ridge regression rmse on all subsets higher than on the total set


I trained a model on a set and tried to use it on all subsets.

Mathematically the total rmse and mae (mean average error) should be in between the single rsme's and mae's. But all the single rmse' and mae's are higher than the total one.

I did the following:

def preprocessing(features, attributes):

features_2 = features[attributes]
y = features['y'].values
x = features_2.values

robustScaler = RobustScaler(quantile_range=(25.0,75.0))
xScaled = robustScaler.fit_transform(x[:,1:x.shape[1]])

xScaled[xScaled < -2.0] = -2.0
xScaled[xScaled > 2.0] = 2.0
xCustomers = x[:,0]
xCustomers_reshaped = xCustomers.reshape((x[:,0].size, 1))
x_TS = xScaled
x_T0 = xScaled[:,:]
x_T0_all = np.hstack((np.ones((x_T0.shape[0], 1)), x_T0, x_T0**2, x_T0**3))
xCustR = xCustomers.reshape((x[:,0].size, 1))
x_TS_all = np.hstack((xCustR*np.ones((x_TS.shape[0], 1)), xCustR*x_TS, xCustR*(x_TS**2), xCustR*(x_TS**3)))
x_all = np.hstack((x_T0_all, x_TS_all))
variable_names = features_2.columns.get_values()[1:].tolist()
return x_all, variable_names, y

def trainModel(features,attributes,optAlpha):
x_all, variable_names, y = preprocessing(features, attributes)
ridge = linear_model.Ridge(fit_intercept=False, copy_X=True, alpha=optAlpha, solver='auto')
ridge.fit(x_all, y)
return ridge

def useModel(features,ridge,attributes):
x_all, variable_names, y = preprocessing(features, attributes)
y_pred = ridge.predict(x_all)
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y,y_pred))
mae = mean_absolute_error(y, y_pred)
print "RMSE on test set: ", round(rmse,2)
print "MAE on test set: ", round(mae,2)
return y_pred, y, rmse, mae

ridge = trainModel(df_features_train, attributes, optAlpha)

RMSE on test set: 67.05
MAE on test set: 52.5

Now I tried to use the useModel-function including the preprocessing on all different orgIDs separately.

orgIDError = pd.DataFrame(,columns=['orgID','rmse','mae'])

for orgID in df_features['orgID'].unique():
yPred, y, rmse, mae = useModel(df_features_train[df_features_train.orgID == orgID],ridge,attributes)
df = pd.DataFrame([[orgID,rmse,mae]],columns=['orgID','rmse','mae'])
orgIDError = orgIDError.append(df)

orgID rmse mae
0 615 194.848564 155.502885
0 577 101.156573 76.083797
0 957 1564.256952 814.316566
0 763 832.782755 501.865561
0 616 1337.456555 860.404253
0 968 526.207558 347.265139
0 954 1570.315284 1149.191017
0 874 241.254153 202.429037
0 554 402.013992 344.846957
0 950 1073.348186 673.874603

Any ideas what went wrong?

share|improve this question


    I trained a model on a set and tried to use it on all subsets.

    Mathematically the total rmse and mae (mean average error) should be in between the single rsme's and mae's. But all the single rmse' and mae's are higher than the total one.

    I did the following:

    def preprocessing(features, attributes):

    features_2 = features[attributes]
    y = features['y'].values
    x = features_2.values

    robustScaler = RobustScaler(quantile_range=(25.0,75.0))
    xScaled = robustScaler.fit_transform(x[:,1:x.shape[1]])

    xScaled[xScaled < -2.0] = -2.0
    xScaled[xScaled > 2.0] = 2.0
    xCustomers = x[:,0]
    xCustomers_reshaped = xCustomers.reshape((x[:,0].size, 1))
    x_TS = xScaled
    x_T0 = xScaled[:,:]
    x_T0_all = np.hstack((np.ones((x_T0.shape[0], 1)), x_T0, x_T0**2, x_T0**3))
    xCustR = xCustomers.reshape((x[:,0].size, 1))
    x_TS_all = np.hstack((xCustR*np.ones((x_TS.shape[0], 1)), xCustR*x_TS, xCustR*(x_TS**2), xCustR*(x_TS**3)))
    x_all = np.hstack((x_T0_all, x_TS_all))
    variable_names = features_2.columns.get_values()[1:].tolist()
    return x_all, variable_names, y

    def trainModel(features,attributes,optAlpha):
    x_all, variable_names, y = preprocessing(features, attributes)
    ridge = linear_model.Ridge(fit_intercept=False, copy_X=True, alpha=optAlpha, solver='auto')
    ridge.fit(x_all, y)
    return ridge

    def useModel(features,ridge,attributes):
    x_all, variable_names, y = preprocessing(features, attributes)
    y_pred = ridge.predict(x_all)
    rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y,y_pred))
    mae = mean_absolute_error(y, y_pred)
    print "RMSE on test set: ", round(rmse,2)
    print "MAE on test set: ", round(mae,2)
    return y_pred, y, rmse, mae

    ridge = trainModel(df_features_train, attributes, optAlpha)

    RMSE on test set: 67.05
    MAE on test set: 52.5

    Now I tried to use the useModel-function including the preprocessing on all different orgIDs separately.

    orgIDError = pd.DataFrame(,columns=['orgID','rmse','mae'])

    for orgID in df_features['orgID'].unique():
    yPred, y, rmse, mae = useModel(df_features_train[df_features_train.orgID == orgID],ridge,attributes)
    df = pd.DataFrame([[orgID,rmse,mae]],columns=['orgID','rmse','mae'])
    orgIDError = orgIDError.append(df)

    orgID rmse mae
    0 615 194.848564 155.502885
    0 577 101.156573 76.083797
    0 957 1564.256952 814.316566
    0 763 832.782755 501.865561
    0 616 1337.456555 860.404253
    0 968 526.207558 347.265139
    0 954 1570.315284 1149.191017
    0 874 241.254153 202.429037
    0 554 402.013992 344.846957
    0 950 1073.348186 673.874603

    Any ideas what went wrong?

    share|improve this question




      I trained a model on a set and tried to use it on all subsets.

      Mathematically the total rmse and mae (mean average error) should be in between the single rsme's and mae's. But all the single rmse' and mae's are higher than the total one.

      I did the following:

      def preprocessing(features, attributes):

      features_2 = features[attributes]
      y = features['y'].values
      x = features_2.values

      robustScaler = RobustScaler(quantile_range=(25.0,75.0))
      xScaled = robustScaler.fit_transform(x[:,1:x.shape[1]])

      xScaled[xScaled < -2.0] = -2.0
      xScaled[xScaled > 2.0] = 2.0
      xCustomers = x[:,0]
      xCustomers_reshaped = xCustomers.reshape((x[:,0].size, 1))
      x_TS = xScaled
      x_T0 = xScaled[:,:]
      x_T0_all = np.hstack((np.ones((x_T0.shape[0], 1)), x_T0, x_T0**2, x_T0**3))
      xCustR = xCustomers.reshape((x[:,0].size, 1))
      x_TS_all = np.hstack((xCustR*np.ones((x_TS.shape[0], 1)), xCustR*x_TS, xCustR*(x_TS**2), xCustR*(x_TS**3)))
      x_all = np.hstack((x_T0_all, x_TS_all))
      variable_names = features_2.columns.get_values()[1:].tolist()
      return x_all, variable_names, y

      def trainModel(features,attributes,optAlpha):
      x_all, variable_names, y = preprocessing(features, attributes)
      ridge = linear_model.Ridge(fit_intercept=False, copy_X=True, alpha=optAlpha, solver='auto')
      ridge.fit(x_all, y)
      return ridge

      def useModel(features,ridge,attributes):
      x_all, variable_names, y = preprocessing(features, attributes)
      y_pred = ridge.predict(x_all)
      rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y,y_pred))
      mae = mean_absolute_error(y, y_pred)
      print "RMSE on test set: ", round(rmse,2)
      print "MAE on test set: ", round(mae,2)
      return y_pred, y, rmse, mae

      ridge = trainModel(df_features_train, attributes, optAlpha)

      RMSE on test set: 67.05
      MAE on test set: 52.5

      Now I tried to use the useModel-function including the preprocessing on all different orgIDs separately.

      orgIDError = pd.DataFrame(,columns=['orgID','rmse','mae'])

      for orgID in df_features['orgID'].unique():
      yPred, y, rmse, mae = useModel(df_features_train[df_features_train.orgID == orgID],ridge,attributes)
      df = pd.DataFrame([[orgID,rmse,mae]],columns=['orgID','rmse','mae'])
      orgIDError = orgIDError.append(df)

      orgID rmse mae
      0 615 194.848564 155.502885
      0 577 101.156573 76.083797
      0 957 1564.256952 814.316566
      0 763 832.782755 501.865561
      0 616 1337.456555 860.404253
      0 968 526.207558 347.265139
      0 954 1570.315284 1149.191017
      0 874 241.254153 202.429037
      0 554 402.013992 344.846957
      0 950 1073.348186 673.874603

      Any ideas what went wrong?

      share|improve this question

      I trained a model on a set and tried to use it on all subsets.

      Mathematically the total rmse and mae (mean average error) should be in between the single rsme's and mae's. But all the single rmse' and mae's are higher than the total one.

      I did the following:

      def preprocessing(features, attributes):

      features_2 = features[attributes]
      y = features['y'].values
      x = features_2.values

      robustScaler = RobustScaler(quantile_range=(25.0,75.0))
      xScaled = robustScaler.fit_transform(x[:,1:x.shape[1]])

      xScaled[xScaled < -2.0] = -2.0
      xScaled[xScaled > 2.0] = 2.0
      xCustomers = x[:,0]
      xCustomers_reshaped = xCustomers.reshape((x[:,0].size, 1))
      x_TS = xScaled
      x_T0 = xScaled[:,:]
      x_T0_all = np.hstack((np.ones((x_T0.shape[0], 1)), x_T0, x_T0**2, x_T0**3))
      xCustR = xCustomers.reshape((x[:,0].size, 1))
      x_TS_all = np.hstack((xCustR*np.ones((x_TS.shape[0], 1)), xCustR*x_TS, xCustR*(x_TS**2), xCustR*(x_TS**3)))
      x_all = np.hstack((x_T0_all, x_TS_all))
      variable_names = features_2.columns.get_values()[1:].tolist()
      return x_all, variable_names, y

      def trainModel(features,attributes,optAlpha):
      x_all, variable_names, y = preprocessing(features, attributes)
      ridge = linear_model.Ridge(fit_intercept=False, copy_X=True, alpha=optAlpha, solver='auto')
      ridge.fit(x_all, y)
      return ridge

      def useModel(features,ridge,attributes):
      x_all, variable_names, y = preprocessing(features, attributes)
      y_pred = ridge.predict(x_all)
      rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y,y_pred))
      mae = mean_absolute_error(y, y_pred)
      print "RMSE on test set: ", round(rmse,2)
      print "MAE on test set: ", round(mae,2)
      return y_pred, y, rmse, mae

      ridge = trainModel(df_features_train, attributes, optAlpha)

      RMSE on test set: 67.05
      MAE on test set: 52.5

      Now I tried to use the useModel-function including the preprocessing on all different orgIDs separately.

      orgIDError = pd.DataFrame(,columns=['orgID','rmse','mae'])

      for orgID in df_features['orgID'].unique():
      yPred, y, rmse, mae = useModel(df_features_train[df_features_train.orgID == orgID],ridge,attributes)
      df = pd.DataFrame([[orgID,rmse,mae]],columns=['orgID','rmse','mae'])
      orgIDError = orgIDError.append(df)

      orgID rmse mae
      0 615 194.848564 155.502885
      0 577 101.156573 76.083797
      0 957 1564.256952 814.316566
      0 763 832.782755 501.865561
      0 616 1337.456555 860.404253
      0 968 526.207558 347.265139
      0 954 1570.315284 1149.191017
      0 874 241.254153 202.429037
      0 554 402.013992 344.846957
      0 950 1073.348186 673.874603

      Any ideas what went wrong?

      python scikit-learn regression

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Nov 21 '18 at 10:37

      Thomas RThomas R



          1 Answer





          I found it my self.

          The robustScaler in the preprocessing is working differently on different sets / subsets.

          Therefore, the values in the subsets are prepared differently and therefore no longer fit the model.

          share|improve this answer

          • 1

            Yes you are correct. In that case, you will need to save the robustScaler after fitting during trainModel and use that (only call transform) during useModel

            – Vivek Kumar
            Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

          • Great. Thanks :)

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:48

          • I have already joined the results to the original features and analyzed the rsme and mae on the this new dataFrame. But your solution seems to be perfect when the prediction has to be done with new data.

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:54

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          I found it my self.

          The robustScaler in the preprocessing is working differently on different sets / subsets.

          Therefore, the values in the subsets are prepared differently and therefore no longer fit the model.

          share|improve this answer

          • 1

            Yes you are correct. In that case, you will need to save the robustScaler after fitting during trainModel and use that (only call transform) during useModel

            – Vivek Kumar
            Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

          • Great. Thanks :)

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:48

          • I have already joined the results to the original features and analyzed the rsme and mae on the this new dataFrame. But your solution seems to be perfect when the prediction has to be done with new data.

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:54


          I found it my self.

          The robustScaler in the preprocessing is working differently on different sets / subsets.

          Therefore, the values in the subsets are prepared differently and therefore no longer fit the model.

          share|improve this answer

          • 1

            Yes you are correct. In that case, you will need to save the robustScaler after fitting during trainModel and use that (only call transform) during useModel

            – Vivek Kumar
            Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

          • Great. Thanks :)

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:48

          • I have already joined the results to the original features and analyzed the rsme and mae on the this new dataFrame. But your solution seems to be perfect when the prediction has to be done with new data.

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:54




          I found it my self.

          The robustScaler in the preprocessing is working differently on different sets / subsets.

          Therefore, the values in the subsets are prepared differently and therefore no longer fit the model.

          share|improve this answer

          I found it my self.

          The robustScaler in the preprocessing is working differently on different sets / subsets.

          Therefore, the values in the subsets are prepared differently and therefore no longer fit the model.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Nov 21 '18 at 11:17

          Thomas RThomas R



          • 1

            Yes you are correct. In that case, you will need to save the robustScaler after fitting during trainModel and use that (only call transform) during useModel

            – Vivek Kumar
            Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

          • Great. Thanks :)

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:48

          • I have already joined the results to the original features and analyzed the rsme and mae on the this new dataFrame. But your solution seems to be perfect when the prediction has to be done with new data.

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:54

          • 1

            Yes you are correct. In that case, you will need to save the robustScaler after fitting during trainModel and use that (only call transform) during useModel

            – Vivek Kumar
            Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

          • Great. Thanks :)

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:48

          • I have already joined the results to the original features and analyzed the rsme and mae on the this new dataFrame. But your solution seems to be perfect when the prediction has to be done with new data.

            – Thomas R
            Nov 21 '18 at 16:54



          Yes you are correct. In that case, you will need to save the robustScaler after fitting during trainModel and use that (only call transform) during useModel

          – Vivek Kumar
          Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

          Yes you are correct. In that case, you will need to save the robustScaler after fitting during trainModel and use that (only call transform) during useModel

          – Vivek Kumar
          Nov 21 '18 at 13:16

          Great. Thanks :)

          – Thomas R
          Nov 21 '18 at 16:48

          Great. Thanks :)

          – Thomas R
          Nov 21 '18 at 16:48

          I have already joined the results to the original features and analyzed the rsme and mae on the this new dataFrame. But your solution seems to be perfect when the prediction has to be done with new data.

          – Thomas R
          Nov 21 '18 at 16:54

          I have already joined the results to the original features and analyzed the rsme and mae on the this new dataFrame. But your solution seems to be perfect when the prediction has to be done with new data.

          – Thomas R
          Nov 21 '18 at 16:54

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