Read jobs from ( a jobs portal), categories them and write them to separate csv files based on jobs...



I am a beginner python developer and I wrote a script in python which fetches 50 latest jobs from (a jobs portal) API, categories them based on jobs gender and write each to a separate CSV and excel sheet files. I want my code cleaner and more readable, so I really like to get comments on code structure and how to make code more readable nice.
This is my script:

#! /usr/bin/python
'''This is a simple command line python program which fetches maximum 50 latest
jobs from API and accept two optional arguments (--category='job category
--title='job title') and can filter jobs bassed on them, then it prints the result
to a .xlsxworksheet with three sheets Male, Female and Any according the gender of

import urllib2
import json
import sys
import csv
import xlsxwriter
import argparse

# Create an ArgumentParser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Fetch and list maximum 50 latest
jobs from "" based on title, category, with
both of them or with out of them.'
# Create arguments using argparse object
parser.add_argument('--category', help = "takes job category name or it's id ")
parser.add_argument('--title' , help = 'takes job title as string')

# Some variables used for flag.
job_title = ''
job_category = ''
flag = True

# Use tyr except to handle arguments parsing.
args = parser.parse_args()

# Assgin command line arguments to variables to pass them to urlBuilder method
job_category = args.category
job_title = args.title
flag = False
print 'please enter your search like this patter: --category="catgory name"
--title="title name"'

# General url for API
url = ''

# Create the url(filter the request) to get data from API
def url_builder(category = None, title = None):
if category and title:
title_query = title and '&position_title=' + title.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
category_query = category and '&category=' + category.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
global url
return url + category_query + title_query

elif category and not title:
category_query = category and '&category=' + category.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
return url + category_query

elif title and not category:
title_query = title and '&position_title=' + title.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
return url + title_query

url = ''
return url

'''Get data from API as json object and get the specific parts of jobs and print them to
a worksheet in differen sheet according to gender.
def list_jobs(query):
# Use urllib2 to load data as a json object.
json_object = urllib2.urlopen(query)
json_data = json.load(json_object)

# Create a workboo using xlsxwriter to write data in it.
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('listJobs.xlsx')

male_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Male')
male_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

female_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Female')
female_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

any_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Any')
any_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

# Open a CSV file.
csv_file = open('jobs.csv', 'a')

# Create an object of csv.writer to write to a csv file.
csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file)

# Write to CSV file.
csv_writer.writerow(['Position Title', 'skill', 'Expire Date', 'Gender',
'Location', 'Category'

# Counters
any_counter = 1
female_counter = 1
male_counter = 1
count = 0
k = 0

# Loop over dictionary to fetch jobs attributes
for item in json_data['data']:
# Get items and encode and decode them to write items to xlsx files.
title = item['position_title'].encode('utf-8')
dtitle = title.decode('unicode-escape')
skills = item['skills_requirement'].encode('utf-8')
dskills = skills.decode('unicode-escape')
expire = item['expire_date'].encode('utf-8')
dexpire = expire.decode('unicode-escape')
gender = item['gender'].encode('utf-8')
dgender = gender.decode('unicode-escape')

loc = item.get('location').get('data')
state = ''
for i in range(len(loc)):
province = loc[i]
state = state + province['name_en'].encode('utf-8')
dstate = state.decode('unicode-escape')

category = item.get('category').get('data')
category = category['name_en'].decode('utf-8')
dcategory = category.decode('unicode-escape')
# Update counter for counting number of jobs that are ftching.
count = count + 1

# Get gender attribute and check it to specify the sheet to write in to it.
gender = item['gender']

if gender == 'Male':
male_sheet.write_row(male_counter,k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire,
dgender, dstate, dcategory
male_counter = male_counter + 1

elif gender == 'Female':
female_sheet.write_row(female_counter, k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire,
dgender, dstate, dcategory
female_counter = female_counter + 1

any_sheet.write_row(any_counter, k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire, dgender,
dstate, dcategory
any_counter = any_counter + 1

# Write to CSV file
csv_writer.writerow([title, skills, expire, gender, state, category])

# Close workbook

# Prompt for user based on the result of fetching of jobs from
result1 = ''
result2 = ''
if job_category == None:
result1 = 'any category'
result1 = job_category

if job_title == None:
result2 = 'any title.'
result2 = job_title

if count == 0:
print 'No job/s were/was found in for category: ' + str(result1) +
' and title: ' + str(result2)
elif job_category == None and job_title == None:
print str(count) + ' latest jobs founded in for category: ' + str(result1) +
' and title: ' + str(result2) + ' were writen to listJobs.xlsx.'

print str( any_counter -1 ) + ' of founded job/s are/is for any gender.'
print str(male_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for males.'
print str(female_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for females.'
print str(count) + ' job/s were/was found in for category: ' + str(result1) +
' and title: ' + str(result2) + ' were writen to listJobs.xlsx.'

print str( any_counter -1 ) + ' of founded job/s are/is for any gender.'
print str(male_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for males.'
print str(female_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for females.'

if flag == True:
# Call urlBuilder method and assgin it's returned url to url variable
url_query = url_builder(job_category, job_title)
# Call listJobs method with the epecified URL

print 'Run program with correct argument pattern'

share|improve this question




    I am a beginner python developer and I wrote a script in python which fetches 50 latest jobs from (a jobs portal) API, categories them based on jobs gender and write each to a separate CSV and excel sheet files. I want my code cleaner and more readable, so I really like to get comments on code structure and how to make code more readable nice.
    This is my script:

    #! /usr/bin/python
    '''This is a simple command line python program which fetches maximum 50 latest
    jobs from API and accept two optional arguments (--category='job category
    --title='job title') and can filter jobs bassed on them, then it prints the result
    to a .xlsxworksheet with three sheets Male, Female and Any according the gender of

    import urllib2
    import json
    import sys
    import csv
    import xlsxwriter
    import argparse

    # Create an ArgumentParser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Fetch and list maximum 50 latest
    jobs from "" based on title, category, with
    both of them or with out of them.'
    # Create arguments using argparse object
    parser.add_argument('--category', help = "takes job category name or it's id ")
    parser.add_argument('--title' , help = 'takes job title as string')

    # Some variables used for flag.
    job_title = ''
    job_category = ''
    flag = True

    # Use tyr except to handle arguments parsing.
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Assgin command line arguments to variables to pass them to urlBuilder method
    job_category = args.category
    job_title = args.title
    flag = False
    print 'please enter your search like this patter: --category="catgory name"
    --title="title name"'

    # General url for API
    url = ''

    # Create the url(filter the request) to get data from API
    def url_builder(category = None, title = None):
    if category and title:
    title_query = title and '&position_title=' + title.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
    category_query = category and '&category=' + category.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
    global url
    return url + category_query + title_query

    elif category and not title:
    category_query = category and '&category=' + category.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
    return url + category_query

    elif title and not category:
    title_query = title and '&position_title=' + title.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
    return url + title_query

    url = ''
    return url

    '''Get data from API as json object and get the specific parts of jobs and print them to
    a worksheet in differen sheet according to gender.
    def list_jobs(query):
    # Use urllib2 to load data as a json object.
    json_object = urllib2.urlopen(query)
    json_data = json.load(json_object)

    # Create a workboo using xlsxwriter to write data in it.
    workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('listJobs.xlsx')

    male_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Male')
    male_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

    female_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Female')
    female_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

    any_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Any')
    any_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

    # Open a CSV file.
    csv_file = open('jobs.csv', 'a')

    # Create an object of csv.writer to write to a csv file.
    csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file)

    # Write to CSV file.
    csv_writer.writerow(['Position Title', 'skill', 'Expire Date', 'Gender',
    'Location', 'Category'

    # Counters
    any_counter = 1
    female_counter = 1
    male_counter = 1
    count = 0
    k = 0

    # Loop over dictionary to fetch jobs attributes
    for item in json_data['data']:
    # Get items and encode and decode them to write items to xlsx files.
    title = item['position_title'].encode('utf-8')
    dtitle = title.decode('unicode-escape')
    skills = item['skills_requirement'].encode('utf-8')
    dskills = skills.decode('unicode-escape')
    expire = item['expire_date'].encode('utf-8')
    dexpire = expire.decode('unicode-escape')
    gender = item['gender'].encode('utf-8')
    dgender = gender.decode('unicode-escape')

    loc = item.get('location').get('data')
    state = ''
    for i in range(len(loc)):
    province = loc[i]
    state = state + province['name_en'].encode('utf-8')
    dstate = state.decode('unicode-escape')

    category = item.get('category').get('data')
    category = category['name_en'].decode('utf-8')
    dcategory = category.decode('unicode-escape')
    # Update counter for counting number of jobs that are ftching.
    count = count + 1

    # Get gender attribute and check it to specify the sheet to write in to it.
    gender = item['gender']

    if gender == 'Male':
    male_sheet.write_row(male_counter,k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire,
    dgender, dstate, dcategory
    male_counter = male_counter + 1

    elif gender == 'Female':
    female_sheet.write_row(female_counter, k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire,
    dgender, dstate, dcategory
    female_counter = female_counter + 1

    any_sheet.write_row(any_counter, k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire, dgender,
    dstate, dcategory
    any_counter = any_counter + 1

    # Write to CSV file
    csv_writer.writerow([title, skills, expire, gender, state, category])

    # Close workbook

    # Prompt for user based on the result of fetching of jobs from
    result1 = ''
    result2 = ''
    if job_category == None:
    result1 = 'any category'
    result1 = job_category

    if job_title == None:
    result2 = 'any title.'
    result2 = job_title

    if count == 0:
    print 'No job/s were/was found in for category: ' + str(result1) +
    ' and title: ' + str(result2)
    elif job_category == None and job_title == None:
    print str(count) + ' latest jobs founded in for category: ' + str(result1) +
    ' and title: ' + str(result2) + ' were writen to listJobs.xlsx.'

    print str( any_counter -1 ) + ' of founded job/s are/is for any gender.'
    print str(male_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for males.'
    print str(female_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for females.'
    print str(count) + ' job/s were/was found in for category: ' + str(result1) +
    ' and title: ' + str(result2) + ' were writen to listJobs.xlsx.'

    print str( any_counter -1 ) + ' of founded job/s are/is for any gender.'
    print str(male_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for males.'
    print str(female_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for females.'

    if flag == True:
    # Call urlBuilder method and assgin it's returned url to url variable
    url_query = url_builder(job_category, job_title)
    # Call listJobs method with the epecified URL

    print 'Run program with correct argument pattern'

    share|improve this question






      I am a beginner python developer and I wrote a script in python which fetches 50 latest jobs from (a jobs portal) API, categories them based on jobs gender and write each to a separate CSV and excel sheet files. I want my code cleaner and more readable, so I really like to get comments on code structure and how to make code more readable nice.
      This is my script:

      #! /usr/bin/python
      '''This is a simple command line python program which fetches maximum 50 latest
      jobs from API and accept two optional arguments (--category='job category
      --title='job title') and can filter jobs bassed on them, then it prints the result
      to a .xlsxworksheet with three sheets Male, Female and Any according the gender of

      import urllib2
      import json
      import sys
      import csv
      import xlsxwriter
      import argparse

      # Create an ArgumentParser
      parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Fetch and list maximum 50 latest
      jobs from "" based on title, category, with
      both of them or with out of them.'
      # Create arguments using argparse object
      parser.add_argument('--category', help = "takes job category name or it's id ")
      parser.add_argument('--title' , help = 'takes job title as string')

      # Some variables used for flag.
      job_title = ''
      job_category = ''
      flag = True

      # Use tyr except to handle arguments parsing.
      args = parser.parse_args()

      # Assgin command line arguments to variables to pass them to urlBuilder method
      job_category = args.category
      job_title = args.title
      flag = False
      print 'please enter your search like this patter: --category="catgory name"
      --title="title name"'

      # General url for API
      url = ''

      # Create the url(filter the request) to get data from API
      def url_builder(category = None, title = None):
      if category and title:
      title_query = title and '&position_title=' + title.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
      category_query = category and '&category=' + category.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
      global url
      return url + category_query + title_query

      elif category and not title:
      category_query = category and '&category=' + category.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
      return url + category_query

      elif title and not category:
      title_query = title and '&position_title=' + title.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
      return url + title_query

      url = ''
      return url

      '''Get data from API as json object and get the specific parts of jobs and print them to
      a worksheet in differen sheet according to gender.
      def list_jobs(query):
      # Use urllib2 to load data as a json object.
      json_object = urllib2.urlopen(query)
      json_data = json.load(json_object)

      # Create a workboo using xlsxwriter to write data in it.
      workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('listJobs.xlsx')

      male_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Male')
      male_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

      female_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Female')
      female_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

      any_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Any')
      any_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

      # Open a CSV file.
      csv_file = open('jobs.csv', 'a')

      # Create an object of csv.writer to write to a csv file.
      csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file)

      # Write to CSV file.
      csv_writer.writerow(['Position Title', 'skill', 'Expire Date', 'Gender',
      'Location', 'Category'

      # Counters
      any_counter = 1
      female_counter = 1
      male_counter = 1
      count = 0
      k = 0

      # Loop over dictionary to fetch jobs attributes
      for item in json_data['data']:
      # Get items and encode and decode them to write items to xlsx files.
      title = item['position_title'].encode('utf-8')
      dtitle = title.decode('unicode-escape')
      skills = item['skills_requirement'].encode('utf-8')
      dskills = skills.decode('unicode-escape')
      expire = item['expire_date'].encode('utf-8')
      dexpire = expire.decode('unicode-escape')
      gender = item['gender'].encode('utf-8')
      dgender = gender.decode('unicode-escape')

      loc = item.get('location').get('data')
      state = ''
      for i in range(len(loc)):
      province = loc[i]
      state = state + province['name_en'].encode('utf-8')
      dstate = state.decode('unicode-escape')

      category = item.get('category').get('data')
      category = category['name_en'].decode('utf-8')
      dcategory = category.decode('unicode-escape')
      # Update counter for counting number of jobs that are ftching.
      count = count + 1

      # Get gender attribute and check it to specify the sheet to write in to it.
      gender = item['gender']

      if gender == 'Male':
      male_sheet.write_row(male_counter,k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire,
      dgender, dstate, dcategory
      male_counter = male_counter + 1

      elif gender == 'Female':
      female_sheet.write_row(female_counter, k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire,
      dgender, dstate, dcategory
      female_counter = female_counter + 1

      any_sheet.write_row(any_counter, k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire, dgender,
      dstate, dcategory
      any_counter = any_counter + 1

      # Write to CSV file
      csv_writer.writerow([title, skills, expire, gender, state, category])

      # Close workbook

      # Prompt for user based on the result of fetching of jobs from
      result1 = ''
      result2 = ''
      if job_category == None:
      result1 = 'any category'
      result1 = job_category

      if job_title == None:
      result2 = 'any title.'
      result2 = job_title

      if count == 0:
      print 'No job/s were/was found in for category: ' + str(result1) +
      ' and title: ' + str(result2)
      elif job_category == None and job_title == None:
      print str(count) + ' latest jobs founded in for category: ' + str(result1) +
      ' and title: ' + str(result2) + ' were writen to listJobs.xlsx.'

      print str( any_counter -1 ) + ' of founded job/s are/is for any gender.'
      print str(male_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for males.'
      print str(female_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for females.'
      print str(count) + ' job/s were/was found in for category: ' + str(result1) +
      ' and title: ' + str(result2) + ' were writen to listJobs.xlsx.'

      print str( any_counter -1 ) + ' of founded job/s are/is for any gender.'
      print str(male_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for males.'
      print str(female_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for females.'

      if flag == True:
      # Call urlBuilder method and assgin it's returned url to url variable
      url_query = url_builder(job_category, job_title)
      # Call listJobs method with the epecified URL

      print 'Run program with correct argument pattern'

      share|improve this question


      I am a beginner python developer and I wrote a script in python which fetches 50 latest jobs from (a jobs portal) API, categories them based on jobs gender and write each to a separate CSV and excel sheet files. I want my code cleaner and more readable, so I really like to get comments on code structure and how to make code more readable nice.
      This is my script:

      #! /usr/bin/python
      '''This is a simple command line python program which fetches maximum 50 latest
      jobs from API and accept two optional arguments (--category='job category
      --title='job title') and can filter jobs bassed on them, then it prints the result
      to a .xlsxworksheet with three sheets Male, Female and Any according the gender of

      import urllib2
      import json
      import sys
      import csv
      import xlsxwriter
      import argparse

      # Create an ArgumentParser
      parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Fetch and list maximum 50 latest
      jobs from "" based on title, category, with
      both of them or with out of them.'
      # Create arguments using argparse object
      parser.add_argument('--category', help = "takes job category name or it's id ")
      parser.add_argument('--title' , help = 'takes job title as string')

      # Some variables used for flag.
      job_title = ''
      job_category = ''
      flag = True

      # Use tyr except to handle arguments parsing.
      args = parser.parse_args()

      # Assgin command line arguments to variables to pass them to urlBuilder method
      job_category = args.category
      job_title = args.title
      flag = False
      print 'please enter your search like this patter: --category="catgory name"
      --title="title name"'

      # General url for API
      url = ''

      # Create the url(filter the request) to get data from API
      def url_builder(category = None, title = None):
      if category and title:
      title_query = title and '&position_title=' + title.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
      category_query = category and '&category=' + category.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
      global url
      return url + category_query + title_query

      elif category and not title:
      category_query = category and '&category=' + category.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
      return url + category_query

      elif title and not category:
      title_query = title and '&position_title=' + title.replace(' ', '%20') or ''
      return url + title_query

      url = ''
      return url

      '''Get data from API as json object and get the specific parts of jobs and print them to
      a worksheet in differen sheet according to gender.
      def list_jobs(query):
      # Use urllib2 to load data as a json object.
      json_object = urllib2.urlopen(query)
      json_data = json.load(json_object)

      # Create a workboo using xlsxwriter to write data in it.
      workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('listJobs.xlsx')

      male_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Male')
      male_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

      female_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Female')
      female_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

      any_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Any')
      any_sheet.write_row('A1',['PSITION TITILE', 'SKILLS', 'EXPIRE-DATE',

      # Open a CSV file.
      csv_file = open('jobs.csv', 'a')

      # Create an object of csv.writer to write to a csv file.
      csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file)

      # Write to CSV file.
      csv_writer.writerow(['Position Title', 'skill', 'Expire Date', 'Gender',
      'Location', 'Category'

      # Counters
      any_counter = 1
      female_counter = 1
      male_counter = 1
      count = 0
      k = 0

      # Loop over dictionary to fetch jobs attributes
      for item in json_data['data']:
      # Get items and encode and decode them to write items to xlsx files.
      title = item['position_title'].encode('utf-8')
      dtitle = title.decode('unicode-escape')
      skills = item['skills_requirement'].encode('utf-8')
      dskills = skills.decode('unicode-escape')
      expire = item['expire_date'].encode('utf-8')
      dexpire = expire.decode('unicode-escape')
      gender = item['gender'].encode('utf-8')
      dgender = gender.decode('unicode-escape')

      loc = item.get('location').get('data')
      state = ''
      for i in range(len(loc)):
      province = loc[i]
      state = state + province['name_en'].encode('utf-8')
      dstate = state.decode('unicode-escape')

      category = item.get('category').get('data')
      category = category['name_en'].decode('utf-8')
      dcategory = category.decode('unicode-escape')
      # Update counter for counting number of jobs that are ftching.
      count = count + 1

      # Get gender attribute and check it to specify the sheet to write in to it.
      gender = item['gender']

      if gender == 'Male':
      male_sheet.write_row(male_counter,k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire,
      dgender, dstate, dcategory
      male_counter = male_counter + 1

      elif gender == 'Female':
      female_sheet.write_row(female_counter, k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire,
      dgender, dstate, dcategory
      female_counter = female_counter + 1

      any_sheet.write_row(any_counter, k,[dtitle, dskills, dexpire, dgender,
      dstate, dcategory
      any_counter = any_counter + 1

      # Write to CSV file
      csv_writer.writerow([title, skills, expire, gender, state, category])

      # Close workbook

      # Prompt for user based on the result of fetching of jobs from
      result1 = ''
      result2 = ''
      if job_category == None:
      result1 = 'any category'
      result1 = job_category

      if job_title == None:
      result2 = 'any title.'
      result2 = job_title

      if count == 0:
      print 'No job/s were/was found in for category: ' + str(result1) +
      ' and title: ' + str(result2)
      elif job_category == None and job_title == None:
      print str(count) + ' latest jobs founded in for category: ' + str(result1) +
      ' and title: ' + str(result2) + ' were writen to listJobs.xlsx.'

      print str( any_counter -1 ) + ' of founded job/s are/is for any gender.'
      print str(male_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for males.'
      print str(female_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for females.'
      print str(count) + ' job/s were/was found in for category: ' + str(result1) +
      ' and title: ' + str(result2) + ' were writen to listJobs.xlsx.'

      print str( any_counter -1 ) + ' of founded job/s are/is for any gender.'
      print str(male_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for males.'
      print str(female_counter -1) + ' of founded job/s are/is for females.'

      if flag == True:
      # Call urlBuilder method and assgin it's returned url to url variable
      url_query = url_builder(job_category, job_title)
      # Call listJobs method with the epecified URL

      print 'Run program with correct argument pattern'

      python json

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      asked 12 mins ago

      Ibrahim RahimiIbrahim Rahimi







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