Equity data processing: Fast and/or efficient file writing using PHP
This is my first scripting project and I'm sure it has so many issues.
The main class, EQ
, scrapes equities data using EquityRecords
, calculates sector coefficients using
, estimates equity prices, and finally writes an HTML string in the view files. I couldn't add EQ
class in the post due to character limitation of the posts. The entire code is on this GitHub link.
The only goal is making EQ
as fast/efficient as possible for a single server. Would you be so kind and review it and kindly help me to reach this goal?
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
// EquityRecords::allEquitiesSignleJSON(new EquityRecords());
class EquityRecords
const NEW_LINE = "n";
* @var a string of iextrading symbols
const SYMBOLS_PATH = '/../../config/z-iextrading-symbs.md';
* @var a string of our symbols json directory
const SYMBOLS_DIR = "/../../blog-back/equities/real-time-60sec/z-raw-equilibrium-estimation";
* @var a string of target path and query
const TARGET_QUERY = "stock/market/batch?symbols=";
* @var a string of iextrading base URL
const BASE_URL = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/";
* @var a string of iextrading end point
const END_POINT = "&types=quote,chart&range=1m&last=10";
* @var an integer for maximum number of stocks per URL on each call
//***************** A ********************** //
// public static function getSymbols() {
// return array_map(function($line){ return str_getcsv($line, "t"); }, file(__DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_PATH));
// }
public static function getSymbols()
//***************** START: ALL SYMBOLS ARRAY ********************** //
// var: is a filename path directory, where there is an md file with list of equities
$list_of_equities_file = __DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_PATH;
// var: is content of md file with list of equities
$content_of_equities = file_get_contents($list_of_equities_file);
// var is an array(3) of equities such as: string(4) "ZYNE", string(10) "2019-01-04", string(27) "ZYNERBA PHARMACEUTICALS INC"
// $symbols_array=preg_split('/rn|r|n/', $content_of_equities);
$symbols_array = preg_split('/R/', $content_of_equities);
//***************** END: ALL SYMBOLS ARRAY ********************** //
// child and mother arrays are created to help calling equities in batches of 100, which seems to be the API limit.
$child = array();
$mother = array();
// var: is 100 counter
$limit_counter = self::NUMBER_OF_STOCKS_PER_REQUEST;
foreach ($symbols_array as $ticker_arr) {
$limit_counter = $limit_counter - 1;
$symbols_array = preg_split('/t/', $ticker_arr);
array_push($child, $symbols_array);
if ($limit_counter <= 0) {
$limit_counter = self::NUMBER_OF_STOCKS_PER_REQUEST;
array_push($mother, $child);
$child = array();
return $mother;
public static function allEquitiesSignleJSON()
$equity_arrays = EquityRecords::getSymbols();
$base_url = self::BASE_URL . self::TARGET_QUERY;
$current_time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$all_equities = array();
// ticker: AAPL, GE, AMD
foreach ($equity_arrays as $ticker_arr) {
$ticker = array_column($ticker_arr, 0);
$equity_url = $base_url . implode("%2C", $ticker) . self::END_POINT;
$raw_eauity_json = file_get_contents($equity_url);
$raw_equity_array = json_decode($raw_eauity_json, true);
$all_equities = array_merge($all_equities, $raw_equity_array);
$all_equities_json = json_encode($all_equities);
$symbols_dir = __DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_DIR;
if (!is_dir($symbols_dir)) {mkdir($symbols_dir, 0755, true);}
$raw_equity_file = $symbols_dir . "/" . $current_time . ".json";
$fp = fopen($raw_equity_file, "x+");
fwrite($fp, $all_equities_json);
echo "YAAAY! Equity JSON file success at " . __METHOD__ . " ! 💚 " . self::NEW_LINE;
* @return a string for var_dump
public static function p()
$args = func_get_args();
$die = (end($args) === 1) && array_pop($args);
echo self::NEW_LINE;
foreach ($args as $v) {
$output = print_r($v, true);
var_dump($output) . self::NEW_LINE;
echo self::NEW_LINE;
if ($die) {
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
require_once __DIR__ . "/EquityRecords.php";
class SectorMovers
* @var a string of iextrading base URL
const BASE_URL = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/";
* @var a string of target path and query
const TARGET_QUERY = "stock/market/batch?symbols=";
* @var a string for backend path for every sector
const EACH_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX = "/../../blog-back/sectors/real-time-60sec/z-raw-sector-";
* @var a string for backend path for index sector
const INDEX_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX = "/../../blog-back/sectors/real-time-60sec/y-index/";
* @var a string for live data path
const LIVE_DATA_DIR = "/../../../public_html/blog/files/";
const DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME = "s-1.txt"; // Filename that records sector coefficient JSON
public static function getSectors()
$base_url = self::BASE_URL . self::TARGET_QUERY;
$current_time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$permission = 0755;
$index_data = array("Overall" => array("sector_weight" => 1, "sector_coefficient" => 1, "sector_value" => 0));
$sector_movers = SectorMovers::iexSectorParams();
foreach ($sector_movers as $sector_mover) {
// $sector_url = $base_url . implode(",", array_keys($sector_mover["selected_tickers"])) . "&types=quote&range=1m";
$sector_url = $base_url . implode("%2C", array_keys($sector_mover["selected_tickers"])) . "&types=quote&range=1m";
$rawSectorJson = file_get_contents($sector_url);
$raw_sector_array = json_decode($rawSectorJson, true);
// ******************* Back Data ***************** //
// Write the raw file in the back directories
// $rawSectorDir = __DIR__ . self::EACH_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX . $sector_mover["directory"];
// // if back directory not exist
// if (!is_dir($rawSectorDir)) {mkdir($rawSectorDir, $permission, true);}
// // create and open/write/close sector data to back directories
// $rawSectorFile = $rawSectorDir . "/" . $current_time . ".json";
// $fp = fopen($rawSectorFile, "a+");
// fwrite($fp, $rawSectorJson);
// fclose($fp);
// ******************* End Back Data ***************** //
// Calculate the real-time index
$index_value = 0;
foreach ($raw_sector_array as $ticker => $ticker_stats) {
if (isset($sector_mover["selected_tickers"][$ticker], $ticker_stats["quote"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["extendedChangePercent"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["changePercent"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["ytdChange"])) {
$change_amount = ($ticker_stats["quote"]["extendedChangePercent"] + $ticker_stats["quote"]["changePercent"] + $ticker_stats["quote"]["ytdChange"]) / 200;
$index_value += $sector_mover["sector_weight"] * $sector_mover["selected_tickers"][$ticker] * $change_amount;
$index_data[$sector_mover["sector"]] = array("sector_weight" => $sector_mover["sector_weight"], "sector_coefficient" => $sector_mover["sector_coefficient"], "sector_value" => $index_value);
$index_data["Overall"]["sector_value"] += $index_data[$sector_mover["sector"]]["sector_value"];
// Calculate the index factor for better visibility between -1 and +1
$front_index_data = array();
foreach ($index_data as $sector_name => $sector_index_data) {
// $index_sign = $sector_index_data["sector_value"];
// if ($index_sign < 0) {
// $index_sign = - $index_sign;
// }
$index_sign = abs($sector_index_data["sector_value"]);
$index_factor = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$index_factor = pow(10, $i);
if (($index_factor * $index_sign) > 1) {
$index_factor = pow(10, $i - 1);
// $index_factor = 10 ** strlen(preg_match('~.K0+~', $float, $zeros) ? $zeros[0] : 0);
$front_index_data[$sector_name] = $sector_index_data["sector_weight"] * $sector_index_data["sector_coefficient"] * $sector_index_data["sector_value"] * $index_factor;
// Write the index file
$index_sector_dir = __DIR__ . self::INDEX_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX;
if (!is_dir($index_sector_dir)) {mkdir($index_sector_dir, $permission, true);}
$index_sector_file = $index_sector_dir . $current_time . ".json";
$index_sector_json = json_encode($front_index_data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
$fp = fopen($index_sector_file, "a+");
fwrite($fp, $index_sector_json);
$sector_dir = __DIR__ . self::LIVE_DATA_DIR;
if (!is_dir($sector_dir)) {mkdir($sector_dir, $permission, true);} // if data directory did not exist
// if s-1 file did not exist
if (!file_exists($sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME)) {
$handle = fopen($sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME, "wb");
fwrite($handle, "d");
$sector_coef_file = $sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME;
copy($index_sector_file, $sector_coef_file);
echo "YAAAY! " . __METHOD__ . " updated sector coefficients successfully 💚!n";
return $front_index_data;
public static function iexSectorParams()
$sector_movers = array(
"sector" => "IT",
"directory" => "information-technology",
"sector_weight" => 0.18,
"sector_coefficient" => 4,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"AAPL" => 0.18,
"AMZN" => 0.16,
"GOOGL" => 0.14,
"IBM" => 0.2,
"MSFT" => 0.1,
"FB" => 0.1,
"NFLX" => 0.08,
"ADBE" => 0.06,
"CRM" => 0.04,
"NVDA" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Telecommunication",
"directory" => "telecommunication-services",
"sector_weight" => 0.12,
"sector_coefficient" => 4,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"VZ" => 0.18,
"CSCO" => 0.16,
"CMCSA" => 0.14,
"T" => 0.12,
"CTL" => 0.1,
"CHTR" => 0.1,
"S" => 0.08,
"DISH" => 0.06,
"USM" => 0.04,
"VOD" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Finance",
"directory" => "financial-services",
"sector_weight" => 0.1,
"sector_coefficient" => 6,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"JPM" => 0.18,
"GS" => 0.16,
"V" => 0.14,
"BAC" => 0.12,
"AXP" => 0.1,
"WFC" => 0.1,
"USB" => 0.08,
"PNC" => 0.06,
"AMG" => 0.04,
"AIG" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Energy",
"directory" => "energy",
"sector_weight" => 0.1,
"sector_coefficient" => 6,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CVX" => 0.18,
"XOM" => 0.16,
"APA" => 0.14,
"COP" => 0.12,
"BHGE" => 0.1,
"VLO" => 0.1,
"APC" => 0.08,
"ANDV" => 0.06,
"OXY" => 0.04,
"HAL" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Industrials",
"directory" => "industrials",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CAT" => 0.18,
"FLR" => 0.16,
"GE" => 0.14,
"JEC" => 0.12,
"JCI" => 0.1,
"MAS" => 0.1,
"FLS" => 0.08,
"AAL" => 0.06,
"AME" => 0.04,
"CHRW" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Materials and Chemicals",
"directory" => "materials-and-chemicals",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"DWDP" => 0.18,
"APD" => 0.16,
"EMN" => 0.14,
"ECL" => 0.12,
"FMC" => 0.1,
"LYB" => 0.1,
"MOS" => 0.08,
"NEM" => 0.06,
"PPG" => 0.04,
"MLM" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Utilities",
"directory" => "utilities",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"PPL" => 0.18,
"PCG" => 0.16,
"SO" => 0.14,
"WEC" => 0.12,
"PEG" => 0.1,
"XEL" => 0.1,
"D" => 0.08,
"NGG" => 0.06,
"NEE" => 0.04,
"PNW" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Consumer Discretionary",
"directory" => "consumer-discretionary",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"DIS" => 0.18,
"HD" => 0.16,
"BBY" => 0.14,
"CBS" => 0.12,
"CMG" => 0.1,
"MCD" => 0.1,
"GPS" => 0.08,
"HOG" => 0.06,
"AZO" => 0.04,
"EXPE" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Consumer Staples",
"directory" => "consumer-staples",
"sector_weight" => 0.06,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"PEP" => 0.18,
"PM" => 0.16,
"PG" => 0.14,
"MNST" => 0.12,
"TSN" => 0.1,
"CPB" => 0.1,
"HRL" => 0.08,
"SJM" => 0.06,
"CAG" => 0.04,
"KHC" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Defense",
"directory" => "defense-and-aerospace",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"BA" => 0.18,
"LMT" => 0.16,
"UTX" => 0.14,
"NOC" => 0.12,
"HON" => 0.1,
"RTN" => 0.1,
"TXT" => 0.08,
"LLL" => 0.06,
"COL" => 0.04,
"GD" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Health",
"directory" => "health-care-and-pharmaceuticals",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"UNH" => 0.18,
"JNJ" => 0.16,
"PFE" => 0.14,
"UHS" => 0.12,
"AET" => 0.1,
"RMD" => 0.1,
"TMO" => 0.08,
"MRK" => 0.06,
"ABT" => 0.04,
"LLY" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Real Estate",
"directory" => "real-estate",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CCI" => 0.18,
"AMT" => 0.16,
"AVB" => 0.14,
"HCP" => 0.12,
"RCL" => 0.1,
"HST" => 0.1,
"NCLH" => 0.08,
"HLT" => 0.06,
"ARE" => 0.04,
"AIV" => 0.02,
return $sector_movers;
I'd like to thank these users for being so helpful, which I could implement some of their advices in the code.
performance beginner php file-system api
This question has an open bounty worth +50
reputation from Emma ending in 7 days.
Looking for an answer drawing from credible and/or official sources.
show 1 more comment
This is my first scripting project and I'm sure it has so many issues.
The main class, EQ
, scrapes equities data using EquityRecords
, calculates sector coefficients using
, estimates equity prices, and finally writes an HTML string in the view files. I couldn't add EQ
class in the post due to character limitation of the posts. The entire code is on this GitHub link.
The only goal is making EQ
as fast/efficient as possible for a single server. Would you be so kind and review it and kindly help me to reach this goal?
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
// EquityRecords::allEquitiesSignleJSON(new EquityRecords());
class EquityRecords
const NEW_LINE = "n";
* @var a string of iextrading symbols
const SYMBOLS_PATH = '/../../config/z-iextrading-symbs.md';
* @var a string of our symbols json directory
const SYMBOLS_DIR = "/../../blog-back/equities/real-time-60sec/z-raw-equilibrium-estimation";
* @var a string of target path and query
const TARGET_QUERY = "stock/market/batch?symbols=";
* @var a string of iextrading base URL
const BASE_URL = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/";
* @var a string of iextrading end point
const END_POINT = "&types=quote,chart&range=1m&last=10";
* @var an integer for maximum number of stocks per URL on each call
//***************** A ********************** //
// public static function getSymbols() {
// return array_map(function($line){ return str_getcsv($line, "t"); }, file(__DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_PATH));
// }
public static function getSymbols()
//***************** START: ALL SYMBOLS ARRAY ********************** //
// var: is a filename path directory, where there is an md file with list of equities
$list_of_equities_file = __DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_PATH;
// var: is content of md file with list of equities
$content_of_equities = file_get_contents($list_of_equities_file);
// var is an array(3) of equities such as: string(4) "ZYNE", string(10) "2019-01-04", string(27) "ZYNERBA PHARMACEUTICALS INC"
// $symbols_array=preg_split('/rn|r|n/', $content_of_equities);
$symbols_array = preg_split('/R/', $content_of_equities);
//***************** END: ALL SYMBOLS ARRAY ********************** //
// child and mother arrays are created to help calling equities in batches of 100, which seems to be the API limit.
$child = array();
$mother = array();
// var: is 100 counter
$limit_counter = self::NUMBER_OF_STOCKS_PER_REQUEST;
foreach ($symbols_array as $ticker_arr) {
$limit_counter = $limit_counter - 1;
$symbols_array = preg_split('/t/', $ticker_arr);
array_push($child, $symbols_array);
if ($limit_counter <= 0) {
$limit_counter = self::NUMBER_OF_STOCKS_PER_REQUEST;
array_push($mother, $child);
$child = array();
return $mother;
public static function allEquitiesSignleJSON()
$equity_arrays = EquityRecords::getSymbols();
$base_url = self::BASE_URL . self::TARGET_QUERY;
$current_time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$all_equities = array();
// ticker: AAPL, GE, AMD
foreach ($equity_arrays as $ticker_arr) {
$ticker = array_column($ticker_arr, 0);
$equity_url = $base_url . implode("%2C", $ticker) . self::END_POINT;
$raw_eauity_json = file_get_contents($equity_url);
$raw_equity_array = json_decode($raw_eauity_json, true);
$all_equities = array_merge($all_equities, $raw_equity_array);
$all_equities_json = json_encode($all_equities);
$symbols_dir = __DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_DIR;
if (!is_dir($symbols_dir)) {mkdir($symbols_dir, 0755, true);}
$raw_equity_file = $symbols_dir . "/" . $current_time . ".json";
$fp = fopen($raw_equity_file, "x+");
fwrite($fp, $all_equities_json);
echo "YAAAY! Equity JSON file success at " . __METHOD__ . " ! 💚 " . self::NEW_LINE;
* @return a string for var_dump
public static function p()
$args = func_get_args();
$die = (end($args) === 1) && array_pop($args);
echo self::NEW_LINE;
foreach ($args as $v) {
$output = print_r($v, true);
var_dump($output) . self::NEW_LINE;
echo self::NEW_LINE;
if ($die) {
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
require_once __DIR__ . "/EquityRecords.php";
class SectorMovers
* @var a string of iextrading base URL
const BASE_URL = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/";
* @var a string of target path and query
const TARGET_QUERY = "stock/market/batch?symbols=";
* @var a string for backend path for every sector
const EACH_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX = "/../../blog-back/sectors/real-time-60sec/z-raw-sector-";
* @var a string for backend path for index sector
const INDEX_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX = "/../../blog-back/sectors/real-time-60sec/y-index/";
* @var a string for live data path
const LIVE_DATA_DIR = "/../../../public_html/blog/files/";
const DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME = "s-1.txt"; // Filename that records sector coefficient JSON
public static function getSectors()
$base_url = self::BASE_URL . self::TARGET_QUERY;
$current_time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$permission = 0755;
$index_data = array("Overall" => array("sector_weight" => 1, "sector_coefficient" => 1, "sector_value" => 0));
$sector_movers = SectorMovers::iexSectorParams();
foreach ($sector_movers as $sector_mover) {
// $sector_url = $base_url . implode(",", array_keys($sector_mover["selected_tickers"])) . "&types=quote&range=1m";
$sector_url = $base_url . implode("%2C", array_keys($sector_mover["selected_tickers"])) . "&types=quote&range=1m";
$rawSectorJson = file_get_contents($sector_url);
$raw_sector_array = json_decode($rawSectorJson, true);
// ******************* Back Data ***************** //
// Write the raw file in the back directories
// $rawSectorDir = __DIR__ . self::EACH_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX . $sector_mover["directory"];
// // if back directory not exist
// if (!is_dir($rawSectorDir)) {mkdir($rawSectorDir, $permission, true);}
// // create and open/write/close sector data to back directories
// $rawSectorFile = $rawSectorDir . "/" . $current_time . ".json";
// $fp = fopen($rawSectorFile, "a+");
// fwrite($fp, $rawSectorJson);
// fclose($fp);
// ******************* End Back Data ***************** //
// Calculate the real-time index
$index_value = 0;
foreach ($raw_sector_array as $ticker => $ticker_stats) {
if (isset($sector_mover["selected_tickers"][$ticker], $ticker_stats["quote"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["extendedChangePercent"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["changePercent"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["ytdChange"])) {
$change_amount = ($ticker_stats["quote"]["extendedChangePercent"] + $ticker_stats["quote"]["changePercent"] + $ticker_stats["quote"]["ytdChange"]) / 200;
$index_value += $sector_mover["sector_weight"] * $sector_mover["selected_tickers"][$ticker] * $change_amount;
$index_data[$sector_mover["sector"]] = array("sector_weight" => $sector_mover["sector_weight"], "sector_coefficient" => $sector_mover["sector_coefficient"], "sector_value" => $index_value);
$index_data["Overall"]["sector_value"] += $index_data[$sector_mover["sector"]]["sector_value"];
// Calculate the index factor for better visibility between -1 and +1
$front_index_data = array();
foreach ($index_data as $sector_name => $sector_index_data) {
// $index_sign = $sector_index_data["sector_value"];
// if ($index_sign < 0) {
// $index_sign = - $index_sign;
// }
$index_sign = abs($sector_index_data["sector_value"]);
$index_factor = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$index_factor = pow(10, $i);
if (($index_factor * $index_sign) > 1) {
$index_factor = pow(10, $i - 1);
// $index_factor = 10 ** strlen(preg_match('~.K0+~', $float, $zeros) ? $zeros[0] : 0);
$front_index_data[$sector_name] = $sector_index_data["sector_weight"] * $sector_index_data["sector_coefficient"] * $sector_index_data["sector_value"] * $index_factor;
// Write the index file
$index_sector_dir = __DIR__ . self::INDEX_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX;
if (!is_dir($index_sector_dir)) {mkdir($index_sector_dir, $permission, true);}
$index_sector_file = $index_sector_dir . $current_time . ".json";
$index_sector_json = json_encode($front_index_data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
$fp = fopen($index_sector_file, "a+");
fwrite($fp, $index_sector_json);
$sector_dir = __DIR__ . self::LIVE_DATA_DIR;
if (!is_dir($sector_dir)) {mkdir($sector_dir, $permission, true);} // if data directory did not exist
// if s-1 file did not exist
if (!file_exists($sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME)) {
$handle = fopen($sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME, "wb");
fwrite($handle, "d");
$sector_coef_file = $sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME;
copy($index_sector_file, $sector_coef_file);
echo "YAAAY! " . __METHOD__ . " updated sector coefficients successfully 💚!n";
return $front_index_data;
public static function iexSectorParams()
$sector_movers = array(
"sector" => "IT",
"directory" => "information-technology",
"sector_weight" => 0.18,
"sector_coefficient" => 4,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"AAPL" => 0.18,
"AMZN" => 0.16,
"GOOGL" => 0.14,
"IBM" => 0.2,
"MSFT" => 0.1,
"FB" => 0.1,
"NFLX" => 0.08,
"ADBE" => 0.06,
"CRM" => 0.04,
"NVDA" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Telecommunication",
"directory" => "telecommunication-services",
"sector_weight" => 0.12,
"sector_coefficient" => 4,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"VZ" => 0.18,
"CSCO" => 0.16,
"CMCSA" => 0.14,
"T" => 0.12,
"CTL" => 0.1,
"CHTR" => 0.1,
"S" => 0.08,
"DISH" => 0.06,
"USM" => 0.04,
"VOD" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Finance",
"directory" => "financial-services",
"sector_weight" => 0.1,
"sector_coefficient" => 6,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"JPM" => 0.18,
"GS" => 0.16,
"V" => 0.14,
"BAC" => 0.12,
"AXP" => 0.1,
"WFC" => 0.1,
"USB" => 0.08,
"PNC" => 0.06,
"AMG" => 0.04,
"AIG" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Energy",
"directory" => "energy",
"sector_weight" => 0.1,
"sector_coefficient" => 6,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CVX" => 0.18,
"XOM" => 0.16,
"APA" => 0.14,
"COP" => 0.12,
"BHGE" => 0.1,
"VLO" => 0.1,
"APC" => 0.08,
"ANDV" => 0.06,
"OXY" => 0.04,
"HAL" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Industrials",
"directory" => "industrials",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CAT" => 0.18,
"FLR" => 0.16,
"GE" => 0.14,
"JEC" => 0.12,
"JCI" => 0.1,
"MAS" => 0.1,
"FLS" => 0.08,
"AAL" => 0.06,
"AME" => 0.04,
"CHRW" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Materials and Chemicals",
"directory" => "materials-and-chemicals",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"DWDP" => 0.18,
"APD" => 0.16,
"EMN" => 0.14,
"ECL" => 0.12,
"FMC" => 0.1,
"LYB" => 0.1,
"MOS" => 0.08,
"NEM" => 0.06,
"PPG" => 0.04,
"MLM" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Utilities",
"directory" => "utilities",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"PPL" => 0.18,
"PCG" => 0.16,
"SO" => 0.14,
"WEC" => 0.12,
"PEG" => 0.1,
"XEL" => 0.1,
"D" => 0.08,
"NGG" => 0.06,
"NEE" => 0.04,
"PNW" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Consumer Discretionary",
"directory" => "consumer-discretionary",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"DIS" => 0.18,
"HD" => 0.16,
"BBY" => 0.14,
"CBS" => 0.12,
"CMG" => 0.1,
"MCD" => 0.1,
"GPS" => 0.08,
"HOG" => 0.06,
"AZO" => 0.04,
"EXPE" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Consumer Staples",
"directory" => "consumer-staples",
"sector_weight" => 0.06,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"PEP" => 0.18,
"PM" => 0.16,
"PG" => 0.14,
"MNST" => 0.12,
"TSN" => 0.1,
"CPB" => 0.1,
"HRL" => 0.08,
"SJM" => 0.06,
"CAG" => 0.04,
"KHC" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Defense",
"directory" => "defense-and-aerospace",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"BA" => 0.18,
"LMT" => 0.16,
"UTX" => 0.14,
"NOC" => 0.12,
"HON" => 0.1,
"RTN" => 0.1,
"TXT" => 0.08,
"LLL" => 0.06,
"COL" => 0.04,
"GD" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Health",
"directory" => "health-care-and-pharmaceuticals",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"UNH" => 0.18,
"JNJ" => 0.16,
"PFE" => 0.14,
"UHS" => 0.12,
"AET" => 0.1,
"RMD" => 0.1,
"TMO" => 0.08,
"MRK" => 0.06,
"ABT" => 0.04,
"LLY" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Real Estate",
"directory" => "real-estate",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CCI" => 0.18,
"AMT" => 0.16,
"AVB" => 0.14,
"HCP" => 0.12,
"RCL" => 0.1,
"HST" => 0.1,
"NCLH" => 0.08,
"HLT" => 0.06,
"ARE" => 0.04,
"AIV" => 0.02,
return $sector_movers;
I'd like to thank these users for being so helpful, which I could implement some of their advices in the code.
performance beginner php file-system api
This question has an open bounty worth +50
reputation from Emma ending in 7 days.
Looking for an answer drawing from credible and/or official sources.
Could you let your IDE format the code consistently? That would free us from mentioning this boring topic in the code review.
– Roland Illig
Mar 20 at 22:32
I googled for "sublime format php" and found phpfmt, which looks promising. On that web page you just need to read the "Installation" and the "What does it do" sections. You can skip the long list of features if that looks frightening to you.
– Roland Illig
Mar 21 at 6:06
@Emma, Can you change the title to represent business requirement and not what you are doing. Ex: Creating Equity Dump?
– 422_unprocessable_entity
Mar 21 at 16:10
Please embed code directly in your question
– Mike Brant
12 mins ago
@MikeBrant Hi Mike, Thanks for your comment, I did try that though, couldn't, because of character limitation.
– Emma
8 mins ago
show 1 more comment
This is my first scripting project and I'm sure it has so many issues.
The main class, EQ
, scrapes equities data using EquityRecords
, calculates sector coefficients using
, estimates equity prices, and finally writes an HTML string in the view files. I couldn't add EQ
class in the post due to character limitation of the posts. The entire code is on this GitHub link.
The only goal is making EQ
as fast/efficient as possible for a single server. Would you be so kind and review it and kindly help me to reach this goal?
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
// EquityRecords::allEquitiesSignleJSON(new EquityRecords());
class EquityRecords
const NEW_LINE = "n";
* @var a string of iextrading symbols
const SYMBOLS_PATH = '/../../config/z-iextrading-symbs.md';
* @var a string of our symbols json directory
const SYMBOLS_DIR = "/../../blog-back/equities/real-time-60sec/z-raw-equilibrium-estimation";
* @var a string of target path and query
const TARGET_QUERY = "stock/market/batch?symbols=";
* @var a string of iextrading base URL
const BASE_URL = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/";
* @var a string of iextrading end point
const END_POINT = "&types=quote,chart&range=1m&last=10";
* @var an integer for maximum number of stocks per URL on each call
//***************** A ********************** //
// public static function getSymbols() {
// return array_map(function($line){ return str_getcsv($line, "t"); }, file(__DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_PATH));
// }
public static function getSymbols()
//***************** START: ALL SYMBOLS ARRAY ********************** //
// var: is a filename path directory, where there is an md file with list of equities
$list_of_equities_file = __DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_PATH;
// var: is content of md file with list of equities
$content_of_equities = file_get_contents($list_of_equities_file);
// var is an array(3) of equities such as: string(4) "ZYNE", string(10) "2019-01-04", string(27) "ZYNERBA PHARMACEUTICALS INC"
// $symbols_array=preg_split('/rn|r|n/', $content_of_equities);
$symbols_array = preg_split('/R/', $content_of_equities);
//***************** END: ALL SYMBOLS ARRAY ********************** //
// child and mother arrays are created to help calling equities in batches of 100, which seems to be the API limit.
$child = array();
$mother = array();
// var: is 100 counter
$limit_counter = self::NUMBER_OF_STOCKS_PER_REQUEST;
foreach ($symbols_array as $ticker_arr) {
$limit_counter = $limit_counter - 1;
$symbols_array = preg_split('/t/', $ticker_arr);
array_push($child, $symbols_array);
if ($limit_counter <= 0) {
$limit_counter = self::NUMBER_OF_STOCKS_PER_REQUEST;
array_push($mother, $child);
$child = array();
return $mother;
public static function allEquitiesSignleJSON()
$equity_arrays = EquityRecords::getSymbols();
$base_url = self::BASE_URL . self::TARGET_QUERY;
$current_time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$all_equities = array();
// ticker: AAPL, GE, AMD
foreach ($equity_arrays as $ticker_arr) {
$ticker = array_column($ticker_arr, 0);
$equity_url = $base_url . implode("%2C", $ticker) . self::END_POINT;
$raw_eauity_json = file_get_contents($equity_url);
$raw_equity_array = json_decode($raw_eauity_json, true);
$all_equities = array_merge($all_equities, $raw_equity_array);
$all_equities_json = json_encode($all_equities);
$symbols_dir = __DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_DIR;
if (!is_dir($symbols_dir)) {mkdir($symbols_dir, 0755, true);}
$raw_equity_file = $symbols_dir . "/" . $current_time . ".json";
$fp = fopen($raw_equity_file, "x+");
fwrite($fp, $all_equities_json);
echo "YAAAY! Equity JSON file success at " . __METHOD__ . " ! 💚 " . self::NEW_LINE;
* @return a string for var_dump
public static function p()
$args = func_get_args();
$die = (end($args) === 1) && array_pop($args);
echo self::NEW_LINE;
foreach ($args as $v) {
$output = print_r($v, true);
var_dump($output) . self::NEW_LINE;
echo self::NEW_LINE;
if ($die) {
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
require_once __DIR__ . "/EquityRecords.php";
class SectorMovers
* @var a string of iextrading base URL
const BASE_URL = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/";
* @var a string of target path and query
const TARGET_QUERY = "stock/market/batch?symbols=";
* @var a string for backend path for every sector
const EACH_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX = "/../../blog-back/sectors/real-time-60sec/z-raw-sector-";
* @var a string for backend path for index sector
const INDEX_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX = "/../../blog-back/sectors/real-time-60sec/y-index/";
* @var a string for live data path
const LIVE_DATA_DIR = "/../../../public_html/blog/files/";
const DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME = "s-1.txt"; // Filename that records sector coefficient JSON
public static function getSectors()
$base_url = self::BASE_URL . self::TARGET_QUERY;
$current_time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$permission = 0755;
$index_data = array("Overall" => array("sector_weight" => 1, "sector_coefficient" => 1, "sector_value" => 0));
$sector_movers = SectorMovers::iexSectorParams();
foreach ($sector_movers as $sector_mover) {
// $sector_url = $base_url . implode(",", array_keys($sector_mover["selected_tickers"])) . "&types=quote&range=1m";
$sector_url = $base_url . implode("%2C", array_keys($sector_mover["selected_tickers"])) . "&types=quote&range=1m";
$rawSectorJson = file_get_contents($sector_url);
$raw_sector_array = json_decode($rawSectorJson, true);
// ******************* Back Data ***************** //
// Write the raw file in the back directories
// $rawSectorDir = __DIR__ . self::EACH_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX . $sector_mover["directory"];
// // if back directory not exist
// if (!is_dir($rawSectorDir)) {mkdir($rawSectorDir, $permission, true);}
// // create and open/write/close sector data to back directories
// $rawSectorFile = $rawSectorDir . "/" . $current_time . ".json";
// $fp = fopen($rawSectorFile, "a+");
// fwrite($fp, $rawSectorJson);
// fclose($fp);
// ******************* End Back Data ***************** //
// Calculate the real-time index
$index_value = 0;
foreach ($raw_sector_array as $ticker => $ticker_stats) {
if (isset($sector_mover["selected_tickers"][$ticker], $ticker_stats["quote"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["extendedChangePercent"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["changePercent"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["ytdChange"])) {
$change_amount = ($ticker_stats["quote"]["extendedChangePercent"] + $ticker_stats["quote"]["changePercent"] + $ticker_stats["quote"]["ytdChange"]) / 200;
$index_value += $sector_mover["sector_weight"] * $sector_mover["selected_tickers"][$ticker] * $change_amount;
$index_data[$sector_mover["sector"]] = array("sector_weight" => $sector_mover["sector_weight"], "sector_coefficient" => $sector_mover["sector_coefficient"], "sector_value" => $index_value);
$index_data["Overall"]["sector_value"] += $index_data[$sector_mover["sector"]]["sector_value"];
// Calculate the index factor for better visibility between -1 and +1
$front_index_data = array();
foreach ($index_data as $sector_name => $sector_index_data) {
// $index_sign = $sector_index_data["sector_value"];
// if ($index_sign < 0) {
// $index_sign = - $index_sign;
// }
$index_sign = abs($sector_index_data["sector_value"]);
$index_factor = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$index_factor = pow(10, $i);
if (($index_factor * $index_sign) > 1) {
$index_factor = pow(10, $i - 1);
// $index_factor = 10 ** strlen(preg_match('~.K0+~', $float, $zeros) ? $zeros[0] : 0);
$front_index_data[$sector_name] = $sector_index_data["sector_weight"] * $sector_index_data["sector_coefficient"] * $sector_index_data["sector_value"] * $index_factor;
// Write the index file
$index_sector_dir = __DIR__ . self::INDEX_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX;
if (!is_dir($index_sector_dir)) {mkdir($index_sector_dir, $permission, true);}
$index_sector_file = $index_sector_dir . $current_time . ".json";
$index_sector_json = json_encode($front_index_data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
$fp = fopen($index_sector_file, "a+");
fwrite($fp, $index_sector_json);
$sector_dir = __DIR__ . self::LIVE_DATA_DIR;
if (!is_dir($sector_dir)) {mkdir($sector_dir, $permission, true);} // if data directory did not exist
// if s-1 file did not exist
if (!file_exists($sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME)) {
$handle = fopen($sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME, "wb");
fwrite($handle, "d");
$sector_coef_file = $sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME;
copy($index_sector_file, $sector_coef_file);
echo "YAAAY! " . __METHOD__ . " updated sector coefficients successfully 💚!n";
return $front_index_data;
public static function iexSectorParams()
$sector_movers = array(
"sector" => "IT",
"directory" => "information-technology",
"sector_weight" => 0.18,
"sector_coefficient" => 4,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"AAPL" => 0.18,
"AMZN" => 0.16,
"GOOGL" => 0.14,
"IBM" => 0.2,
"MSFT" => 0.1,
"FB" => 0.1,
"NFLX" => 0.08,
"ADBE" => 0.06,
"CRM" => 0.04,
"NVDA" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Telecommunication",
"directory" => "telecommunication-services",
"sector_weight" => 0.12,
"sector_coefficient" => 4,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"VZ" => 0.18,
"CSCO" => 0.16,
"CMCSA" => 0.14,
"T" => 0.12,
"CTL" => 0.1,
"CHTR" => 0.1,
"S" => 0.08,
"DISH" => 0.06,
"USM" => 0.04,
"VOD" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Finance",
"directory" => "financial-services",
"sector_weight" => 0.1,
"sector_coefficient" => 6,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"JPM" => 0.18,
"GS" => 0.16,
"V" => 0.14,
"BAC" => 0.12,
"AXP" => 0.1,
"WFC" => 0.1,
"USB" => 0.08,
"PNC" => 0.06,
"AMG" => 0.04,
"AIG" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Energy",
"directory" => "energy",
"sector_weight" => 0.1,
"sector_coefficient" => 6,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CVX" => 0.18,
"XOM" => 0.16,
"APA" => 0.14,
"COP" => 0.12,
"BHGE" => 0.1,
"VLO" => 0.1,
"APC" => 0.08,
"ANDV" => 0.06,
"OXY" => 0.04,
"HAL" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Industrials",
"directory" => "industrials",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CAT" => 0.18,
"FLR" => 0.16,
"GE" => 0.14,
"JEC" => 0.12,
"JCI" => 0.1,
"MAS" => 0.1,
"FLS" => 0.08,
"AAL" => 0.06,
"AME" => 0.04,
"CHRW" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Materials and Chemicals",
"directory" => "materials-and-chemicals",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"DWDP" => 0.18,
"APD" => 0.16,
"EMN" => 0.14,
"ECL" => 0.12,
"FMC" => 0.1,
"LYB" => 0.1,
"MOS" => 0.08,
"NEM" => 0.06,
"PPG" => 0.04,
"MLM" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Utilities",
"directory" => "utilities",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"PPL" => 0.18,
"PCG" => 0.16,
"SO" => 0.14,
"WEC" => 0.12,
"PEG" => 0.1,
"XEL" => 0.1,
"D" => 0.08,
"NGG" => 0.06,
"NEE" => 0.04,
"PNW" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Consumer Discretionary",
"directory" => "consumer-discretionary",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"DIS" => 0.18,
"HD" => 0.16,
"BBY" => 0.14,
"CBS" => 0.12,
"CMG" => 0.1,
"MCD" => 0.1,
"GPS" => 0.08,
"HOG" => 0.06,
"AZO" => 0.04,
"EXPE" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Consumer Staples",
"directory" => "consumer-staples",
"sector_weight" => 0.06,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"PEP" => 0.18,
"PM" => 0.16,
"PG" => 0.14,
"MNST" => 0.12,
"TSN" => 0.1,
"CPB" => 0.1,
"HRL" => 0.08,
"SJM" => 0.06,
"CAG" => 0.04,
"KHC" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Defense",
"directory" => "defense-and-aerospace",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"BA" => 0.18,
"LMT" => 0.16,
"UTX" => 0.14,
"NOC" => 0.12,
"HON" => 0.1,
"RTN" => 0.1,
"TXT" => 0.08,
"LLL" => 0.06,
"COL" => 0.04,
"GD" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Health",
"directory" => "health-care-and-pharmaceuticals",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"UNH" => 0.18,
"JNJ" => 0.16,
"PFE" => 0.14,
"UHS" => 0.12,
"AET" => 0.1,
"RMD" => 0.1,
"TMO" => 0.08,
"MRK" => 0.06,
"ABT" => 0.04,
"LLY" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Real Estate",
"directory" => "real-estate",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CCI" => 0.18,
"AMT" => 0.16,
"AVB" => 0.14,
"HCP" => 0.12,
"RCL" => 0.1,
"HST" => 0.1,
"NCLH" => 0.08,
"HLT" => 0.06,
"ARE" => 0.04,
"AIV" => 0.02,
return $sector_movers;
I'd like to thank these users for being so helpful, which I could implement some of their advices in the code.
performance beginner php file-system api
This is my first scripting project and I'm sure it has so many issues.
The main class, EQ
, scrapes equities data using EquityRecords
, calculates sector coefficients using
, estimates equity prices, and finally writes an HTML string in the view files. I couldn't add EQ
class in the post due to character limitation of the posts. The entire code is on this GitHub link.
The only goal is making EQ
as fast/efficient as possible for a single server. Would you be so kind and review it and kindly help me to reach this goal?
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
// EquityRecords::allEquitiesSignleJSON(new EquityRecords());
class EquityRecords
const NEW_LINE = "n";
* @var a string of iextrading symbols
const SYMBOLS_PATH = '/../../config/z-iextrading-symbs.md';
* @var a string of our symbols json directory
const SYMBOLS_DIR = "/../../blog-back/equities/real-time-60sec/z-raw-equilibrium-estimation";
* @var a string of target path and query
const TARGET_QUERY = "stock/market/batch?symbols=";
* @var a string of iextrading base URL
const BASE_URL = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/";
* @var a string of iextrading end point
const END_POINT = "&types=quote,chart&range=1m&last=10";
* @var an integer for maximum number of stocks per URL on each call
//***************** A ********************** //
// public static function getSymbols() {
// return array_map(function($line){ return str_getcsv($line, "t"); }, file(__DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_PATH));
// }
public static function getSymbols()
//***************** START: ALL SYMBOLS ARRAY ********************** //
// var: is a filename path directory, where there is an md file with list of equities
$list_of_equities_file = __DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_PATH;
// var: is content of md file with list of equities
$content_of_equities = file_get_contents($list_of_equities_file);
// var is an array(3) of equities such as: string(4) "ZYNE", string(10) "2019-01-04", string(27) "ZYNERBA PHARMACEUTICALS INC"
// $symbols_array=preg_split('/rn|r|n/', $content_of_equities);
$symbols_array = preg_split('/R/', $content_of_equities);
//***************** END: ALL SYMBOLS ARRAY ********************** //
// child and mother arrays are created to help calling equities in batches of 100, which seems to be the API limit.
$child = array();
$mother = array();
// var: is 100 counter
$limit_counter = self::NUMBER_OF_STOCKS_PER_REQUEST;
foreach ($symbols_array as $ticker_arr) {
$limit_counter = $limit_counter - 1;
$symbols_array = preg_split('/t/', $ticker_arr);
array_push($child, $symbols_array);
if ($limit_counter <= 0) {
$limit_counter = self::NUMBER_OF_STOCKS_PER_REQUEST;
array_push($mother, $child);
$child = array();
return $mother;
public static function allEquitiesSignleJSON()
$equity_arrays = EquityRecords::getSymbols();
$base_url = self::BASE_URL . self::TARGET_QUERY;
$current_time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$all_equities = array();
// ticker: AAPL, GE, AMD
foreach ($equity_arrays as $ticker_arr) {
$ticker = array_column($ticker_arr, 0);
$equity_url = $base_url . implode("%2C", $ticker) . self::END_POINT;
$raw_eauity_json = file_get_contents($equity_url);
$raw_equity_array = json_decode($raw_eauity_json, true);
$all_equities = array_merge($all_equities, $raw_equity_array);
$all_equities_json = json_encode($all_equities);
$symbols_dir = __DIR__ . self::SYMBOLS_DIR;
if (!is_dir($symbols_dir)) {mkdir($symbols_dir, 0755, true);}
$raw_equity_file = $symbols_dir . "/" . $current_time . ".json";
$fp = fopen($raw_equity_file, "x+");
fwrite($fp, $all_equities_json);
echo "YAAAY! Equity JSON file success at " . __METHOD__ . " ! 💚 " . self::NEW_LINE;
* @return a string for var_dump
public static function p()
$args = func_get_args();
$die = (end($args) === 1) && array_pop($args);
echo self::NEW_LINE;
foreach ($args as $v) {
$output = print_r($v, true);
var_dump($output) . self::NEW_LINE;
echo self::NEW_LINE;
if ($die) {
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
require_once __DIR__ . "/EquityRecords.php";
class SectorMovers
* @var a string of iextrading base URL
const BASE_URL = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/";
* @var a string of target path and query
const TARGET_QUERY = "stock/market/batch?symbols=";
* @var a string for backend path for every sector
const EACH_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX = "/../../blog-back/sectors/real-time-60sec/z-raw-sector-";
* @var a string for backend path for index sector
const INDEX_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX = "/../../blog-back/sectors/real-time-60sec/y-index/";
* @var a string for live data path
const LIVE_DATA_DIR = "/../../../public_html/blog/files/";
const DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME = "s-1.txt"; // Filename that records sector coefficient JSON
public static function getSectors()
$base_url = self::BASE_URL . self::TARGET_QUERY;
$current_time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$permission = 0755;
$index_data = array("Overall" => array("sector_weight" => 1, "sector_coefficient" => 1, "sector_value" => 0));
$sector_movers = SectorMovers::iexSectorParams();
foreach ($sector_movers as $sector_mover) {
// $sector_url = $base_url . implode(",", array_keys($sector_mover["selected_tickers"])) . "&types=quote&range=1m";
$sector_url = $base_url . implode("%2C", array_keys($sector_mover["selected_tickers"])) . "&types=quote&range=1m";
$rawSectorJson = file_get_contents($sector_url);
$raw_sector_array = json_decode($rawSectorJson, true);
// ******************* Back Data ***************** //
// Write the raw file in the back directories
// $rawSectorDir = __DIR__ . self::EACH_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX . $sector_mover["directory"];
// // if back directory not exist
// if (!is_dir($rawSectorDir)) {mkdir($rawSectorDir, $permission, true);}
// // create and open/write/close sector data to back directories
// $rawSectorFile = $rawSectorDir . "/" . $current_time . ".json";
// $fp = fopen($rawSectorFile, "a+");
// fwrite($fp, $rawSectorJson);
// fclose($fp);
// ******************* End Back Data ***************** //
// Calculate the real-time index
$index_value = 0;
foreach ($raw_sector_array as $ticker => $ticker_stats) {
if (isset($sector_mover["selected_tickers"][$ticker], $ticker_stats["quote"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["extendedChangePercent"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["changePercent"], $ticker_stats["quote"]["ytdChange"])) {
$change_amount = ($ticker_stats["quote"]["extendedChangePercent"] + $ticker_stats["quote"]["changePercent"] + $ticker_stats["quote"]["ytdChange"]) / 200;
$index_value += $sector_mover["sector_weight"] * $sector_mover["selected_tickers"][$ticker] * $change_amount;
$index_data[$sector_mover["sector"]] = array("sector_weight" => $sector_mover["sector_weight"], "sector_coefficient" => $sector_mover["sector_coefficient"], "sector_value" => $index_value);
$index_data["Overall"]["sector_value"] += $index_data[$sector_mover["sector"]]["sector_value"];
// Calculate the index factor for better visibility between -1 and +1
$front_index_data = array();
foreach ($index_data as $sector_name => $sector_index_data) {
// $index_sign = $sector_index_data["sector_value"];
// if ($index_sign < 0) {
// $index_sign = - $index_sign;
// }
$index_sign = abs($sector_index_data["sector_value"]);
$index_factor = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$index_factor = pow(10, $i);
if (($index_factor * $index_sign) > 1) {
$index_factor = pow(10, $i - 1);
// $index_factor = 10 ** strlen(preg_match('~.K0+~', $float, $zeros) ? $zeros[0] : 0);
$front_index_data[$sector_name] = $sector_index_data["sector_weight"] * $sector_index_data["sector_coefficient"] * $sector_index_data["sector_value"] * $index_factor;
// Write the index file
$index_sector_dir = __DIR__ . self::INDEX_SECTOR_DIR_PREFIX;
if (!is_dir($index_sector_dir)) {mkdir($index_sector_dir, $permission, true);}
$index_sector_file = $index_sector_dir . $current_time . ".json";
$index_sector_json = json_encode($front_index_data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
$fp = fopen($index_sector_file, "a+");
fwrite($fp, $index_sector_json);
$sector_dir = __DIR__ . self::LIVE_DATA_DIR;
if (!is_dir($sector_dir)) {mkdir($sector_dir, $permission, true);} // if data directory did not exist
// if s-1 file did not exist
if (!file_exists($sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME)) {
$handle = fopen($sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME, "wb");
fwrite($handle, "d");
$sector_coef_file = $sector_dir . self::DIR_FRONT_SECTOR_COEF_FILENAME;
copy($index_sector_file, $sector_coef_file);
echo "YAAAY! " . __METHOD__ . " updated sector coefficients successfully 💚!n";
return $front_index_data;
public static function iexSectorParams()
$sector_movers = array(
"sector" => "IT",
"directory" => "information-technology",
"sector_weight" => 0.18,
"sector_coefficient" => 4,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"AAPL" => 0.18,
"AMZN" => 0.16,
"GOOGL" => 0.14,
"IBM" => 0.2,
"MSFT" => 0.1,
"FB" => 0.1,
"NFLX" => 0.08,
"ADBE" => 0.06,
"CRM" => 0.04,
"NVDA" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Telecommunication",
"directory" => "telecommunication-services",
"sector_weight" => 0.12,
"sector_coefficient" => 4,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"VZ" => 0.18,
"CSCO" => 0.16,
"CMCSA" => 0.14,
"T" => 0.12,
"CTL" => 0.1,
"CHTR" => 0.1,
"S" => 0.08,
"DISH" => 0.06,
"USM" => 0.04,
"VOD" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Finance",
"directory" => "financial-services",
"sector_weight" => 0.1,
"sector_coefficient" => 6,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"JPM" => 0.18,
"GS" => 0.16,
"V" => 0.14,
"BAC" => 0.12,
"AXP" => 0.1,
"WFC" => 0.1,
"USB" => 0.08,
"PNC" => 0.06,
"AMG" => 0.04,
"AIG" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Energy",
"directory" => "energy",
"sector_weight" => 0.1,
"sector_coefficient" => 6,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CVX" => 0.18,
"XOM" => 0.16,
"APA" => 0.14,
"COP" => 0.12,
"BHGE" => 0.1,
"VLO" => 0.1,
"APC" => 0.08,
"ANDV" => 0.06,
"OXY" => 0.04,
"HAL" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Industrials",
"directory" => "industrials",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CAT" => 0.18,
"FLR" => 0.16,
"GE" => 0.14,
"JEC" => 0.12,
"JCI" => 0.1,
"MAS" => 0.1,
"FLS" => 0.08,
"AAL" => 0.06,
"AME" => 0.04,
"CHRW" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Materials and Chemicals",
"directory" => "materials-and-chemicals",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"DWDP" => 0.18,
"APD" => 0.16,
"EMN" => 0.14,
"ECL" => 0.12,
"FMC" => 0.1,
"LYB" => 0.1,
"MOS" => 0.08,
"NEM" => 0.06,
"PPG" => 0.04,
"MLM" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Utilities",
"directory" => "utilities",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"PPL" => 0.18,
"PCG" => 0.16,
"SO" => 0.14,
"WEC" => 0.12,
"PEG" => 0.1,
"XEL" => 0.1,
"D" => 0.08,
"NGG" => 0.06,
"NEE" => 0.04,
"PNW" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Consumer Discretionary",
"directory" => "consumer-discretionary",
"sector_weight" => 0.08,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"DIS" => 0.18,
"HD" => 0.16,
"BBY" => 0.14,
"CBS" => 0.12,
"CMG" => 0.1,
"MCD" => 0.1,
"GPS" => 0.08,
"HOG" => 0.06,
"AZO" => 0.04,
"EXPE" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Consumer Staples",
"directory" => "consumer-staples",
"sector_weight" => 0.06,
"sector_coefficient" => 8,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"PEP" => 0.18,
"PM" => 0.16,
"PG" => 0.14,
"MNST" => 0.12,
"TSN" => 0.1,
"CPB" => 0.1,
"HRL" => 0.08,
"SJM" => 0.06,
"CAG" => 0.04,
"KHC" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Defense",
"directory" => "defense-and-aerospace",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"BA" => 0.18,
"LMT" => 0.16,
"UTX" => 0.14,
"NOC" => 0.12,
"HON" => 0.1,
"RTN" => 0.1,
"TXT" => 0.08,
"LLL" => 0.06,
"COL" => 0.04,
"GD" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Health",
"directory" => "health-care-and-pharmaceuticals",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"UNH" => 0.18,
"JNJ" => 0.16,
"PFE" => 0.14,
"UHS" => 0.12,
"AET" => 0.1,
"RMD" => 0.1,
"TMO" => 0.08,
"MRK" => 0.06,
"ABT" => 0.04,
"LLY" => 0.02,
"sector" => "Real Estate",
"directory" => "real-estate",
"sector_weight" => 0.04,
"sector_coefficient" => 10,
"selected_tickers" => array(
"CCI" => 0.18,
"AMT" => 0.16,
"AVB" => 0.14,
"HCP" => 0.12,
"RCL" => 0.1,
"HST" => 0.1,
"NCLH" => 0.08,
"HLT" => 0.06,
"ARE" => 0.04,
"AIV" => 0.02,
return $sector_movers;
I'd like to thank these users for being so helpful, which I could implement some of their advices in the code.
performance beginner php file-system api
performance beginner php file-system api
edited 5 mins ago
asked Mar 16 at 5:50
This question has an open bounty worth +50
reputation from Emma ending in 7 days.
Looking for an answer drawing from credible and/or official sources.
This question has an open bounty worth +50
reputation from Emma ending in 7 days.
Looking for an answer drawing from credible and/or official sources.
Could you let your IDE format the code consistently? That would free us from mentioning this boring topic in the code review.
– Roland Illig
Mar 20 at 22:32
I googled for "sublime format php" and found phpfmt, which looks promising. On that web page you just need to read the "Installation" and the "What does it do" sections. You can skip the long list of features if that looks frightening to you.
– Roland Illig
Mar 21 at 6:06
@Emma, Can you change the title to represent business requirement and not what you are doing. Ex: Creating Equity Dump?
– 422_unprocessable_entity
Mar 21 at 16:10
Please embed code directly in your question
– Mike Brant
12 mins ago
@MikeBrant Hi Mike, Thanks for your comment, I did try that though, couldn't, because of character limitation.
– Emma
8 mins ago
show 1 more comment
Could you let your IDE format the code consistently? That would free us from mentioning this boring topic in the code review.
– Roland Illig
Mar 20 at 22:32
I googled for "sublime format php" and found phpfmt, which looks promising. On that web page you just need to read the "Installation" and the "What does it do" sections. You can skip the long list of features if that looks frightening to you.
– Roland Illig
Mar 21 at 6:06
@Emma, Can you change the title to represent business requirement and not what you are doing. Ex: Creating Equity Dump?
– 422_unprocessable_entity
Mar 21 at 16:10
Please embed code directly in your question
– Mike Brant
12 mins ago
@MikeBrant Hi Mike, Thanks for your comment, I did try that though, couldn't, because of character limitation.
– Emma
8 mins ago
Could you let your IDE format the code consistently? That would free us from mentioning this boring topic in the code review.
– Roland Illig
Mar 20 at 22:32
Could you let your IDE format the code consistently? That would free us from mentioning this boring topic in the code review.
– Roland Illig
Mar 20 at 22:32
I googled for "sublime format php" and found phpfmt, which looks promising. On that web page you just need to read the "Installation" and the "What does it do" sections. You can skip the long list of features if that looks frightening to you.
– Roland Illig
Mar 21 at 6:06
I googled for "sublime format php" and found phpfmt, which looks promising. On that web page you just need to read the "Installation" and the "What does it do" sections. You can skip the long list of features if that looks frightening to you.
– Roland Illig
Mar 21 at 6:06
@Emma, Can you change the title to represent business requirement and not what you are doing. Ex: Creating Equity Dump?
– 422_unprocessable_entity
Mar 21 at 16:10
@Emma, Can you change the title to represent business requirement and not what you are doing. Ex: Creating Equity Dump?
– 422_unprocessable_entity
Mar 21 at 16:10
Please embed code directly in your question
– Mike Brant
12 mins ago
Please embed code directly in your question
– Mike Brant
12 mins ago
@MikeBrant Hi Mike, Thanks for your comment, I did try that though, couldn't, because of character limitation.
– Emma
8 mins ago
@MikeBrant Hi Mike, Thanks for your comment, I did try that though, couldn't, because of character limitation.
– Emma
8 mins ago
show 1 more comment
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Could you let your IDE format the code consistently? That would free us from mentioning this boring topic in the code review.
– Roland Illig
Mar 20 at 22:32
I googled for "sublime format php" and found phpfmt, which looks promising. On that web page you just need to read the "Installation" and the "What does it do" sections. You can skip the long list of features if that looks frightening to you.
– Roland Illig
Mar 21 at 6:06
@Emma, Can you change the title to represent business requirement and not what you are doing. Ex: Creating Equity Dump?
– 422_unprocessable_entity
Mar 21 at 16:10
Please embed code directly in your question
– Mike Brant
12 mins ago
@MikeBrant Hi Mike, Thanks for your comment, I did try that though, couldn't, because of character limitation.
– Emma
8 mins ago