how can i use a for loop so my character can double jump?

Multi tool use
I am trying to code a platforming game as right now all my character model can do is either jump infinitely or doesn't jump at all. I want to use a for loop so my character can jump one when grounded and once more when he is in the air but I cant figure out how to make it stop after double jumping once and resetting when the character hits the floor again. please help!!
public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour
public bool facingRight = true;
public bool jump = false;
public float moveForce = 365f;
public float maxSpeed = 5f;
public float jumpForce = 1000f;
public Transform groundCheck;
private bool grounded = false;
private Animator anim;
private Rigidbody2D rb2d;
// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)
i = 0;
jump = true;
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !grounded)
jump = true;
i = i + 1;
void FixedUpdate()
float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(h));
if (h * rb2d.velocity.x < maxSpeed)
rb2d.AddForce(Vector2.right * h * moveForce);
if (Mathf.Abs(rb2d.velocity.x) > maxSpeed)
rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(Mathf.Sign(rb2d.velocity.x) * maxSpeed, rb2d.velocity.y);
if (h > 0 && !facingRight)
else if (h < 0 && facingRight)
if (jump)
rb2d.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jumpForce));
jump = false;
void Flip()
facingRight = !facingRight;
Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
theScale.x *= -1;
transform.localScale = theScale;
c# unity3d
show 11 more comments
I am trying to code a platforming game as right now all my character model can do is either jump infinitely or doesn't jump at all. I want to use a for loop so my character can jump one when grounded and once more when he is in the air but I cant figure out how to make it stop after double jumping once and resetting when the character hits the floor again. please help!!
public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour
public bool facingRight = true;
public bool jump = false;
public float moveForce = 365f;
public float maxSpeed = 5f;
public float jumpForce = 1000f;
public Transform groundCheck;
private bool grounded = false;
private Animator anim;
private Rigidbody2D rb2d;
// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)
i = 0;
jump = true;
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !grounded)
jump = true;
i = i + 1;
void FixedUpdate()
float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(h));
if (h * rb2d.velocity.x < maxSpeed)
rb2d.AddForce(Vector2.right * h * moveForce);
if (Mathf.Abs(rb2d.velocity.x) > maxSpeed)
rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(Mathf.Sign(rb2d.velocity.x) * maxSpeed, rb2d.velocity.y);
if (h > 0 && !facingRight)
else if (h < 0 && facingRight)
if (jump)
rb2d.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jumpForce));
jump = false;
void Flip()
facingRight = !facingRight;
Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
theScale.x *= -1;
transform.localScale = theScale;
c# unity3d
For Loop --Adding for reference
– Symon
Nov 21 '18 at 16:10
Can't you add an event handler to the Input? Then when the jump button is hit you can do your logic inside the event handler
– Ryan Wilson
Nov 21 '18 at 16:11
@RyanWilson im unsure how to set up an event handler sorry. (kinda new to all this coding stuff)
– Sam Austin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:17
@SamAustin can you explain why you want to use a for loop for this?
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:18
@SamAustin first, do your input detection inside of update, otherwise you will have issues with the FixUpdate loop on movement(such as movement appearing delay). Second you do not need a for loop for this, update runs every frame.
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:30
show 11 more comments
I am trying to code a platforming game as right now all my character model can do is either jump infinitely or doesn't jump at all. I want to use a for loop so my character can jump one when grounded and once more when he is in the air but I cant figure out how to make it stop after double jumping once and resetting when the character hits the floor again. please help!!
public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour
public bool facingRight = true;
public bool jump = false;
public float moveForce = 365f;
public float maxSpeed = 5f;
public float jumpForce = 1000f;
public Transform groundCheck;
private bool grounded = false;
private Animator anim;
private Rigidbody2D rb2d;
// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)
i = 0;
jump = true;
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !grounded)
jump = true;
i = i + 1;
void FixedUpdate()
float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(h));
if (h * rb2d.velocity.x < maxSpeed)
rb2d.AddForce(Vector2.right * h * moveForce);
if (Mathf.Abs(rb2d.velocity.x) > maxSpeed)
rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(Mathf.Sign(rb2d.velocity.x) * maxSpeed, rb2d.velocity.y);
if (h > 0 && !facingRight)
else if (h < 0 && facingRight)
if (jump)
rb2d.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jumpForce));
jump = false;
void Flip()
facingRight = !facingRight;
Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
theScale.x *= -1;
transform.localScale = theScale;
c# unity3d
I am trying to code a platforming game as right now all my character model can do is either jump infinitely or doesn't jump at all. I want to use a for loop so my character can jump one when grounded and once more when he is in the air but I cant figure out how to make it stop after double jumping once and resetting when the character hits the floor again. please help!!
public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour
public bool facingRight = true;
public bool jump = false;
public float moveForce = 365f;
public float maxSpeed = 5f;
public float jumpForce = 1000f;
public Transform groundCheck;
private bool grounded = false;
private Animator anim;
private Rigidbody2D rb2d;
// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)
i = 0;
jump = true;
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !grounded)
jump = true;
i = i + 1;
void FixedUpdate()
float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(h));
if (h * rb2d.velocity.x < maxSpeed)
rb2d.AddForce(Vector2.right * h * moveForce);
if (Mathf.Abs(rb2d.velocity.x) > maxSpeed)
rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(Mathf.Sign(rb2d.velocity.x) * maxSpeed, rb2d.velocity.y);
if (h > 0 && !facingRight)
else if (h < 0 && facingRight)
if (jump)
rb2d.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jumpForce));
jump = false;
void Flip()
facingRight = !facingRight;
Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
theScale.x *= -1;
transform.localScale = theScale;
c# unity3d
c# unity3d
edited Nov 21 '18 at 16:52
asked Nov 21 '18 at 16:08
Sam AustinSam Austin
For Loop --Adding for reference
– Symon
Nov 21 '18 at 16:10
Can't you add an event handler to the Input? Then when the jump button is hit you can do your logic inside the event handler
– Ryan Wilson
Nov 21 '18 at 16:11
@RyanWilson im unsure how to set up an event handler sorry. (kinda new to all this coding stuff)
– Sam Austin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:17
@SamAustin can you explain why you want to use a for loop for this?
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:18
@SamAustin first, do your input detection inside of update, otherwise you will have issues with the FixUpdate loop on movement(such as movement appearing delay). Second you do not need a for loop for this, update runs every frame.
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:30
show 11 more comments
For Loop --Adding for reference
– Symon
Nov 21 '18 at 16:10
Can't you add an event handler to the Input? Then when the jump button is hit you can do your logic inside the event handler
– Ryan Wilson
Nov 21 '18 at 16:11
@RyanWilson im unsure how to set up an event handler sorry. (kinda new to all this coding stuff)
– Sam Austin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:17
@SamAustin can you explain why you want to use a for loop for this?
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:18
@SamAustin first, do your input detection inside of update, otherwise you will have issues with the FixUpdate loop on movement(such as movement appearing delay). Second you do not need a for loop for this, update runs every frame.
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:30
For Loop --Adding for reference
– Symon
Nov 21 '18 at 16:10
For Loop --Adding for reference
– Symon
Nov 21 '18 at 16:10
Can't you add an event handler to the Input? Then when the jump button is hit you can do your logic inside the event handler
– Ryan Wilson
Nov 21 '18 at 16:11
Can't you add an event handler to the Input? Then when the jump button is hit you can do your logic inside the event handler
– Ryan Wilson
Nov 21 '18 at 16:11
@RyanWilson im unsure how to set up an event handler sorry. (kinda new to all this coding stuff)
– Sam Austin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:17
@RyanWilson im unsure how to set up an event handler sorry. (kinda new to all this coding stuff)
– Sam Austin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:17
@SamAustin can you explain why you want to use a for loop for this?
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:18
@SamAustin can you explain why you want to use a for loop for this?
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:18
@SamAustin first, do your input detection inside of update, otherwise you will have issues with the FixUpdate loop on movement(such as movement appearing delay). Second you do not need a for loop for this, update runs every frame.
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:30
@SamAustin first, do your input detection inside of update, otherwise you will have issues with the FixUpdate loop on movement(such as movement appearing delay). Second you do not need a for loop for this, update runs every frame.
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:30
show 11 more comments
1 Answer
A for
loop is inappropriate for this, because you only want to advance the counter if you jump. and you need to leave the loop when it's time for the frame to end. You could in theory make it happen with a while
loop in a Coroutine
but that is unnecessarily complicated.
A better alternative is to just keep a counter as a class field and update it appropriately, according to the double jump state.
Also, since the if statement is being reached on every frame, you have to check if you have any more air jumps before you double jump.
If you want to be able to double-jump after you simply walk off a platform, you'll want to set the jump counter to 0
anytime grounded
is set to be true
Combining all of these suggestions might look like this:
public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour
// ...
private int airJumpCount = 0; // Add this counter
// ...
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(
transform.position, groundCheck.position,
1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if (grounded) airJumpCount = 0; // reset the counter when grounded
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)
jump = true;
// Only enter the air jump block if we still have more air jumps
if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !grounded && airJumpCount < 1)
jump = true;
// ...
What happens if he walks off a cliff without jumping? I think he will be unable to air-jump because airJumpCount was not reset
– trollingchar
Nov 21 '18 at 17:03
Good catch! I was editing the answer to handle that while you were writing that comment ;)
– Ruzihm
Nov 21 '18 at 17:12
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1 Answer
1 Answer
A for
loop is inappropriate for this, because you only want to advance the counter if you jump. and you need to leave the loop when it's time for the frame to end. You could in theory make it happen with a while
loop in a Coroutine
but that is unnecessarily complicated.
A better alternative is to just keep a counter as a class field and update it appropriately, according to the double jump state.
Also, since the if statement is being reached on every frame, you have to check if you have any more air jumps before you double jump.
If you want to be able to double-jump after you simply walk off a platform, you'll want to set the jump counter to 0
anytime grounded
is set to be true
Combining all of these suggestions might look like this:
public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour
// ...
private int airJumpCount = 0; // Add this counter
// ...
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(
transform.position, groundCheck.position,
1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if (grounded) airJumpCount = 0; // reset the counter when grounded
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)
jump = true;
// Only enter the air jump block if we still have more air jumps
if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !grounded && airJumpCount < 1)
jump = true;
// ...
What happens if he walks off a cliff without jumping? I think he will be unable to air-jump because airJumpCount was not reset
– trollingchar
Nov 21 '18 at 17:03
Good catch! I was editing the answer to handle that while you were writing that comment ;)
– Ruzihm
Nov 21 '18 at 17:12
add a comment |
A for
loop is inappropriate for this, because you only want to advance the counter if you jump. and you need to leave the loop when it's time for the frame to end. You could in theory make it happen with a while
loop in a Coroutine
but that is unnecessarily complicated.
A better alternative is to just keep a counter as a class field and update it appropriately, according to the double jump state.
Also, since the if statement is being reached on every frame, you have to check if you have any more air jumps before you double jump.
If you want to be able to double-jump after you simply walk off a platform, you'll want to set the jump counter to 0
anytime grounded
is set to be true
Combining all of these suggestions might look like this:
public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour
// ...
private int airJumpCount = 0; // Add this counter
// ...
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(
transform.position, groundCheck.position,
1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if (grounded) airJumpCount = 0; // reset the counter when grounded
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)
jump = true;
// Only enter the air jump block if we still have more air jumps
if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !grounded && airJumpCount < 1)
jump = true;
// ...
What happens if he walks off a cliff without jumping? I think he will be unable to air-jump because airJumpCount was not reset
– trollingchar
Nov 21 '18 at 17:03
Good catch! I was editing the answer to handle that while you were writing that comment ;)
– Ruzihm
Nov 21 '18 at 17:12
add a comment |
A for
loop is inappropriate for this, because you only want to advance the counter if you jump. and you need to leave the loop when it's time for the frame to end. You could in theory make it happen with a while
loop in a Coroutine
but that is unnecessarily complicated.
A better alternative is to just keep a counter as a class field and update it appropriately, according to the double jump state.
Also, since the if statement is being reached on every frame, you have to check if you have any more air jumps before you double jump.
If you want to be able to double-jump after you simply walk off a platform, you'll want to set the jump counter to 0
anytime grounded
is set to be true
Combining all of these suggestions might look like this:
public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour
// ...
private int airJumpCount = 0; // Add this counter
// ...
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(
transform.position, groundCheck.position,
1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if (grounded) airJumpCount = 0; // reset the counter when grounded
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)
jump = true;
// Only enter the air jump block if we still have more air jumps
if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !grounded && airJumpCount < 1)
jump = true;
// ...
A for
loop is inappropriate for this, because you only want to advance the counter if you jump. and you need to leave the loop when it's time for the frame to end. You could in theory make it happen with a while
loop in a Coroutine
but that is unnecessarily complicated.
A better alternative is to just keep a counter as a class field and update it appropriately, according to the double jump state.
Also, since the if statement is being reached on every frame, you have to check if you have any more air jumps before you double jump.
If you want to be able to double-jump after you simply walk off a platform, you'll want to set the jump counter to 0
anytime grounded
is set to be true
Combining all of these suggestions might look like this:
public class SimplePlatformController : MonoBehaviour
// ...
private int airJumpCount = 0; // Add this counter
// ...
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(
transform.position, groundCheck.position,
1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if (grounded) airJumpCount = 0; // reset the counter when grounded
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && grounded)
jump = true;
// Only enter the air jump block if we still have more air jumps
if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !grounded && airJumpCount < 1)
jump = true;
// ...
edited Nov 21 '18 at 17:10
answered Nov 21 '18 at 17:00
What happens if he walks off a cliff without jumping? I think he will be unable to air-jump because airJumpCount was not reset
– trollingchar
Nov 21 '18 at 17:03
Good catch! I was editing the answer to handle that while you were writing that comment ;)
– Ruzihm
Nov 21 '18 at 17:12
add a comment |
What happens if he walks off a cliff without jumping? I think he will be unable to air-jump because airJumpCount was not reset
– trollingchar
Nov 21 '18 at 17:03
Good catch! I was editing the answer to handle that while you were writing that comment ;)
– Ruzihm
Nov 21 '18 at 17:12
What happens if he walks off a cliff without jumping? I think he will be unable to air-jump because airJumpCount was not reset
– trollingchar
Nov 21 '18 at 17:03
What happens if he walks off a cliff without jumping? I think he will be unable to air-jump because airJumpCount was not reset
– trollingchar
Nov 21 '18 at 17:03
Good catch! I was editing the answer to handle that while you were writing that comment ;)
– Ruzihm
Nov 21 '18 at 17:12
Good catch! I was editing the answer to handle that while you were writing that comment ;)
– Ruzihm
Nov 21 '18 at 17:12
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Ut,4MYgk 3n3 2,a 3TYAC2D,aqSbSQRh UnHEFzKfGd,1tcso9u VgkwGUAyo,h4p
For Loop --Adding for reference
– Symon
Nov 21 '18 at 16:10
Can't you add an event handler to the Input? Then when the jump button is hit you can do your logic inside the event handler
– Ryan Wilson
Nov 21 '18 at 16:11
@RyanWilson im unsure how to set up an event handler sorry. (kinda new to all this coding stuff)
– Sam Austin
Nov 21 '18 at 16:17
@SamAustin can you explain why you want to use a for loop for this?
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:18
@SamAustin first, do your input detection inside of update, otherwise you will have issues with the FixUpdate loop on movement(such as movement appearing delay). Second you do not need a for loop for this, update runs every frame.
– Eddge
Nov 21 '18 at 16:30