ActiveRecord query for coaches a client has bookmarked
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down vote
I'm trying to figure out the best way to set up an ActiveRecord query.
There are three relevant models involved:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bookmarks, dependent: :destroy
has_many :saved_coaches, through: :bookmarks, source: :bookmarkable, source_type: "Coach"
class Bookmark < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
belongs_to :bookmarkable, polymorphic: true
scope :type, -> (type) { where(bookmarkable_type: type.to_s.capitalize) }
class Coach < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bookmarks, as: :bookmarkable, dependent: :destroy
belongs_to :user
The problem
I need a performant query to access to the coaches a client has bookmarked, the coach's user model, and the id of relevant bookmark.
I can think of two approaches:
@client = current_user.client
# option 1
@coach_bookmarks = @client.bookmarks.type(:coach).includes(bookmarkable: :user)
# option 2
@coaches = Coach.includes(:bookmarks, :user)
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
Option 1 seems clearer, but produces a collection of bookmarks, when most of the data I need is on the associated coach. Option 2 gives me a collection of coaches, but the query is a little less clear, and the SQL output is huge. (I've included that below.)
Is one of these solutions better than the other? Is there a third, better solution (maybe through @client.saved_coaches
SQL output
Option 1
Bookmark Load (1.3ms) SELECT "bookmarks".* FROM "bookmarks" WHERE "bookmarks"."client_id" = $1 AND "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $2 [["client_id", 3], ["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"]]
Coach Load (2.3ms) SELECT "coaches".* FROM "coaches" WHERE "coaches"."id" IN (1)
User Load (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" IN (3)
Option 2
SQL (6.3ms) SELECT "coaches"."id" AS t0_r0, "coaches"."user_id" AS t0_r1,
"coaches"."questionnaire_submitted" AS t0_r2, "coaches"."validated" AS t0_r3,
"coaches"."verified" AS t0_r4, "coaches"."membership_type" AS t0_r5,
"coaches"."new_coach" AS t0_r6, "coaches"."created_at" AS t0_r7,
"coaches"."updated_at" AS t0_r8, "coaches"."title" AS t0_r9,
"coaches"."image_url" AS t0_r10, "coaches"."experience_years" AS t0_r11,
"coaches"."specialties" AS t0_r12, "coaches"."session_types" AS t0_r13,
"coaches"."session_type_other" AS t0_r14, "coaches"."meeting_types" AS t0_r15,
"coaches"."meeting_type_other" AS t0_r16, "coaches"."cancellation_policy" AS
t0_r17, "coaches"."bio" AS t0_r18, "coaches"."price_options" AS t0_r19,
"coaches"."quote" AS t0_r20, "coaches"."current_screen" AS t0_r21,
"coaches"."address_raw" AS t0_r22, "coaches"."business_phone" AS t0_r23,
"coaches"."address_city" AS t0_r24, "coaches"."address_state" AS t0_r25,
"coaches"."address_area" AS t0_r26, "coaches"."latitude" AS t0_r27,
"coaches"."longitude" AS t0_r28, "coaches"."categories" AS t0_r29,
"coaches"."keywords" AS t0_r30, "coaches"."ace_up_handles" AS t0_r31,
"coaches"."stripe_account_id" AS t0_r32, "coaches"."bank_account_info" AS
t0_r33, "coaches"."offer_free_consult" AS t0_r34,
"coaches"."free_consult_length" AS t0_r35, "coaches"."sessions_start_every" AS
t0_r36, "coaches"."max_daily_sessions" AS t0_r37,
"coaches"."minimum_scheduling_notice" AS t0_r38,
"coaches"."buffer_after_session" AS t0_r39, "coaches"."num_reviews" AS t0_r40,
"coaches"."onboard_professional_background" AS t0_r41,
"coaches"."onboard_certifications" AS t0_r42, "coaches"."onboard_challenges"
AS t0_r43, "coaches"."onboard_promoting" AS t0_r44,
"coaches"."onboard_referral_source" AS t0_r45, "coaches"."onboard_interests"
AS t0_r46, "coaches"."onboard_submitted" AS t0_r47, "coaches"."coach_url" AS
t0_r48, "coaches"."timezone" AS t0_r49, "coaches"."average_review" AS t0_r50,
"coaches"."coach_order" AS t0_r51, "coaches"."onboard_business" AS t0_r52,
"coaches"."onboard_services" AS t0_r53, "coaches"."videos" AS t0_r54,
"coaches"."card_highlights" AS t0_r55, "coaches"."edit_requested" AS t0_r56,
"coaches"."specialties_edit" AS t0_r57, "coaches"."session_types_edit" AS
t0_r58, "coaches"."meeting_types_edit" AS t0_r59,
"coaches"."cancellation_policy_edit" AS t0_r60, "coaches"."bio_edit" AS
t0_r61, "coaches"."quote_edit" AS t0_r62, "coaches"."keywords_career" AS
t0_r63, "coaches"."keywords_life" AS t0_r64, "coaches"."keywords_leadership"
AS t0_r65, "coaches"."keywords_business" AS t0_r66,
"coaches"."keywords_communication" AS t0_r67, "coaches"."keywords_executive"
AS t0_r68, "coaches"."qualifications" AS t0_r69, "coaches"."education" AS
t0_r70, "coaches"."target_clients" AS t0_r71, "coaches"."highlights" AS
t0_r72, "coaches"."client_review_link" AS t0_r73, "coaches"."consent" AS
t0_r74, "coaches"."qualifications_edit" AS t0_r75, "coaches"."education_edit"
AS t0_r76, "coaches"."target_clients_edit" AS t0_r77,
"coaches"."highlights_edit" AS t0_r78, "coaches"."text_notifications" AS
t0_r79, "coaches"."email_notifications" AS t0_r80, "coaches"."companies" AS
t0_r81, "coaches"."address_raw_edit" AS t0_r82, "coaches"."longitude_edit" AS
t0_r83, "coaches"."latitude_edit" AS t0_r84, "bookmarks"."id" AS t1_r0,
"bookmarks"."client_id" AS t1_r1, "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_id" AS t1_r2,
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" AS t1_r3, "users"."id" AS t2_r0,
"users"."email" AS t2_r1, "users"."encrypted_password" AS t2_r2,
"users"."reset_password_token" AS t2_r3, "users"."reset_password_sent_at" AS
t2_r4, "users"."remember_created_at" AS t2_r5, "users"."sign_in_count" AS
t2_r6, "users"."current_sign_in_at" AS t2_r7, "users"."last_sign_in_at" AS
t2_r8, "users"."current_sign_in_ip" AS t2_r9, "users"."last_sign_in_ip" AS
t2_r10, "users"."confirmation_token" AS t2_r11, "users"."confirmed_at" AS
t2_r12, "users"."confirmation_sent_at" AS t2_r13, "users"."unconfirmed_email"
AS t2_r14, "users"."failed_attempts" AS t2_r15, "users"."unlock_token" AS
t2_r16, "users"."locked_at" AS t2_r17, "users"."encrypted_otp_secret" AS
t2_r18, "users"."encrypted_otp_secret_iv" AS t2_r19,
"users"."encrypted_otp_secret_salt" AS t2_r20, "users"."consumed_timestep" AS
t2_r21, "users"."otp_required_for_login" AS t2_r22, "users"."personal_phone"
AS t2_r23, "users"."name" AS t2_r24, "users"."created_at" AS t2_r25,
"users"."updated_at" AS t2_r26, "users"."google_token" AS t2_r27,
"users"."google_refresh_token" AS t2_r28, "users"."last_calendar_refresh" AS
t2_r29, "users"."google_expires_at" AS t2_r30,
"users"."google_calendar_refresh_tokens" AS t2_r31, "users"."acquisition" AS
t2_r32, "users"."icalendar_urls" AS t2_r33, "users"."admin" AS t2_r34,
"users"."banned" AS t2_r35, "users"."email_subscriber" AS t2_r36,
"users"."intermediate_reminder_sent" AS t2_r37, "users"."final_reminder_sent"
AS t2_r38 FROM "coaches" LEFT OUTER JOIN "bookmarks" ON
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_id" = "coaches"."id" AND
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $1 LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" =
"coaches"."user_id" WHERE "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $2 AND
"bookmarks"."client_id" = 3 [["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"],
["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"]]
performance ruby ruby-on-rails comparative-review active-record
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up vote
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I'm trying to figure out the best way to set up an ActiveRecord query.
There are three relevant models involved:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bookmarks, dependent: :destroy
has_many :saved_coaches, through: :bookmarks, source: :bookmarkable, source_type: "Coach"
class Bookmark < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
belongs_to :bookmarkable, polymorphic: true
scope :type, -> (type) { where(bookmarkable_type: type.to_s.capitalize) }
class Coach < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bookmarks, as: :bookmarkable, dependent: :destroy
belongs_to :user
The problem
I need a performant query to access to the coaches a client has bookmarked, the coach's user model, and the id of relevant bookmark.
I can think of two approaches:
@client = current_user.client
# option 1
@coach_bookmarks = @client.bookmarks.type(:coach).includes(bookmarkable: :user)
# option 2
@coaches = Coach.includes(:bookmarks, :user)
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
Option 1 seems clearer, but produces a collection of bookmarks, when most of the data I need is on the associated coach. Option 2 gives me a collection of coaches, but the query is a little less clear, and the SQL output is huge. (I've included that below.)
Is one of these solutions better than the other? Is there a third, better solution (maybe through @client.saved_coaches
SQL output
Option 1
Bookmark Load (1.3ms) SELECT "bookmarks".* FROM "bookmarks" WHERE "bookmarks"."client_id" = $1 AND "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $2 [["client_id", 3], ["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"]]
Coach Load (2.3ms) SELECT "coaches".* FROM "coaches" WHERE "coaches"."id" IN (1)
User Load (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" IN (3)
Option 2
SQL (6.3ms) SELECT "coaches"."id" AS t0_r0, "coaches"."user_id" AS t0_r1,
"coaches"."questionnaire_submitted" AS t0_r2, "coaches"."validated" AS t0_r3,
"coaches"."verified" AS t0_r4, "coaches"."membership_type" AS t0_r5,
"coaches"."new_coach" AS t0_r6, "coaches"."created_at" AS t0_r7,
"coaches"."updated_at" AS t0_r8, "coaches"."title" AS t0_r9,
"coaches"."image_url" AS t0_r10, "coaches"."experience_years" AS t0_r11,
"coaches"."specialties" AS t0_r12, "coaches"."session_types" AS t0_r13,
"coaches"."session_type_other" AS t0_r14, "coaches"."meeting_types" AS t0_r15,
"coaches"."meeting_type_other" AS t0_r16, "coaches"."cancellation_policy" AS
t0_r17, "coaches"."bio" AS t0_r18, "coaches"."price_options" AS t0_r19,
"coaches"."quote" AS t0_r20, "coaches"."current_screen" AS t0_r21,
"coaches"."address_raw" AS t0_r22, "coaches"."business_phone" AS t0_r23,
"coaches"."address_city" AS t0_r24, "coaches"."address_state" AS t0_r25,
"coaches"."address_area" AS t0_r26, "coaches"."latitude" AS t0_r27,
"coaches"."longitude" AS t0_r28, "coaches"."categories" AS t0_r29,
"coaches"."keywords" AS t0_r30, "coaches"."ace_up_handles" AS t0_r31,
"coaches"."stripe_account_id" AS t0_r32, "coaches"."bank_account_info" AS
t0_r33, "coaches"."offer_free_consult" AS t0_r34,
"coaches"."free_consult_length" AS t0_r35, "coaches"."sessions_start_every" AS
t0_r36, "coaches"."max_daily_sessions" AS t0_r37,
"coaches"."minimum_scheduling_notice" AS t0_r38,
"coaches"."buffer_after_session" AS t0_r39, "coaches"."num_reviews" AS t0_r40,
"coaches"."onboard_professional_background" AS t0_r41,
"coaches"."onboard_certifications" AS t0_r42, "coaches"."onboard_challenges"
AS t0_r43, "coaches"."onboard_promoting" AS t0_r44,
"coaches"."onboard_referral_source" AS t0_r45, "coaches"."onboard_interests"
AS t0_r46, "coaches"."onboard_submitted" AS t0_r47, "coaches"."coach_url" AS
t0_r48, "coaches"."timezone" AS t0_r49, "coaches"."average_review" AS t0_r50,
"coaches"."coach_order" AS t0_r51, "coaches"."onboard_business" AS t0_r52,
"coaches"."onboard_services" AS t0_r53, "coaches"."videos" AS t0_r54,
"coaches"."card_highlights" AS t0_r55, "coaches"."edit_requested" AS t0_r56,
"coaches"."specialties_edit" AS t0_r57, "coaches"."session_types_edit" AS
t0_r58, "coaches"."meeting_types_edit" AS t0_r59,
"coaches"."cancellation_policy_edit" AS t0_r60, "coaches"."bio_edit" AS
t0_r61, "coaches"."quote_edit" AS t0_r62, "coaches"."keywords_career" AS
t0_r63, "coaches"."keywords_life" AS t0_r64, "coaches"."keywords_leadership"
AS t0_r65, "coaches"."keywords_business" AS t0_r66,
"coaches"."keywords_communication" AS t0_r67, "coaches"."keywords_executive"
AS t0_r68, "coaches"."qualifications" AS t0_r69, "coaches"."education" AS
t0_r70, "coaches"."target_clients" AS t0_r71, "coaches"."highlights" AS
t0_r72, "coaches"."client_review_link" AS t0_r73, "coaches"."consent" AS
t0_r74, "coaches"."qualifications_edit" AS t0_r75, "coaches"."education_edit"
AS t0_r76, "coaches"."target_clients_edit" AS t0_r77,
"coaches"."highlights_edit" AS t0_r78, "coaches"."text_notifications" AS
t0_r79, "coaches"."email_notifications" AS t0_r80, "coaches"."companies" AS
t0_r81, "coaches"."address_raw_edit" AS t0_r82, "coaches"."longitude_edit" AS
t0_r83, "coaches"."latitude_edit" AS t0_r84, "bookmarks"."id" AS t1_r0,
"bookmarks"."client_id" AS t1_r1, "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_id" AS t1_r2,
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" AS t1_r3, "users"."id" AS t2_r0,
"users"."email" AS t2_r1, "users"."encrypted_password" AS t2_r2,
"users"."reset_password_token" AS t2_r3, "users"."reset_password_sent_at" AS
t2_r4, "users"."remember_created_at" AS t2_r5, "users"."sign_in_count" AS
t2_r6, "users"."current_sign_in_at" AS t2_r7, "users"."last_sign_in_at" AS
t2_r8, "users"."current_sign_in_ip" AS t2_r9, "users"."last_sign_in_ip" AS
t2_r10, "users"."confirmation_token" AS t2_r11, "users"."confirmed_at" AS
t2_r12, "users"."confirmation_sent_at" AS t2_r13, "users"."unconfirmed_email"
AS t2_r14, "users"."failed_attempts" AS t2_r15, "users"."unlock_token" AS
t2_r16, "users"."locked_at" AS t2_r17, "users"."encrypted_otp_secret" AS
t2_r18, "users"."encrypted_otp_secret_iv" AS t2_r19,
"users"."encrypted_otp_secret_salt" AS t2_r20, "users"."consumed_timestep" AS
t2_r21, "users"."otp_required_for_login" AS t2_r22, "users"."personal_phone"
AS t2_r23, "users"."name" AS t2_r24, "users"."created_at" AS t2_r25,
"users"."updated_at" AS t2_r26, "users"."google_token" AS t2_r27,
"users"."google_refresh_token" AS t2_r28, "users"."last_calendar_refresh" AS
t2_r29, "users"."google_expires_at" AS t2_r30,
"users"."google_calendar_refresh_tokens" AS t2_r31, "users"."acquisition" AS
t2_r32, "users"."icalendar_urls" AS t2_r33, "users"."admin" AS t2_r34,
"users"."banned" AS t2_r35, "users"."email_subscriber" AS t2_r36,
"users"."intermediate_reminder_sent" AS t2_r37, "users"."final_reminder_sent"
AS t2_r38 FROM "coaches" LEFT OUTER JOIN "bookmarks" ON
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_id" = "coaches"."id" AND
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $1 LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" =
"coaches"."user_id" WHERE "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $2 AND
"bookmarks"."client_id" = 3 [["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"],
["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"]]
performance ruby ruby-on-rails comparative-review active-record
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up vote
down vote
I'm trying to figure out the best way to set up an ActiveRecord query.
There are three relevant models involved:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bookmarks, dependent: :destroy
has_many :saved_coaches, through: :bookmarks, source: :bookmarkable, source_type: "Coach"
class Bookmark < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
belongs_to :bookmarkable, polymorphic: true
scope :type, -> (type) { where(bookmarkable_type: type.to_s.capitalize) }
class Coach < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bookmarks, as: :bookmarkable, dependent: :destroy
belongs_to :user
The problem
I need a performant query to access to the coaches a client has bookmarked, the coach's user model, and the id of relevant bookmark.
I can think of two approaches:
@client = current_user.client
# option 1
@coach_bookmarks = @client.bookmarks.type(:coach).includes(bookmarkable: :user)
# option 2
@coaches = Coach.includes(:bookmarks, :user)
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
Option 1 seems clearer, but produces a collection of bookmarks, when most of the data I need is on the associated coach. Option 2 gives me a collection of coaches, but the query is a little less clear, and the SQL output is huge. (I've included that below.)
Is one of these solutions better than the other? Is there a third, better solution (maybe through @client.saved_coaches
SQL output
Option 1
Bookmark Load (1.3ms) SELECT "bookmarks".* FROM "bookmarks" WHERE "bookmarks"."client_id" = $1 AND "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $2 [["client_id", 3], ["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"]]
Coach Load (2.3ms) SELECT "coaches".* FROM "coaches" WHERE "coaches"."id" IN (1)
User Load (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" IN (3)
Option 2
SQL (6.3ms) SELECT "coaches"."id" AS t0_r0, "coaches"."user_id" AS t0_r1,
"coaches"."questionnaire_submitted" AS t0_r2, "coaches"."validated" AS t0_r3,
"coaches"."verified" AS t0_r4, "coaches"."membership_type" AS t0_r5,
"coaches"."new_coach" AS t0_r6, "coaches"."created_at" AS t0_r7,
"coaches"."updated_at" AS t0_r8, "coaches"."title" AS t0_r9,
"coaches"."image_url" AS t0_r10, "coaches"."experience_years" AS t0_r11,
"coaches"."specialties" AS t0_r12, "coaches"."session_types" AS t0_r13,
"coaches"."session_type_other" AS t0_r14, "coaches"."meeting_types" AS t0_r15,
"coaches"."meeting_type_other" AS t0_r16, "coaches"."cancellation_policy" AS
t0_r17, "coaches"."bio" AS t0_r18, "coaches"."price_options" AS t0_r19,
"coaches"."quote" AS t0_r20, "coaches"."current_screen" AS t0_r21,
"coaches"."address_raw" AS t0_r22, "coaches"."business_phone" AS t0_r23,
"coaches"."address_city" AS t0_r24, "coaches"."address_state" AS t0_r25,
"coaches"."address_area" AS t0_r26, "coaches"."latitude" AS t0_r27,
"coaches"."longitude" AS t0_r28, "coaches"."categories" AS t0_r29,
"coaches"."keywords" AS t0_r30, "coaches"."ace_up_handles" AS t0_r31,
"coaches"."stripe_account_id" AS t0_r32, "coaches"."bank_account_info" AS
t0_r33, "coaches"."offer_free_consult" AS t0_r34,
"coaches"."free_consult_length" AS t0_r35, "coaches"."sessions_start_every" AS
t0_r36, "coaches"."max_daily_sessions" AS t0_r37,
"coaches"."minimum_scheduling_notice" AS t0_r38,
"coaches"."buffer_after_session" AS t0_r39, "coaches"."num_reviews" AS t0_r40,
"coaches"."onboard_professional_background" AS t0_r41,
"coaches"."onboard_certifications" AS t0_r42, "coaches"."onboard_challenges"
AS t0_r43, "coaches"."onboard_promoting" AS t0_r44,
"coaches"."onboard_referral_source" AS t0_r45, "coaches"."onboard_interests"
AS t0_r46, "coaches"."onboard_submitted" AS t0_r47, "coaches"."coach_url" AS
t0_r48, "coaches"."timezone" AS t0_r49, "coaches"."average_review" AS t0_r50,
"coaches"."coach_order" AS t0_r51, "coaches"."onboard_business" AS t0_r52,
"coaches"."onboard_services" AS t0_r53, "coaches"."videos" AS t0_r54,
"coaches"."card_highlights" AS t0_r55, "coaches"."edit_requested" AS t0_r56,
"coaches"."specialties_edit" AS t0_r57, "coaches"."session_types_edit" AS
t0_r58, "coaches"."meeting_types_edit" AS t0_r59,
"coaches"."cancellation_policy_edit" AS t0_r60, "coaches"."bio_edit" AS
t0_r61, "coaches"."quote_edit" AS t0_r62, "coaches"."keywords_career" AS
t0_r63, "coaches"."keywords_life" AS t0_r64, "coaches"."keywords_leadership"
AS t0_r65, "coaches"."keywords_business" AS t0_r66,
"coaches"."keywords_communication" AS t0_r67, "coaches"."keywords_executive"
AS t0_r68, "coaches"."qualifications" AS t0_r69, "coaches"."education" AS
t0_r70, "coaches"."target_clients" AS t0_r71, "coaches"."highlights" AS
t0_r72, "coaches"."client_review_link" AS t0_r73, "coaches"."consent" AS
t0_r74, "coaches"."qualifications_edit" AS t0_r75, "coaches"."education_edit"
AS t0_r76, "coaches"."target_clients_edit" AS t0_r77,
"coaches"."highlights_edit" AS t0_r78, "coaches"."text_notifications" AS
t0_r79, "coaches"."email_notifications" AS t0_r80, "coaches"."companies" AS
t0_r81, "coaches"."address_raw_edit" AS t0_r82, "coaches"."longitude_edit" AS
t0_r83, "coaches"."latitude_edit" AS t0_r84, "bookmarks"."id" AS t1_r0,
"bookmarks"."client_id" AS t1_r1, "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_id" AS t1_r2,
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" AS t1_r3, "users"."id" AS t2_r0,
"users"."email" AS t2_r1, "users"."encrypted_password" AS t2_r2,
"users"."reset_password_token" AS t2_r3, "users"."reset_password_sent_at" AS
t2_r4, "users"."remember_created_at" AS t2_r5, "users"."sign_in_count" AS
t2_r6, "users"."current_sign_in_at" AS t2_r7, "users"."last_sign_in_at" AS
t2_r8, "users"."current_sign_in_ip" AS t2_r9, "users"."last_sign_in_ip" AS
t2_r10, "users"."confirmation_token" AS t2_r11, "users"."confirmed_at" AS
t2_r12, "users"."confirmation_sent_at" AS t2_r13, "users"."unconfirmed_email"
AS t2_r14, "users"."failed_attempts" AS t2_r15, "users"."unlock_token" AS
t2_r16, "users"."locked_at" AS t2_r17, "users"."encrypted_otp_secret" AS
t2_r18, "users"."encrypted_otp_secret_iv" AS t2_r19,
"users"."encrypted_otp_secret_salt" AS t2_r20, "users"."consumed_timestep" AS
t2_r21, "users"."otp_required_for_login" AS t2_r22, "users"."personal_phone"
AS t2_r23, "users"."name" AS t2_r24, "users"."created_at" AS t2_r25,
"users"."updated_at" AS t2_r26, "users"."google_token" AS t2_r27,
"users"."google_refresh_token" AS t2_r28, "users"."last_calendar_refresh" AS
t2_r29, "users"."google_expires_at" AS t2_r30,
"users"."google_calendar_refresh_tokens" AS t2_r31, "users"."acquisition" AS
t2_r32, "users"."icalendar_urls" AS t2_r33, "users"."admin" AS t2_r34,
"users"."banned" AS t2_r35, "users"."email_subscriber" AS t2_r36,
"users"."intermediate_reminder_sent" AS t2_r37, "users"."final_reminder_sent"
AS t2_r38 FROM "coaches" LEFT OUTER JOIN "bookmarks" ON
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_id" = "coaches"."id" AND
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $1 LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" =
"coaches"."user_id" WHERE "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $2 AND
"bookmarks"."client_id" = 3 [["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"],
["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"]]
performance ruby ruby-on-rails comparative-review active-record
I'm trying to figure out the best way to set up an ActiveRecord query.
There are three relevant models involved:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bookmarks, dependent: :destroy
has_many :saved_coaches, through: :bookmarks, source: :bookmarkable, source_type: "Coach"
class Bookmark < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
belongs_to :bookmarkable, polymorphic: true
scope :type, -> (type) { where(bookmarkable_type: type.to_s.capitalize) }
class Coach < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bookmarks, as: :bookmarkable, dependent: :destroy
belongs_to :user
The problem
I need a performant query to access to the coaches a client has bookmarked, the coach's user model, and the id of relevant bookmark.
I can think of two approaches:
@client = current_user.client
# option 1
@coach_bookmarks = @client.bookmarks.type(:coach).includes(bookmarkable: :user)
# option 2
@coaches = Coach.includes(:bookmarks, :user)
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
Option 1 seems clearer, but produces a collection of bookmarks, when most of the data I need is on the associated coach. Option 2 gives me a collection of coaches, but the query is a little less clear, and the SQL output is huge. (I've included that below.)
Is one of these solutions better than the other? Is there a third, better solution (maybe through @client.saved_coaches
SQL output
Option 1
Bookmark Load (1.3ms) SELECT "bookmarks".* FROM "bookmarks" WHERE "bookmarks"."client_id" = $1 AND "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $2 [["client_id", 3], ["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"]]
Coach Load (2.3ms) SELECT "coaches".* FROM "coaches" WHERE "coaches"."id" IN (1)
User Load (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" IN (3)
Option 2
SQL (6.3ms) SELECT "coaches"."id" AS t0_r0, "coaches"."user_id" AS t0_r1,
"coaches"."questionnaire_submitted" AS t0_r2, "coaches"."validated" AS t0_r3,
"coaches"."verified" AS t0_r4, "coaches"."membership_type" AS t0_r5,
"coaches"."new_coach" AS t0_r6, "coaches"."created_at" AS t0_r7,
"coaches"."updated_at" AS t0_r8, "coaches"."title" AS t0_r9,
"coaches"."image_url" AS t0_r10, "coaches"."experience_years" AS t0_r11,
"coaches"."specialties" AS t0_r12, "coaches"."session_types" AS t0_r13,
"coaches"."session_type_other" AS t0_r14, "coaches"."meeting_types" AS t0_r15,
"coaches"."meeting_type_other" AS t0_r16, "coaches"."cancellation_policy" AS
t0_r17, "coaches"."bio" AS t0_r18, "coaches"."price_options" AS t0_r19,
"coaches"."quote" AS t0_r20, "coaches"."current_screen" AS t0_r21,
"coaches"."address_raw" AS t0_r22, "coaches"."business_phone" AS t0_r23,
"coaches"."address_city" AS t0_r24, "coaches"."address_state" AS t0_r25,
"coaches"."address_area" AS t0_r26, "coaches"."latitude" AS t0_r27,
"coaches"."longitude" AS t0_r28, "coaches"."categories" AS t0_r29,
"coaches"."keywords" AS t0_r30, "coaches"."ace_up_handles" AS t0_r31,
"coaches"."stripe_account_id" AS t0_r32, "coaches"."bank_account_info" AS
t0_r33, "coaches"."offer_free_consult" AS t0_r34,
"coaches"."free_consult_length" AS t0_r35, "coaches"."sessions_start_every" AS
t0_r36, "coaches"."max_daily_sessions" AS t0_r37,
"coaches"."minimum_scheduling_notice" AS t0_r38,
"coaches"."buffer_after_session" AS t0_r39, "coaches"."num_reviews" AS t0_r40,
"coaches"."onboard_professional_background" AS t0_r41,
"coaches"."onboard_certifications" AS t0_r42, "coaches"."onboard_challenges"
AS t0_r43, "coaches"."onboard_promoting" AS t0_r44,
"coaches"."onboard_referral_source" AS t0_r45, "coaches"."onboard_interests"
AS t0_r46, "coaches"."onboard_submitted" AS t0_r47, "coaches"."coach_url" AS
t0_r48, "coaches"."timezone" AS t0_r49, "coaches"."average_review" AS t0_r50,
"coaches"."coach_order" AS t0_r51, "coaches"."onboard_business" AS t0_r52,
"coaches"."onboard_services" AS t0_r53, "coaches"."videos" AS t0_r54,
"coaches"."card_highlights" AS t0_r55, "coaches"."edit_requested" AS t0_r56,
"coaches"."specialties_edit" AS t0_r57, "coaches"."session_types_edit" AS
t0_r58, "coaches"."meeting_types_edit" AS t0_r59,
"coaches"."cancellation_policy_edit" AS t0_r60, "coaches"."bio_edit" AS
t0_r61, "coaches"."quote_edit" AS t0_r62, "coaches"."keywords_career" AS
t0_r63, "coaches"."keywords_life" AS t0_r64, "coaches"."keywords_leadership"
AS t0_r65, "coaches"."keywords_business" AS t0_r66,
"coaches"."keywords_communication" AS t0_r67, "coaches"."keywords_executive"
AS t0_r68, "coaches"."qualifications" AS t0_r69, "coaches"."education" AS
t0_r70, "coaches"."target_clients" AS t0_r71, "coaches"."highlights" AS
t0_r72, "coaches"."client_review_link" AS t0_r73, "coaches"."consent" AS
t0_r74, "coaches"."qualifications_edit" AS t0_r75, "coaches"."education_edit"
AS t0_r76, "coaches"."target_clients_edit" AS t0_r77,
"coaches"."highlights_edit" AS t0_r78, "coaches"."text_notifications" AS
t0_r79, "coaches"."email_notifications" AS t0_r80, "coaches"."companies" AS
t0_r81, "coaches"."address_raw_edit" AS t0_r82, "coaches"."longitude_edit" AS
t0_r83, "coaches"."latitude_edit" AS t0_r84, "bookmarks"."id" AS t1_r0,
"bookmarks"."client_id" AS t1_r1, "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_id" AS t1_r2,
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" AS t1_r3, "users"."id" AS t2_r0,
"users"."email" AS t2_r1, "users"."encrypted_password" AS t2_r2,
"users"."reset_password_token" AS t2_r3, "users"."reset_password_sent_at" AS
t2_r4, "users"."remember_created_at" AS t2_r5, "users"."sign_in_count" AS
t2_r6, "users"."current_sign_in_at" AS t2_r7, "users"."last_sign_in_at" AS
t2_r8, "users"."current_sign_in_ip" AS t2_r9, "users"."last_sign_in_ip" AS
t2_r10, "users"."confirmation_token" AS t2_r11, "users"."confirmed_at" AS
t2_r12, "users"."confirmation_sent_at" AS t2_r13, "users"."unconfirmed_email"
AS t2_r14, "users"."failed_attempts" AS t2_r15, "users"."unlock_token" AS
t2_r16, "users"."locked_at" AS t2_r17, "users"."encrypted_otp_secret" AS
t2_r18, "users"."encrypted_otp_secret_iv" AS t2_r19,
"users"."encrypted_otp_secret_salt" AS t2_r20, "users"."consumed_timestep" AS
t2_r21, "users"."otp_required_for_login" AS t2_r22, "users"."personal_phone"
AS t2_r23, "users"."name" AS t2_r24, "users"."created_at" AS t2_r25,
"users"."updated_at" AS t2_r26, "users"."google_token" AS t2_r27,
"users"."google_refresh_token" AS t2_r28, "users"."last_calendar_refresh" AS
t2_r29, "users"."google_expires_at" AS t2_r30,
"users"."google_calendar_refresh_tokens" AS t2_r31, "users"."acquisition" AS
t2_r32, "users"."icalendar_urls" AS t2_r33, "users"."admin" AS t2_r34,
"users"."banned" AS t2_r35, "users"."email_subscriber" AS t2_r36,
"users"."intermediate_reminder_sent" AS t2_r37, "users"."final_reminder_sent"
AS t2_r38 FROM "coaches" LEFT OUTER JOIN "bookmarks" ON
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_id" = "coaches"."id" AND
"bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $1 LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" =
"coaches"."user_id" WHERE "bookmarks"."bookmarkable_type" = $2 AND
"bookmarks"."client_id" = 3 [["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"],
["bookmarkable_type", "Coach"]]
performance ruby ruby-on-rails comparative-review active-record
performance ruby ruby-on-rails comparative-review active-record
edited Aug 23 '17 at 0:14
asked Aug 22 '17 at 22:39
Phillip Longman
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2 Answers
up vote
down vote
if you don't need the bookmarks instances then I would be inclined to go for something like:
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
though I would wrap that in a scope. You could probably also get away with excluding the bookmarkable_type: "Coach"
condition since the join will enforce that.
Unfortunately, I need their IDs. I didn't realize I could drop the "bookmarkable_type," though, and wrapping it into a scope was a good idea. I created aBookmarkable
concern to hold thehas_many :bookmarks
association and a newbookmarked_by
– Phillip Longman
Aug 24 '17 at 19:49
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up vote
down vote
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
.select("coaches.*, AS bookmark_id")
After this query you can do the following: # returns coach id
@coaches.first.bookmark_id # returns the relevant bookmark_id # returns the user's name of that coach.
This approach has one advantage over including the collection of bookmarks that it won't load the whole objects of bookmarks into memory when you need only bookmark_id.
New contributor
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2 Answers
2 Answers
up vote
down vote
if you don't need the bookmarks instances then I would be inclined to go for something like:
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
though I would wrap that in a scope. You could probably also get away with excluding the bookmarkable_type: "Coach"
condition since the join will enforce that.
Unfortunately, I need their IDs. I didn't realize I could drop the "bookmarkable_type," though, and wrapping it into a scope was a good idea. I created aBookmarkable
concern to hold thehas_many :bookmarks
association and a newbookmarked_by
– Phillip Longman
Aug 24 '17 at 19:49
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
if you don't need the bookmarks instances then I would be inclined to go for something like:
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
though I would wrap that in a scope. You could probably also get away with excluding the bookmarkable_type: "Coach"
condition since the join will enforce that.
Unfortunately, I need their IDs. I didn't realize I could drop the "bookmarkable_type," though, and wrapping it into a scope was a good idea. I created aBookmarkable
concern to hold thehas_many :bookmarks
association and a newbookmarked_by
– Phillip Longman
Aug 24 '17 at 19:49
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
if you don't need the bookmarks instances then I would be inclined to go for something like:
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
though I would wrap that in a scope. You could probably also get away with excluding the bookmarkable_type: "Coach"
condition since the join will enforce that.
if you don't need the bookmarks instances then I would be inclined to go for something like:
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
though I would wrap that in a scope. You could probably also get away with excluding the bookmarkable_type: "Coach"
condition since the join will enforce that.
answered Aug 23 '17 at 14:35
Marc Rohloff
Unfortunately, I need their IDs. I didn't realize I could drop the "bookmarkable_type," though, and wrapping it into a scope was a good idea. I created aBookmarkable
concern to hold thehas_many :bookmarks
association and a newbookmarked_by
– Phillip Longman
Aug 24 '17 at 19:49
add a comment |
Unfortunately, I need their IDs. I didn't realize I could drop the "bookmarkable_type," though, and wrapping it into a scope was a good idea. I created aBookmarkable
concern to hold thehas_many :bookmarks
association and a newbookmarked_by
– Phillip Longman
Aug 24 '17 at 19:49
Unfortunately, I need their IDs. I didn't realize I could drop the "bookmarkable_type," though, and wrapping it into a scope was a good idea. I created a
concern to hold the has_many :bookmarks
association and a new bookmarked_by
scope.– Phillip Longman
Aug 24 '17 at 19:49
Unfortunately, I need their IDs. I didn't realize I could drop the "bookmarkable_type," though, and wrapping it into a scope was a good idea. I created a
concern to hold the has_many :bookmarks
association and a new bookmarked_by
scope.– Phillip Longman
Aug 24 '17 at 19:49
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up vote
down vote
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
.select("coaches.*, AS bookmark_id")
After this query you can do the following: # returns coach id
@coaches.first.bookmark_id # returns the relevant bookmark_id # returns the user's name of that coach.
This approach has one advantage over including the collection of bookmarks that it won't load the whole objects of bookmarks into memory when you need only bookmark_id.
New contributor
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up vote
down vote
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
.select("coaches.*, AS bookmark_id")
After this query you can do the following: # returns coach id
@coaches.first.bookmark_id # returns the relevant bookmark_id # returns the user's name of that coach.
This approach has one advantage over including the collection of bookmarks that it won't load the whole objects of bookmarks into memory when you need only bookmark_id.
New contributor
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up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
.select("coaches.*, AS bookmark_id")
After this query you can do the following: # returns coach id
@coaches.first.bookmark_id # returns the relevant bookmark_id # returns the user's name of that coach.
This approach has one advantage over including the collection of bookmarks that it won't load the whole objects of bookmarks into memory when you need only bookmark_id.
New contributor
@coaches = Coach
.where(bookmarks: { bookmarkable_type: "Coach", client: @client })
.select("coaches.*, AS bookmark_id")
After this query you can do the following: # returns coach id
@coaches.first.bookmark_id # returns the relevant bookmark_id # returns the user's name of that coach.
This approach has one advantage over including the collection of bookmarks that it won't load the whole objects of bookmarks into memory when you need only bookmark_id.
New contributor
New contributor
answered 20 hours ago
New contributor
New contributor
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