controller ?
Maybe even direct me to somewhere to research
ios swift
ios swift
edited Nov 20 at 15:19
asked Nov 20 at 14:18
Chief Madog
5781825 try this link
– wings
Nov 20 at 14:30
Edit: removed xcode tag. It's not relevant to the question
– Scriptable
Nov 20 at 15:19
add a comment | try this link
– wings
Nov 20 at 14:30
Edit: removed xcode tag. It's not relevant to the question
– Scriptable
Nov 20 at 15:19 try this link
– wings
Nov 20 at 14:30 try this link
– wings
Nov 20 at 14:30
Edit: removed xcode tag. It's not relevant to the question
– Scriptable
Nov 20 at 15:19
Edit: removed xcode tag. It's not relevant to the question
– Scriptable
Nov 20 at 15:19
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1 Answer
In regards to using this exact class you would do this in your view controller class
class MyViewController: UIViewController
override func viewDidLoad()
func showSpinnerView()
let spinnerView = SpinnerView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width:100, height: 100))
self.view.addSubView(view: spinnerView)
this will add the spinner view to the ViewControllers view. The CGRect you create when initialising SpinnerView
will have to be the rect of where you want the thing to be but this is how to create and add it to your view
In this example as soon as the view loads it calls show spinner view but I assume you trigger some event that requires a loading type animation, in this case your spinner so just call show spinner view there.
Alternatively you can add it to your view controllers view in the view did load and set spinnerView.isHidden = true
and then when the event happens that you want to a show progress spinner for just set spinnerView.isHidden = false
(obviously in this case spinnerView
would have to be a member variable so that you are able to access its properties from other functions
i cannot do the, self.vier.addsubview, i cannot do a self.view from a uiviewcontroller
– Chief Madog
Nov 20 at 16:20
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1 Answer
1 Answer
In regards to using this exact class you would do this in your view controller class
class MyViewController: UIViewController
override func viewDidLoad()
func showSpinnerView()
let spinnerView = SpinnerView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width:100, height: 100))
self.view.addSubView(view: spinnerView)
this will add the spinner view to the ViewControllers view. The CGRect you create when initialising SpinnerView
will have to be the rect of where you want the thing to be but this is how to create and add it to your view
In this example as soon as the view loads it calls show spinner view but I assume you trigger some event that requires a loading type animation, in this case your spinner so just call show spinner view there.
Alternatively you can add it to your view controllers view in the view did load and set spinnerView.isHidden = true
and then when the event happens that you want to a show progress spinner for just set spinnerView.isHidden = false
(obviously in this case spinnerView
would have to be a member variable so that you are able to access its properties from other functions
i cannot do the, self.vier.addsubview, i cannot do a self.view from a uiviewcontroller
– Chief Madog
Nov 20 at 16:20
add a comment |
In regards to using this exact class you would do this in your view controller class
class MyViewController: UIViewController
override func viewDidLoad()
func showSpinnerView()
let spinnerView = SpinnerView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width:100, height: 100))
self.view.addSubView(view: spinnerView)
this will add the spinner view to the ViewControllers view. The CGRect you create when initialising SpinnerView
will have to be the rect of where you want the thing to be but this is how to create and add it to your view
In this example as soon as the view loads it calls show spinner view but I assume you trigger some event that requires a loading type animation, in this case your spinner so just call show spinner view there.
Alternatively you can add it to your view controllers view in the view did load and set spinnerView.isHidden = true
and then when the event happens that you want to a show progress spinner for just set spinnerView.isHidden = false
(obviously in this case spinnerView
would have to be a member variable so that you are able to access its properties from other functions
i cannot do the, self.vier.addsubview, i cannot do a self.view from a uiviewcontroller
– Chief Madog
Nov 20 at 16:20
add a comment |
In regards to using this exact class you would do this in your view controller class
class MyViewController: UIViewController
override func viewDidLoad()
func showSpinnerView()
let spinnerView = SpinnerView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width:100, height: 100))
self.view.addSubView(view: spinnerView)
this will add the spinner view to the ViewControllers view. The CGRect you create when initialising SpinnerView
will have to be the rect of where you want the thing to be but this is how to create and add it to your view
In this example as soon as the view loads it calls show spinner view but I assume you trigger some event that requires a loading type animation, in this case your spinner so just call show spinner view there.
Alternatively you can add it to your view controllers view in the view did load and set spinnerView.isHidden = true
and then when the event happens that you want to a show progress spinner for just set spinnerView.isHidden = false
(obviously in this case spinnerView
would have to be a member variable so that you are able to access its properties from other functions
In regards to using this exact class you would do this in your view controller class
class MyViewController: UIViewController
override func viewDidLoad()
func showSpinnerView()
let spinnerView = SpinnerView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width:100, height: 100))
self.view.addSubView(view: spinnerView)
this will add the spinner view to the ViewControllers view. The CGRect you create when initialising SpinnerView
will have to be the rect of where you want the thing to be but this is how to create and add it to your view
In this example as soon as the view loads it calls show spinner view but I assume you trigger some event that requires a loading type animation, in this case your spinner so just call show spinner view there.
Alternatively you can add it to your view controllers view in the view did load and set spinnerView.isHidden = true
and then when the event happens that you want to a show progress spinner for just set spinnerView.isHidden = false
(obviously in this case spinnerView
would have to be a member variable so that you are able to access its properties from other functions
answered Nov 20 at 14:50
i cannot do the, self.vier.addsubview, i cannot do a self.view from a uiviewcontroller
– Chief Madog
Nov 20 at 16:20
add a comment |
i cannot do the, self.vier.addsubview, i cannot do a self.view from a uiviewcontroller
– Chief Madog
Nov 20 at 16:20
i cannot do the, self.vier.addsubview, i cannot do a self.view from a uiviewcontroller
– Chief Madog
Nov 20 at 16:20
i cannot do the, self.vier.addsubview, i cannot do a self.view from a uiviewcontroller
– Chief Madog
Nov 20 at 16:20
add a comment |
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– wings
Nov 20 at 14:30
Edit: removed xcode tag. It's not relevant to the question
– Scriptable
Nov 20 at 15:19